Advices for a support alchemist build.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hi, I want some help with a build I'm trying to make. An alchemist support who will also gonna be the trap spotter of the group
(Mummy's mask adventure path ).

I just fear that my concept and build will not do well in combat situation. I don't wanna destroy all the encounters either. If you have some advices for me that would be great.

Race: Human
Classes: Alchemist (chirurgeon/internal alchemist)/unchained rogue (underground chemist)

(20 pts build)

Feats: Iron will, (?)
Traits: scholar of philosophy, (?) (?)
drawback: meticulous

1: alchemist 1 ( Breath mastery, bomb, mutagen, alchemy,brew potion)
2: rogue 1 ( finesse weapon, trapfinding, sneak attack )
3: alchemist 2 ( infused healing discovery (?) )
4: rogue 2 (rogue talent trap spotter, add int to all splash weapon)
5: rogue 3 ( sneak 2d6, danger sense +1 and finesse training aka dex to damage with 1 weapon )
6: rogue 4 (Uncanny dodge, debilitating ability, precise splash weapon aka add sneak attack dam to splash weapon)
7+: alchemist

What do you think? Maybe I just want to do too much stuff with my character?

Not sure Rogue does much for you here.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Secret Wizard wrote:
Not sure Rogue does much for you here.

A minimum damage output in melee and a good debuff at lvl 4? More importantly it give me a way to disable magic traps and spot them. Also the sneak attack to splash weapons sort of compensate the low damage my bomb would do with multiclassing. Any suggestions?

If you were only looking for an alchemist build dedicated to trapfinding, the trap breaker does a phenomenal job, and someone in the Mummy's Mask campaign I'm currently running is using one to excellent effect.

Otherwise I think you're trying to do too broad a focus - healing, sneak attacks on bombs, and trapfinding. Not that it can't be done, but I think it can be done more efficiently. Losing Throw Anything hurts, as well as 2 levels of Alchemist to gain Chemical Weapons from Underground Chemist.

My recommendation would be to put aside the Rogue levels and take the trap finder campaign trait from, what do you know, Mummy's Mask! Taking out bombs leaves something of a void, of course, but a good way to make up for that would be taking the vivisectionist archetype as well, which appears that it SHOULD stack with both chirurgeon and internal alchemist. Of course in the flavor text it states how different the outlooks of a chirurgeon are versus a vivisectionist, however I think it's perfectly logical to have a master of the surgical arts (which your character seems to be aspiring to) not only be perfectly aware of how to heal people, but to also hurt them. After all, medicine in a big enough dose is poison.

Those are my thoughts on the build, anyway, and I hope it helps.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Nargemn wrote:

If you were only looking for an alchemist build dedicated to trapfinding, the trap breaker does a phenomenal job, and someone in the Mummy's Mask campaign I'm currently running is using one to excellent effect.

Otherwise I think you're trying to do too broad a focus - healing, sneak attacks on bombs, and trapfinding. Not that it can't be done, but I think it can be done more efficiently. Losing Throw Anything hurts, as well as 2 levels of Alchemist to gain Chemical Weapons from Underground Chemist.

My recommendation would be to put aside the Rogue levels and take the trap finder campaign trait from, what do you know, Mummy's Mask! Taking out bombs leaves something of a void, of course, but a good way to make up for that would be taking the vivisectionist archetype as well, which appears that it SHOULD stack with both chirurgeon and internal alchemist. Of course in the flavor text it states how different the outlooks of a chirurgeon are versus a vivisectionist, however I think it's perfectly logical to have a master of the surgical arts (which your character seems to be aspiring to) not only be perfectly aware of how to heal people, but to also hurt them. After all, medicine in a big enough dose is poison.

Those are my thoughts on the build, anyway, and I hope it helps.

Thanks for the advices. I'm also struggling for my feats progression and I want to avoid two-weapon fighting if possible.

Another option to consider is straight investigator. I am playing one in mummy's mask and can make all of the skill checks for the party which is probably more important than trapfinding (which he also has).

Honestly, I'd just stick with a plain old unarchetyped alchemist. Now, I do not know much about Mummy's mask, but I'm going to make some assumptions about the AP.

-Undead (Mummies)

Now, what does a regular alchemist with the Trap Finding trait do? Traps. Bombs swarms. Becomes immune to poison. As for the undead, and party support, Healing Bombs takes care of that completely. Healing bombs and Infusion as your discoveries provides your party with a huge amount of support. Especially since Healing bombs both damage the dead and heal the living, unlike channeling where you must pick one or the other.

The bombs do not need to be your main method of attack, just a back-up and a support vehicle. That means you can focus more on melee combat with mutagen.

This works if you just wanted to go with Internal Alchemist, which works even as a human. Losing throw anything doesn't matter if your bombs are just supplementary and you get bonuses vs Diseases which mummy's are known to cause.

Heck, as a human, you can even take Throw Anything as a feat. You won't get Int to bomb damage but you gain the benefits of accuracy with your bombs for when you really need it. As for other feats, you can take extra discovery over and over again which will help flesh out your versatility.

The main problem you will run into is that without a focus on bombs you will deal no damage with your build. 10 strength and 15 dex is a pretty terrible build for melee unless you plan on going for a Feral Mutagen/Piranha Strike build. That is an easy fix though, since as a human you can set up Weapon Finesse and Piranha strike as your first two feats and then at level 2 you can take Feral Mutagen to go for 3 hits a round with a little bonus damage on top.

Silver Crusade

A Crypt Breaker Alchemist is well suited for Mummy's Mask. You can combine with Chirurgeon if you want.

Don't forget that alchemists can use wands, so you don't need to depend on your extracts or even necessarily your bombs for healing - you can just grab a wand of cure light wounds.

miath wrote:

Thanks for the advices. I'm also struggling for my feats progression and I want to avoid two-weapon fighting if possible.

Yeah, skip two-weapon fighting. You have a limit amount of bombs as it is. Also, once you experience the power of haste+rapid shot+attacks from BAB (using fast bombs). You'll see that two-weapon fighting is just overkill anyway.

Even with a supportive role I would pick up offensive feats and discoveries and let the support come from infusion to give out extracts to the party members before or after combat.

Here's the feats I would always take while using bombs:
Point-Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Splash Weapon Mastery (3 feats in one, really good)
Rapid Shot
Extra Discovery

I highly recommend these discoveries:
Infusion (must have for support role)
Precise Bombs (transform the crazy alchemist who hurt the group to a responsible party member)
Explosive Bomb (incredible AoE and high damage, this together with Splash Weapon Mastery where you can pick one extra splash square often allows you to splash damage a big part of the combat field)
Frost Bomb (for those nasty fire immune mobs)
Force Bomb (I picked this at level 13 and asked myself why I didn't pick it earlier, at that level mobs were often immune to both fire and cold)
Fast Bombs (lvl 8)
Sticky Bomb (lvl 10) (straight up damage boost)
Healing Bomb (since you want to go support role, but don't force you to take it, since the healing isn't that great and a round where one of the most offensive characters in the group isn't dealing damage can be a wasted round, you can always give out potions of healing after combat).

Trap finder
Focused Burn

Trap Breaker

Pick up a crossbow for early levels but eventually go out of fashion. At lower levels I used a stash of Flasks of Acid when I ran low of bombs also.
Really are not any items alchemist-only items you drool over but an a headband of intelligence +6 add insane amount of power to the class so save all money to get it as early as possible.

Alchemical allocation is perhaps the best "spell" in the game. So save or craft atleast one copy of all elixirs and potions you can find. For example, Elixir of Shadewalk is re-usable ghetto teleport for only 3500 gp.
Remember to leave one or two extract slots open for each spell level for utility purpose.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Nord wrote:
miath wrote:

Thanks for the advices. I'm also struggling for my feats progression and I want to avoid two-weapon fighting if possible.

Yeah, skip two-weapon fighting. You have a limit amount of bombs as it is. Also, once you experience the power of haste+rapid shot+attacks from BAB (using fast bombs). You'll see that two-weapon fighting is just overkill anyway.

Even with a supportive role I would pick up offensive feats and discoveries and let the support come from infusion to give out extracts to the party members before or after combat.

Here's the feats I would always take while using bombs:
Point-Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Splash Weapon Mastery (3 feats in one, really good)
Rapid Shot
Extra Discovery

I highly recommend these discoveries:
Infusion (must have for support role)
Precise Bombs (transform the crazy alchemist who hurt the group to a responsible party member)
Explosive Bomb (incredible AoE and high damage, this together with Splash Weapon Mastery where you can pick one extra splash square often allows you to splash damage a big part of the combat field)
Frost Bomb (for those nasty fire immune mobs)
Force Bomb (I picked this at level 13 and asked myself why I didn't pick it earlier, at that level mobs were often immune to both fire and cold)
Fast Bombs (lvl 8)
Sticky Bomb (lvl 10) (straight up damage boost)
Healing Bomb (since you want to go support role, but don't force you to take it, since the healing isn't that great and a round where one of the most offensive characters in the group isn't dealing damage can be a wasted round, you can always give out potions of healing after combat).

Trap finder
Focused Burn

Trap Breaker

Pick up a crossbow for early levels but eventually go out of fashion. At lower levels I used a stash of Flasks of Acid when I ran low of bombs also.
Really are not any items alchemist-only items you drool over but an a headband of intelligence +6 add insane amount of power to the class so save all money...

Thank you for all your advices. I begin mummy's mask tommorrow. I'm glad to have a better idea for my alchemist build

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