Arakasius |
Just had a few questions for people who've played Inquisitor. Going to be starting a campaign shortly and had a few questions. It's a fairly melee light party, with myself and a monk being the only true melee in the party. (ranged cleric, alchemist, wizard, archer) So on to the questions. At this point I can't really change the race, the background or the class but I can tweak starting stats and likely the starting god.
1. Stat Array (20 point buy): I've decided on 17 Str (2 half-orc bonus here), 12 Dex, 14 Con, 13 Int, 14 Wis, 8 Cha. Obviously the int to allow me to go with Pack Flanking level 3 when I get my first teamwork feat. The thing is I'd like to have 14 dex for feat selection, especially Precise Strike (going with Cat buddy) But the only thing I can really drop is con which I don't want to do. That just means I guess I can't choose the feat until I get a +2 dex item. But at the same time I plan to make heavy use of outflank/paired opportunist and eventually get Combat Reflexes. Having 2 extra dex will make me get 4 AOO instead of 3. I just don't know if that is a relevant difference. 3 should probably be enough once I get a +2 item and combat reflexes.
2. Weapon: Unless I go with a 1h weapon/shield config. Currently I'm using Trade domain since it allows me to do some face stuff along with the cool movement options. Would it be a good idea to switch to Cayden and pick up Rapier proficiency (Kurgess only gives Javelin) to get a 1h crit weapon? Then with a shield I could do a 14 dex, 12 con build. Looking at level 11 that gives me +4 AC (3 from a masterwork shield plus 1 from 1 more dex) at the cost of physical skills and the 50% damage bonus on using a 2h weapon plus using Power Attack 2h. Note I still have a Falchion prof so I can switch between the two. (since I'm not planning on taking Weapon Focus anytime soon) Or I could keep 12 dex/ 14 con and still switch just for the option of having a relevant 1h Weapon.
3. Feat Selection: Currently my plan is 1. Combat Expertise, 3. Power Attack. 3(TW). Pack Flanking 5. Combat Reflexes 6(TW). Outflank. 7. Outflank, change 6(TW) to Paired Opportunist. I'm not sure what I'd take for 7 and 9 would be either Precise Strike or Improved Shared Spells for TW and something else for the regular feat, which does push my need to get that 2 dex off. Note we're only doing Core and Advanced guides for material. No other source material than Inner Sea, no UM/UC, etc. Is there any big feat choices for this archetype/style I'm missing? No Cornugan Smash so can't really do the intimidate chain. Also no Lore Warden which was an option for being able to pick up Combat Expertise without pumping int.
4. Domain Selection: Now that I think of it perhaps going human and choosing someone with a Falchion, Greatsword or Bastard Sword as domain weapon would have been better just so I could have taken another feat at 1 like Toughness. But other than Gorum the options are severely lacking for domain selections, especially if I'm restricting myself to gods in the main two groups. I choose half orc because of rp and the weapon choices plus sacred tattoo. Using the source material I listed above, any better options than the Trade/Travel/Exploration group? Switching to Cayden to pick up Rapiers loses me Trade, but I do get to stay in that grouping and Travel/Exploration are still fine.
5. Pet options: Fairly locked in on this I think with the big cat. I considered various dinosaurs or the wolf, but the wolf didn't impress me and I am turned off of the big dinosaurs for RP reasons (and lack of health), leaving just the raptor. Raptor does have some sweet synergy with Precise Strike and is medium and good defensively, but cat leaves me the option of riding him as he pounces and hits harder and more accurately.
So here my question is mainly on feat selection and tricks. I'm putting int in as level 4 bonus so I'm thinking the usual tricks (We're not playing with the advanced tricks like flank/bombard) plus a couple of the skirmisher ones. Aiding Attack and Vengeance Strike as well as Hobbling Strike are the ones that interest me. I like getting extra attacks or getting a guaranteed bonus. I could be convinced to try Rattling/Upending Strike though. Also on feats there doesn't seem to be a ton of good options. Toughness seems obvious as does Power Attack and eventually Eldritch Claws, but not sure what else. Maybe dodge?
Anyway just looking for some feedback on my character from optimizers out there. I've combed over guides and posts looking for ways to build my character and have him built out to level 11 in different ways, but I want to see if there is something I've missed.

Secret Wizard |

1. Go with 14 DEX and 12 CON, get the Toughness feat at first level. Very few other good options at that time.
2. Nah, crit weapons only matter at HIGH levels and even then the damage difference, while relevant, is not something you should sleep about. You are a half-orc, so you could always just use the City-Raised alternate racial for longsword proficiency.
3. I'd go: 1. Toughness, 3. Combat Expertise / Pack Flanking, and then go on. Power Attack is not very important for Inquisitors since Bane makes them care about hitting more than about a bit of extra damage. Power Attack can wait, particularly since you are going 1H + Shield.
4. Take the deity you want, take the domain you like. Weapon selection is not going to undo your character if you play it well.

Arakasius |
Well I'm definitely going with a high crit build. Not so much for the extra damage on the hit, but because the crit gives a free attack for both myself and the pet through the outflank/paired opportunist combo. So my question really is on 1h vs 2h. Is extra consistent damage plus better armor check better than improved AC? The saves equal
out either way. I agree if I go 12 con I have to take toughness early on.
As for Kurgess vs Cayden the gods are very similar so it doesn't really change much. on the domain I was wondering if there was any awesome one out there I might be overlooking. Travel and its sub domains seem to be the best of the bunch though.

Arakasius |
Because Sacred Huntsmaster is amazing and is generally considered an upgrade over the base class? You're trading judgements for a full animal companion who gains all your teamwork feats. Sure you get Animal Focus slower than a hunter but that's just gravy on top of it. At many levels focus actually compares very favorably to Justice/etc, especially at low level where this character starts at. In the end it's action economy. Full animal companion gives you things that judgement just can't. Also since there is only one melee character other than me having a flank buddy is very important. Solo tactics is not very useful if there is no one I can fake it with.

![]() |
Sacred Huntsmaster gets Bane and a Domain, mostly in exchange for a second Animal Focus. It's very solid compared to vanilla hunter.
Arakasius, I haven't looked over the Inquisitor list for long term buffs, but for Hunter, it's often worth not taking Improved Spell Sharing as a feat, and taking advantage of the ability to swap Teamwork feats Wis times/day to use it. Starting with ISS in the morning, casting hour/level buffs with an Extend rod when you think you're near adventure, then swap to a "real" teamwork feat. You can easily swap it back in and out at least once if you really want some extra min/level buffs. At the very least, swap it out each time you level, so that it's always in your "floating" spot. The teamwork swaps are pretty rarely used otherwise.
At least take a look at the Bodyguard archetype for your AC. You get a super-Die Hard and more feat options, but lose out on Evasion (which you can pick back up with Mouse AF if need be.) It also opens up Lookout as a feat, letting you always act in the surprise round and possibly get a full round action. Full round actions when you can get the jump on someone are sweet.
I'm personally a big fan of the Growth subdomain (from Erastil.)
I assume you're getting Paired Opportunists just for the AoOs on crits from Outflank? You might consider Broken Wing Gambit too. It's crazy good if it's just you and your pet on an enemy.

Arakasius |
I'll have to check out bodyguard. Not really looked at archetypes for pets. Growth is good, but reach doesn't really work very well with pack flanking/outflank/paired due to it being easy to get in under my reach and void all our bonuses. Although for many of those situations the enemy could five foot step to do the same.
Also not sure how much access I'll have to thing like rods. I imagine this will be a very low wealth campaign. Extended heroism would be sweet though.

Arakasius |
Yeah I don't think I have access to bodyguard, although I could ask since improved share spells makes share spells pointless and it does make reference to feats that are in advanced players guide. I certainly do not have access to broken wing gambit, since that is UC. I did consider going with Rex plus reach weapon and going for double reach builds but just couldn't justify it from RP standpoint. I am going to be the party face so having a cat should work better than a huge dinosaur for those times.

Captain Morgan |

Because Sacred Huntsmaster is amazing and is generally considered an upgrade over the base class? You're trading judgements for a full animal companion who gains all your teamwork feats. Sure you get Animal Focus slower than a hunter but that's just gravy on top of it. At many levels focus actually compares very favorably to Justice/etc, especially at low level where this character starts at. In the end it's action economy. Full animal companion gives you things that judgement just can't. Also since there is only one melee character other than me having a flank buddy is very important. Solo tactics is not very useful if there is no one I can fake it with.
QFT. Sacred Huntmaster is OP as heck. Don't ditch Improved Spell Sharing. Turn 1 in combat is usually going to be casting Divine Favor/Power. And the spell list is full of other good self buffs, long term and short term, which are twice as good with the feat.

Jayder22 |

Are you open to dipping?
If you are, you can dip 1 level of Brawler (Wild Child Archetype).
D10 Hit Die
+1 BAB
+2 Reflex/Fort saves
Martial Flexibility: 4 uses a day, there are so many good things to use this on. Instant enemy is a staple, Blind Fighting if you need it, the list goes on
Brawler's Cunning: This solves your stat problem. You can keep your int at 10 (or dump it lower) while still qualifying for Pack Flanking (which got fixed to be a combat feat).
Improved Unarmed Strike- This isn't super useful, but may come up if you get disarmed or captured.

Arakasius |
Also I had a previous game which stopped short where I was playing a Druid. I regretted making a decision to go caster over melee with pet and kicked myself over and over since playing a controller with limited ooc skills bored me. So I wanted a pet class but didn't want a Druid again. Druid would certainly be stronger than Inquisitor but I want more out of combat utility and skills, even if losing level nine casting sucks.
As for the slayer I looked at it and put together a build with feather sub domain. Damage is certainly good but it didn't really stand out to me. The slayer talents I'll only get one of and its basically just a feat. There is nothing I get from there that I can't get from levelling up since the non feat ones seem poor. Sneak attack progression plus studied is certainly good but l liked the stats and other focuses from SH as well as flexibility to choose a domain I actually want to play and RP, not just pick a domain to get a pet. And I had to get a pet to get flanking for sneak attack usage. I like with pack flanking here that I can dispense of doing the constant flanking dance. It's tiring trying to get a npc to stay in the right spot and stear him away from corners.
Also don't really want to RP a killer. Note limited publications so no Chivalry inquisition. Not sure I really want to build a mounted combat character anyway, but riding my cat occasionally might come up post level 7. The main question I still have is 1h vs 2h. Assume fairly limited wealth/magic item game. What's going to get me more of a boost. The difference between 1h and 2h weapon in dmg plus my strength mod (So at level four that's 1.6 + 5 so nearly 7) plus 2 or so on all my physical skills and one Fort save vs 2+ AC from a heavy shield and one Reflex save.
Jayder: No I hadn't looked at that. It seems an option anyway and losing one level of casting for some flexibility isn't bad.. How does wild child and sacred huntsmaster work together? Would I need to take boon companion? Also not sure how I get instant enemy, which is a ranger spell. I take it some feat gives access to it?

Jayder22 |

Jayder: No I hadn't looked at that. It seems an option anyway and losing one level of casting for some flexibility isn't bad.. How does wild child and sacred huntsmaster work together? Would I need to take boon companion?
The animal companion that Wild Child gets stacks with the one the Sacred Huntmaster gets, so you have no loss in animal level. You would not need boon companion.

Arakasius |
Yeah just had verified that. This looks nice and means basically I put int back to 10 and I get my 14 dex. Proficiencies also make things nice because Short Sword is a pretty decent 1h weapon backup. Since I'm not doing suck spells I don't really need magical lineage. Still confused on how the instant enemy works. Basically this is like the first level of warsighted, something I looked a lot into. Still not sure how I get Instant Enemy but looking through the combat feats now.

Arakasius |
Ahh yeah. I'd feel a bit cheesy with that, but I don't have access to it anyway. Regardless the feat allows me to do stuff like play around with different weapons and teamwork feats so I think it's worth it. Sure losing a level of spell casting hurts but between the cunning as well as improved defenses and profs plus the combat feat I think it's worth it. Thanks for the suggestion.