Brie Larson is Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel!!


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Sovereign Court

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I'm kinda sad we're still not getting MODOK.

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I think VM7 meant Advanced Idea Mechanics or whatever they call themselves these days.

Edit: Argh, darn tengu ninjas and being distracted by chatting with webhosting support.

I'm not sure about the Dire Wraiths + Microverse connection either, but the Micronauts and Rom are part of Hasbro's shared universe now. IDW comics did some crossovers within it recently.

Marvel/Disney can't use the name "Microverse" or anything in the Micronauts toy line anymore, so it's now called the Quantum Realm. They can apparently use any IP created by Marvel Comics, like Bug, Rann, Marionette, and most of the Spaceknights.

Hama wrote:
I'm kinda sad we're still not getting MODOK.

I'd like to see M.O.D.O.K. in the MCU in a new season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (I hate typing these dotted acronyms) along with some NEXTWAVE core characters. Or in a swear-happy violent NEXTWAVE series on Disney+ or Hulu (along with a non-sanitized continuation of the non kid-friendly Netflix MCU shows). I could do without seeing M.O.D.A.A.K. or the extra-skeevy B.R.O.D.O.K. though.

Sovereign Court

Hells no. I'd like to see him in a movie.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I think VM7 meant Advanced Idea Mechanics or whatever they call themselves these days.

Edit: Argh, darn tengu ninjas and being distracted by chatting with webhosting support.

I'm not sure about the Dire Wraiths + Microverse connection either, but the Micronauts and Rom are part of Hasbro's shared universe now. IDW comics did some crossovers within it recently.

Marvel/Disney can't use the name "Microverse" or anything in the Micronauts toy line anymore, so it's now called the Quantum Realm. They can apparently use any IP created by Marvel Comics, like Bug, Rann, Marionette, and most of the Spaceknights.

There was some legal hassle over Dire Wraiths a year or two ago. Seems to have been settled out of court, but I couldn't find details.

I think both Marvel and Hasbro are currently able to use Dire Wraiths, though the Hasbro version is very different from the Marvel one - beyond the basics of the name and shape-shifting. It was all pretty much created by Marvel.

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MODOK never left much of impression on me outside of just being a nice bit of weirdness visually. I'd like to see the MCU embrace more of its weirdness from its comics history.

I'm mostly just spitballing villains to pop up in a live-action version of Ellis/Immonen NEXTWAVE with Monica Rambeau and Boom-Boom. And/or a live-action Fraction/Wu Kate Bishop show.

Ellis reminds me that Garth Ennis is having his THE BOYS show up I think on Amazon. Careful searching for Ennis since you might 'cross' something disturbing.

Bob was pretty funny, especially in the issue where he got harassed by Viper and went to a funeral with Modak as the song leader.

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New Captain Marvel teaser with Skrulls & sarcasm

Sovereign Court

I like this one.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Is it March yet? Is it March yet? Is it March yet? Is it March yet?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:
Is it March yet? Is it March yet? Is it March yet? Is it March yet?

No, according to the calendar, my phone, and computer, it is January 8, 2019, 12:22 post meridian.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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How about now?

(I can do this all day.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:

How about now?

(I can do this all day.)

I know, it's why I am cutting out the middle man and just sending you a bottle filled with my tears from now. I hear just a drop or two can really perk up that morning cup of coffee.

When it gets to be March, I'm sure I'll know because Mom will be trying like crazy to get my brother his birthday present before he goes off somewhere. (The wonders/joys/travails of being a teacher for NOLS)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

How about now?

(I can do this all day.)

I know, it's why I am cutting out the middle man and just sending you a bottle filled with my tears from now. I hear just a drop or two can really perk up that morning cup of coffee.

Mmmm, delicious.

I needed that. I nearly LOST my Agent Carter purse the other day. Times are hard.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

There isn't much new footage in this TV spot, but it seems to confirm young Monica Rambeau. "Fresh!"



RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

5 people marked this as a favorite.

And here's the Superbowl spot!

With some buddying with Monica's mom, Maria. And loads of whupass.

I am excite.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh my god you guys.

The official Captain Marvel Website is EVERYTHING it should be.

(PS: Yes, it is really the official site; check the URL.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And it looks like a store (Target in Austin, TX) slipped up and put stuffed Goose toys on the shelf before the embargo date.

The toy reveals Goose's secret...:
Goose is a cat. An adorable, floofy, noble warrior hero... cat.

Psych! Goose is a flerken (Twitter pic). Looks like her little jaw opens and tentacles pop out.

OMG it reminds me of my old myspace page.

Oh lordy. Just needs a Under Construction banner and midi music.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Flashing back to Geocities. I was in the Athens neighborhood.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

DeathQuaker wrote:

Oh my god you guys.

The official Captain Marvel Website is EVERYTHING it should be.

(PS: Yes, it is really the official site; check the URL.)

Is that because the film is supposed to be set in the 1990s?

Sovereign Court

Yes, obviously.

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Anyone else worried about Y2k?

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Don't worry, Stark has a plan.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Anyone else worried about Y2k?

Interestingly enough, there were rumors that Y2K was part of the plot of Black Widow although that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

IIRC Captain Marvel is set in 1995 (I was a sophomore in college!) so it might be mentioned.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Anyone else worried about Y2k?

Interestingly enough, there were rumors that Y2K was part of the plot of Black Widow although that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

IIRC Captain Marvel is set in 1995 (I was a sophomore in college!) so it might be mentioned.

I was in high school.

I graduated from high school in 1994.

I just started high school. I remember expecting the lights to cut out or something but no I just kept watching Dexters lab movie no problem.

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Captain Marvel "The Real Star" promo

Zero-G Goose!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:

Oh my god you guys.

The official Captain Marvel Website is EVERYTHING it should be.

(PS: Yes, it is really the official site; check the URL.)

Omg this is amazing!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just got the tickets for Friday^^

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I am legitimately torn about perhaps skipping my spiritual formation group meeting to go see the movie on opening night. I love these people, but I know they will forgive me if I make other plans, and we're just meeting to have dinner and talk. And I don't know if I can concentrate if I don't get to see it as soon as I can. hmm.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:
I am legitimately torn about perhaps skipping my spiritual formation group meeting to go see the movie on opening night. I love these people, but I know they will forgive me if I make other plans, and we're just meeting to have dinner and talk. And I don't know if I can concentrate if I don't get to see it as soon as I can. hmm.

To err is human, but to forgive is divine. See it on opening night, and afterwards, THEY will thank YOU for enhancing their religious experience!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I learned from trying to see Return of the King on opening weekend in Seattle that the second, third, or even fourth week of release are just as satisfying.

The line stretched a half mile, at least.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I feel very lucky in that we have a theatre nearby where you can reserve your specific seat so you don't have to stress about lines. Got my ticket as soon as they opened up for preorders, before I even knew if I had the night free to go. I cannot wait!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm off Friday, but waiting to hear if insurance will approve a crown replacement. If so, I'll be at the dentist. If not, it's movie time!

Grand Lodge

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I'm not going to say I'll see this at Disney. But I'm also not saying I'm NOT going to see this at Disney.

It's MCU, so I'll see it in the theaters, but probably week 2 or 3...

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Alamo started up "Taco Tuesdays" aimed at the Tuesdays after initial release. $8 tickets plus, y'know, tacos, for Captain Marvel is something I'm trying to talk Missus Turin into going to see this coming Tuesday.

Sovereign Court

First reports are trickling in. Everyone says that the film is entertaining, drags in places, Nick and Carol have good chemistry, Ben Mendelson is superb, de-aging is seamless and Carol gets progressively bland as the movie drags on. And she is pretty fun in the first act of the movie.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hama wrote:

First reports are trickling in. Everyone says that the film is entertaining, drags in places, Nick and Carol have good chemistry, Ben Mendelson is superb, de-aging is seamless and Carol gets progressively bland as the movie drags on. And she is pretty fun in the first act of the movie.

So it's a Marvel movie. ;)

I figured it would be an average Marvel film that some would say is the best ever and others the worst ever due to biases and the like.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

8 people marked this as a favorite.

*Skipped her spiritual formation, is spiritually formed*


(Old favorite is Winter Soldier, which is still way up there.)

I LOVED every. f$&&ing. minute. Me and my friend I went with were grinning through half the movie. Loads of vocal appreciation in the audience, laughter in the right places, "hell yeahs," clapping, and so on. I had a wicked good night and am wired now.

It is my personal favorite Marvel thing that doesn't have Dottie in it.

Is it for everyone? I can't think of a single movie that is, so no. But it has wild space action, glowy explosions, great acting, a good espionage sequence, military stuff, general whuppass, decent character development, an adorable cat, great friendships, and miracle of all miracles, a child/child actor who is not annoying at all. Carol is fueled by sass. So, if you think you might like any of those things, you may find it worth seeing.

It also fills in a few gaps for Avengers/MCU continuity and the leadup to Infinity War (without detracting from the plot in a "God of Thunder takes a long bath" sort of way), so if you are a MCU completionist, I'd also say it is, if not crucial, very valuable to see (not to mention the mid-credits scene....)

I've heard some people say it drags in the middle. I would say it certainly slows down and is low on action scenes in the middle, so those who are only in it for nonstop action may not like it, but to me I was glued to my seat as it had fairly crucial moments of character development and development of relationships between characters, which is important to me. I have the bladder of a middle aged woman (being a middle aged woman and all) and I couldn't find a spot to leave. So I HELD IT. THAT'S WHAT MAKES HER A HERO.

The only criticism I have while still on the adrenaline rush is that there were several moments of clunky exposition, particularly with one egregious "as you know, Bob" conversation Carol ("Vers") has at the very beginning of the movie. They have a bunch they need to explain about the Kree-Skrull War, including the different POVs of each side, and so sometimes it gets a little shoehorned in and awkward. I'd also say none of this was too stretched out and certainly the great SHEER FUN that much of the rest of the movie is makes up for it.

Soundtrack was great, score was great, actors were great. Effects were fine to me, but I'm the kind of person who always thinks they're great and then other people complain about "bad CGI" so I clearly don't have an eye for that kind of thing. Her costume was awesome.

(P.S. It should go without saying, but I know how argumentative and prone to parade-raining we geeks are, so: it's okay if you see it and you don't like it. My liking it should not feel like an oppression of or discounting of your dislike---but, please also, remember, vice versa. :) )


Sovereign Court

Rotten tomatoes audience score is about 58%.
Also seems Disney and Bob Iger are unhappy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just got back from seeing is definitely within my top 5 marvel films.

Everybody should ignore some critics and go see it...

I liked it a lot.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Hama wrote:

Rotten tomatoes audience score is about 58%.

Also seems Disney and Bob Iger are unhappy.

Not sure I'd buy anything The Quartering has to sell without checking it for misogynist-laden BS first.

And as far as rottentomatoes goes, the audience scores aren't shown yet. Critics are at 82% btw, which scores a fresh on the tomatometer.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Loved loved loved it. Maybe I’ll be able to formulate some better thoughts tomorrow, but for now, I loved it!

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