Heroes of the Valley (Homebrew setting, campaign)


With a successful gathering behind them, the council and the houses are agreed- it is time for the valley to move together in force, strike back, and reclaim house Gisli’s ruins from the winter. A brave team of scouts will venture forth first, battling and discovering the threads which have slithered and battered their way onto the land since the winter, then lead the rebuilding before the house’s members can return proper. As the party climb atop their own Battle Hill, will they be able to defend against the forces and treacheries of the winter?

Wotcher; a text-based campaign over Skype has finished its first chapter and we're onto the second, but we've had a drop out. Recruiting one or two people. Current game time is 7pm AEST Monday (Sunday Evening for Americanskis) but can switch to Friday or a different week day (American Time).

Campaign Page should summarize matters, but I'll reproduce the build rules below for clarity's sake. Also, do read the setting document.

Build Rules:
Level: 4
Point Buy: 25
HP: Max first, average hitpoints per level rounded up thereafter.
Skill Points: Unchained Background Skills.
Traits: 2 traits, one can be any relevant campaign trait. One optional drawback.
Races: Core + Featured.
Alignment: Any.
Wealth: Standard WBL.
Materials: Any Paizo-made material on D20pfsrd. My homebrew is also allowed; archetypes for Magus, Cleric, Inquisitor, Bard. Path of War allowed.
Valley Character Rules

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