Would a pistol twirling rogue be viable.


So the Idea was to take Pistol Phenom at second level as my free archetype and and use four air repeaters via the Gunner's Bandolier to help get around the reload problem.

Assuming I got GM approval to combine the effects of Pistol Twirl and Scoundrel Racket would this be viable?

Pistol Phenom:
You catch an opponent off-guard by spinning your weapon. You gain the Pistol Twirl gunslinger feat, enabling you to Feint against creatures within your weapon's first range increment. This otherwise serves as Pistol Twirl for the purpose of meeting prerequisites, although as normal, it doesn't count as another pistol phenom feat for the purpose of meeting Pistol Phenom Dedication's special entry and taking another archetype. Whenever you Feint with a one-handed firearm, you can choose to attempt a Performance check instead of a Deception check

Gunner's Bandolier:
This incredibly spacious bandolier can hold up to 4 one-handed crossbows or firearms that take no more than 1 action to completely reload (typically meaning that weapons with the capacity or repeating traits won't fit in the bandolier's holsters). A gunner's bandolier can be etched with runes as though it were a ranged weapon. When you invest the gunner's bandolier, you can attune it to each of the 4 weapons holstered in it.

Activate Single Action envision; Effect You empower one of the attuned weapons in the bandolier, granting it the runes etched onto the gunner's bandolier and removing the runes from any previously drawn weapon. Then, you Interact to draw the weapon.

Activate Three Actions envision; Effect All weapons that were attuned to the bandolier when you invested it, not including any weapons you're currently wielding, return to the bandolier, and one of the returned weapons is automatically reloaded.

Pistol Twirl:
Requirements You're wielding a loaded one-handed ranged weapon.
Your quick gestures and flair for performance distract your opponent, leaving it vulnerable to your follow-up attacks. You Feint against an opponent within the required weapon's first range increment, rather than an opponent within melee reach. If you succeed, the foe is flat-footed against your melee and ranged attacks, rather than only your melee attacks. On a critical failure, you're flat-footed against the target's melee and ranged attacks, rather than only its melee attacks.

Scoundrel Racket:
You use fast-talking, flattery, and a silver tongue to avoid danger and escape tricky situations. You might be a grifter or con artist, traveling from place to place with a new story or scheme. Your racket is also ideal for certain reputable professions, like barrister, diplomat, or politician.

When you successfully Feint, the target is flat-footed against melee attacks you attempt against it until the end of your next turn. On a critical success, the target is flat-footed against all melee attacks until the end of your next turn, not just yours.

You’re trained in Deception and Diplomacy. You can choose Charisma as your key ability score.

Note: I finished writing this and then noticed the requirement for the bandolier. So assuming you got GM permission for that too/instead of.

Liberty's Edge

You put your post in the wrong forum (3pp products). You should put it in the PF2 / Advice forum to get answers ;-)

I flagged it so that the mods put it in the proper forum.

Everything seems OK to me in what you described.

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For some reason, this made me think of a White Haired Witch who was a literal moustache twirling baddie!

Sovereign Court Director of Community

Moved to Pathfinder/Advice

Scoundrels with pistol twirl are nice. I would prefer a air repeater considering sneak attacks are much better with agile and you wouldn't need to mess with a bandolier.

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