Large or larger enemy that rolls through an occupied square

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

I'm sorry if this has been addressed before, but searching for about rolls in a dice based game brings many results that don't exactly narrow down my results.

My question: If a larger enemy, let's say a T-Rex, decided to lay down and roll towards a medium or smaller enemy, what would I roll? I'm assuming it would be an over run combat maneuver, but that doesn't quite seem to fit. Would this inflict crushing damage?

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

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Does the monster have the Trample special quality? If so, do that.

Does the monster have overrun skills (Improved Overrun)? If so, do that.

None of the above? Do an untrained Overrun to knock them prone. No damage.

Look up the rules for Overrun.

Also use a bit of common sense. T-Rexs are not built to rollup like an armadillo. They're running hunters. They chase their prey down and grab with a bite. They can overrun, but they'll generally stop at the nearest thing that looks like a meal.

sonic the ankylosaurus?

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