paladins detect evil, is it a standard action to active and once activated can be used as a move action?

Rules Questions

Lantern Lodge

I know this has been asked before but I can't find the official ruling.


Detect Evil is a Standard Action to activate and Standard Action to concentrate for Detect Evil, just as Detect Magic.

Do note... If you cast Detect Evil in front of someone, they may be offended.
Maintaining would be less obvious, but a Lawful Good Aligned character would not lie or hide his action

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Paladin wrote:
At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds.

The paladin can use his Detect Evil SLA in two ways:

1. As the normal Detect Evil spell, standard action, a 60 foot cone, etc.
2. As a special move action that allows him to detect whether or not one target is evil, and the strength of that evil aura.

The intent seems abundantly clear: The paladin should be able to confirm smiteworthyness at a reasonable action cost; that is, a single move action.

Le Enigmax wrote:
Maintaining would be less obvious, but a Lawful Good Aligned character would not lie or hide his action

One can be LG without Paladin code levels of strictness, and the code doesn't have anything against being discreet.

If you are using the standard-action, it requires concentration (a standard action each round) to maintain, but can be maintained for 10 min/level. Generally the move action version will be better, but there are cases where the standard action cone is handy.

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