Ammon Knight of Ragathiel |

So i recently found out about the Scaled disciple after remembering dragon disciple was a thing. and well i wanted to make one, thing is i kind of also want to do this idea using the Scaled Disciple. turning a Kobold into kind of a Miniature dragon because i think that would be awesome.
I'm thinking oracle as the base class because well oracle is a class i'm comfortable with. Arguably the most comfortable class for me.
That's honestly about all i got for information on what i want to do, and well i need ideas. the only thing is it has to use Scaled Disciple somehow, Kobold is a way as it is one of there feats on the other hand despite my love for kobolds i know they suck.

master_marshmallow |

I just threw one of these at my players, it was fun.
Legacy of Dragons has new Oracle stuff, like a curse whose only real drawback seems to be that it requires you to wear non-magical bling (valued at 1,950 gp for a 20th level character) as well as a Dragon oracle mystery with cool dragon themed abilities.
White Kobolds get +1 inherent bonuses to their CHA via Classic Monsters Revisited
It's not clear if Dragon Affinity (Inner Sea Races) would apply to your Dragon Disciple spellcasting once you get it.