Kobold Scaled Disciple Build help


So i recently found out about the Scaled disciple after remembering dragon disciple was a thing. and well i wanted to make one, thing is i kind of also want to do this idea using the Scaled Disciple. turning a Kobold into kind of a Miniature dragon because i think that would be awesome.

I'm thinking oracle as the base class because well oracle is a class i'm comfortable with. Arguably the most comfortable class for me.

That's honestly about all i got for information on what i want to do, and well i need ideas. the only thing is it has to use Scaled Disciple somehow, Kobold is a way as it is one of there feats on the other hand despite my love for kobolds i know they suck.

if anyone needs to know any more information i might not have been able to think of and list here.

There's a Dragon Oracle Mystery in the new Legacy of Dragons Player Companion book that might fit your character concept.

I just threw one of these at my players, it was fun.

Legacy of Dragons has new Oracle stuff, like a curse whose only real drawback seems to be that it requires you to wear non-magical bling (valued at 1,950 gp for a 20th level character) as well as a Dragon oracle mystery with cool dragon themed abilities.

White Kobolds get +1 inherent bonuses to their CHA via Classic Monsters Revisited

It's not clear if Dragon Affinity (Inner Sea Races) would apply to your Dragon Disciple spellcasting once you get it.

well then i guess i wait until those get added to the d20psrd. though i guess the point here is more making a Kobold that does dragon esq things.

is a more physical based dragon disciple possible? like focus on fighter with a minor sorcerer dip or something?

Bloodrager into DD id the physical way to go.

Inquisitor qualifies for Scaled Disciple, yeah? Just do that.

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