Rewarding good players



Just curious what methods or ideas you use to reward really good players. As a very long time DM, who writes my own material, my motivation for creativity can really ebb and flow with the efforts of my players. I have never been one for punishing players- if they don't make much of an effort and sit around texting most of the night then my players generally sort that out. I speak up if some players get obnoxious- which happens as the bulk of my players are college students! :)

So what ideas have you effectively used to reward good players. I have given bonus XP in the past but what usually happens is we have someone who is a session or two ahead of the rest of the party with progression and the session has to stop and wait for them to level up instead of when the group does it all at once. XP definitely works, but there are some quirks.

I have also randomly given out free books or miniatures- usually a box of the new minis or a new hardcover book, as a reward for good players. We show up to the session and I just announce before the session that I am offering a reward of such and such book for excellent gaming. everyone votes at the end of the session (my vote as DM counts as double ;) and the winner takes it home.

About a decade ago I told my group that anyone who came in costume would get a bonus magic item for the October "Halloween" game session. Sure enough, several people came in costume and it has now become a tradition where several of my female players really come as cool looking witches and we vote on best costume and stuff like that. They also get a free magic item.

I recently thought of awarding a free feat to a player or two for good roleplaying. I have considered doing this maybe every 3 or 4 months.

So what works for you?? I know this topic has probably been covered before but Im new here and ask your forgiveness :)

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You could get some "chips" that you give to good roll players that can either
a) let them re-roll a once before the affect is determined

b) It gives them a +1 to any one die roll

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You can always use the inspiration mechanic that D&D 5e has, with a little twist. 5e says that for good players (especially the ones who roleplay well), you can let them roll twice on a skill check, attack roll, or saving throw and take the better result. In my opinion, that's a little much, so it's probably a little better to just add a 1d6 to their roll. This will let good players feel rewarded for being good players.

AwesomelyEpic wrote:
You can always use the inspiration mechanic that D&D 5e has, with a little twist. 5e says that for good players (especially the ones who roleplay well), you can let them roll twice on a skill check, attack roll, or saving throw and take the better result. In my opinion, that's a little much, so it's probably a little better to just add a 1d6 to their roll. This will let good players feel rewarded for being good players.

Yeah, I have definitely considered that as well- like your d6 option.

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AwesomelyEpic wrote:
You can always use the inspiration mechanic that D&D 5e has, with a little twist. 5e says that for good players (especially the ones who roleplay well), you can let them roll twice on a skill check, attack roll, or saving throw and take the better result. In my opinion, that's a little much, so it's probably a little better to just add a 1d6 to their roll. This will let good players feel rewarded for being good players.

Unfortunately abilities like this already exist in Pathfinder, and employing them like that takes away from those options' overall value.

Devaluation of options in my opinion, is not a good choice, and it could inadvertently punish players who otherwise would have considered or maybe even already have or have considered those options.

No matter what, on the basis of not treating players equally at all times, someone is going to feel excluded. Punishing bad decisions in game leads to good behavior, rewarding good decisions or role playing creates tension and imbalance among the table.

Any rewards you give should be universal to the group, as in the entire team gets a unique item, special ability, social status, or other reward you can think of. This encourages teamwork and for everyone to be a team player.

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I've always felt that the reward for good roleplaying was fun and enjoyment.

Bribing them to play well doesn't seem necessary or even useful, at the most I would have the effects be purely 'in game' if they give a good speech to the Mayor a circumstance bonus on diplomacy and stuff like that.

It is also important to make sure you aren't 'rewarding' unfairly. Some people are going to be more comfortable being outgoing in certain ways, more able to dramatize their character or just better at making convincing arguments. These talents usually provide their own rewards without you making any special effort, singling them out for special rewards not only adds an advantage to someone who already has one, but can be very discouraging and disheartening for less socially skilled players, who might already be making quite an effort just to participate.

So personally I think GM rewards such as you are talking about are mostly a pretty bad idea. Some things like the costumes for a special occasion are a fine idea (although I'm not sure that a reward is necessary, quite a few people generally find going to social events in costume fun without any reward during that time of year.)

Rewarding good player doesn't work. It just create more problem. The biggest issue is what a GM thinks is a good player may not be what the players think it is. So the GM starts throwing out arbitrary rewards.

Communication is key. If you have good roleplayer use them inspiration to other. Point it out and people will learn and grow.

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I support the idea of group rewards. Teamwork is key in this type of gaming. Otherwise we are playing video games. You can talk with your group and let them know that should they work together their may be extra rewards for the whole party. This encourages teamwork versus saying that there will be single person bonuses. This could make the game to competitive or, as mentioned previously, cause bitter feelings.

I have found letting them play the characters that they want and weaving their personal plots into the overarching plot is helpful for getting good roleplay out of them. So long as everyone is having fun then we as a group are happy and that is reward enough for us. Work with your player to find ways to get them invested in their characters and other players characters.

Alternatively one option that i did not see mentioned their is just to tell them that they did great that session. You could have a little chat either after the session or before the next one. Either with each person or as a group. This could easily be a good time to praise all of your players. Along with offering advice or constructive criticism. This does not disrupt the game play or unbalance anything but people are still 'rewarded'.

I have a few veteran players and two very new ones and this is the method we have been utilizing to minor degrees. When someone does something really dumb or fails horribly but it turns out funny it becomes a running joke. While when someone makes good tactical decisions or is really in tune with their character we let them know.

Hero Points for audacious RP or mutually enjoyed moments can work if you have the right group.

@voska66 makes a great point if you highlight good RP when it happens it is more likely to happen.

Its often said that hero movies hinge on good villains. If you want good RP and players to hit back with style you have to bring them flavorful and varied enemies. Have NPCs and monsters who respond to player interaction. Even if combat starts give the NPCs real heart and emotion. Showing what determined NPCs can do teaches PCs what they can do.

Hero points are a very good way to reward them, as are untyped bonuses to skill checks roleplayed well.

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Yea definitely go with hero points! But you are incredibly kind to actually buy your player a book or box of minis, I'd kill to play for a dm like that lol xD in my group of friends I've bought like 90% of our books and minis

Dark Archive

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In one game I played in, we had cards about 200 different ones. (Like buff cards) with a random benefit on them.

(a one time or for the session +1 to +5 on saves, skill checks or attack rolls, a one time Critical hit or Critical confirmation, a random 1st to 5th lvl potion, scroll or other 1 use item, a random LG guard for sleep/ camping or a Mount-Last 6-24hrs, a piece of equipment or building materials, gems, gold, and Re-rolls.)

Or save them for a permanent skill point, experience or an ability point.

In another game we had an encounter scale. that worked with lead pebbles. ever time there was meta-gaming at the table. the GM would roll a d10 and take the number of pebbles. for Good rp, we could get a d6. for a good success, sometimes a critical hit for a d4/d3/d2. and the scale would administer justice by it's balance of +1 to 3 in our favor or the GM

Thank you all for the really kind ideas. Everyone is touching on topics that I have mulled over as well- I do have one or two players who are a bit reserved and agree that for them, simply getting to the table to play is overcoming a large obstacle for them personally.

I have wrestled with the notion that rewarding good players can lead to some imbalance and/or bitterness. So far, I haven't seen any evidence of that. Usually what happens is the group is very happy for whomever gets the reward. Again though, that could be me just seeing what I want to see.

I only do player rewards 3-4 times a year- it isn't a very frequent thing. We do give verbal affirmation as well, I was just looking for some ideas a little beyond that. My 20 year old son just started GMing a SW game and I write up a players log and email it to everyone after every session to add some flavor to the game. I do that to sort of show some of the things good players do. It keeps him excited and motivated and the quality of the campaign he is creating is really solid which is a win for me as a player.

Thank you everyone for the ideas- I'll have to check out the buffdeck as well- that is cool.

Declindgrunt- you are welcome to come game with us and I will give you a vote for player of the session to hopefully win a book or minis! :)

Hero points for truly outstanding RP.

I try to do a write up of every session and point out something good each player did, though. I think a little encouragement goes a long way.

The Exchange

Have a look at the affirmations you'll find in Unchained: they're an excellent way to say "the powers of good" (or chaos, or whatever) "approve." You may also want to look at Ultimate Campaign's reputation system to grant 'rewards' from less exalted sources - in particular, the way rep can be spent for in-game benefits, varying from "I know a guy who can help us" up to "I'm the law in this town."

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