Cheapest sources of near permanent darkvision for a lvl 13 mythic character?


basically I'm nickel and diming my player wealth and I'm trying to shave down the 12k I set aside for goggles of night, anyone know of a better solution for getting darkvision moneywise?

Ebon wayfinder costs 18000 and it is slotless.

Best way to get Darkvision is to pick a race with. Its a personal opinion, but I like Half-orc is better than Human because of Darkvision, among other things.

If you can cast permanency and darkvision, you can do it yourself for 5,000 gp.

It's permanent, but could technically be dispelled, so the higher the caster level the better, to make it harder to dispel.

Also, a belt of dwarvenkind would work. It cost's more than you've set aside (14,900 gp), but it does provide substantially more benefits than just darkvision, such as a CON bonus and saving throw bonuses.

Helps to know what class. It's worth noting that a lesser extend rod is 3k gold and you could use a Darkvision spell (2nd level) for 26 hours, then.

Enduring Blessing path ability from the Heirophant can extend castings to 24 hours.

Cheapest Choices:
Be a race with Darkvision (not an option at this point)

Commit Suicide, get Reincarnated, you probably get darkvision. (Costs about 3k per try needed, assuming you are against neg levels, might not be an option RP wise)

Cast Permanency with the Darkvision spell (only works for some casters, 5k)

Use scrolls for above effect, with UMD (costs about 6k if UMD is reliable, only works with high UMD)

Take levels in vigilante for shadow sight.

Take levels in shadow dancer.

Buy an Ioun Torch heightened to a 5th level spell (serves most purposes you need, cost 25gp for components, possible +450 for services).

Serisan wrote:
Helps to know what class. It's worth noting that a lesser extend rod is 3k gold and you could use a Darkvision spell (2nd level) for 26 hours, then.

playing a cleric. Thought about sticking it on my legendary item, but i need it for Age Resistance 3/day (DM allows us to stack the pts you get from the spellcasting ability to create higher level SLA's still gotta be the appropriate tier though). I have 3 out of 15 points left so i might still stick a 1/day on there, and I guess I could combine it with making a robes of darkvision 1/day, though I'd have to pay for the castings during crafting..

Also paradozen, what does heightening an ioun torch do for you? I didn't see anything in the spell description about making it shed more light per spell level or CL.

makes it harder to be dispelled by darkness/deeper darkness, since its higher spell level wins

Frogsplosion wrote:
Serisan wrote:
Helps to know what class. It's worth noting that a lesser extend rod is 3k gold and you could use a Darkvision spell (2nd level) for 26 hours, then.

playing a cleric. Thought about sticking it on my legendary item, but i need it for Age Resistance 3/day (DM allows us to stack the pts you get from the spellcasting ability to create higher level SLA's still gotta be the appropriate tier though). I have 3 out of 15 points left so i might still stick a 1/day on there, and I guess I could combine it with making a robes of darkvision 1/day, though I'd have to pay for the castings during crafting..

Also paradozen, what does heightening an ioun torch do for you? I didn't see anything in the spell description about making it shed more light per spell level or CL.

Blocks deeper darkness, and heightened deeper darkness (I have personally seen both, so I am paranoid, but if the GM is wasting 5th level spell on blinding you, then like it or not you won't see where you shouldn't.) Feel free to get regular if your GM isn't like mine.

Overall this is the simplest way, but if the party likes sneaking it might not be the best. If you can, carry a few scrolls of darkvison as well, just in case.

I'd use the lesser extend rod and have another caster in the party hook you up, if possible. You'd still be able to extend a few buffs for yourself, as well.

Liberty's Edge

Since you're a mythic character, just pick the universal path ability:

Pierce the Darkness (Sp): You gain permanent darkvision with a 60-foot range, as the universal monster ability. If you possess darkvision, the range increases by 60 feet.

Why do you need Age Resistance when Immortality is an option?

Snowlilly wrote:
Why do you need Age Resistance when Immortality is an option?

same reason I didn't take pierce the darkness, all of my path abilities are integral to the cleric/archer build I'm making. otherwise I'd love to pick those up, but I just can't afford to drop any of my path abilities

Can't you just keep a lvl 1 Dwarf commoner on a leash?

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