Out of Turn Free Actions

Rules Questions


A dispute came today during my game about free actions, ending with three different views.

View 1 - Free Actions cannot be taken out of turn except talking and other actions specifically listed in the class/feat ability

View 2 - Free Actions can be taken anytime, thus one can Rage, Drop Prone, Reload Guns and Crossbow (If it is a free action) and Quick Draw Weapons.

View 3 - According to the rules - Free Action: Free actions consume a very small amount of time and effort. You can perform one or more free actions while taking another action normally. However, there are reasonable limits on what you can really do for free, as decided by the GM.

At the end, everyone agree for the sake of time, we take RAW, thus view 3

Example 1: If an enemy provoke AOO due to snap shot, a crossbow user (with free reload) may reload their crossbow and AOO. [As he is allowed to take action with AOO, thus he can use free action with it]

Example 2: An enemy cast a spell. A Swashbuckler with Barbarian levels may use CHARM LIFE as trigger to that spell... thus he can also use RAGE to increase his will as well

Anyone with any reference to any place with a final say about free actions...
If not, what is your view

Text throughout the CRB seems to imply that a Free Action can be taken out of turn. However, anytime that's the case a ability will specifically mention if a free action can be taken out of turn. It's never actually been clarified to my knowledge.

I usually let people take free actions whenever.

Free actions may only be taken during your turn. Unless an ability specifies otherwise (which, let's be honest, is a disclaimer for pretty much everything in this game... XD), the only abilities that can be taken out of turn are Immediate Actions. Note that when the actions are described, Immediate Actions are the only ones that explain how they can be taken when they're not your turn. This is a case of a specific rule (you can do this when it's not your turn) overriding the general rule (you can only take actions during your turn).

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relevant FAQ is relevant free actions are normally only on your turn.
Also free actions that another legitimate action is dependent on should be usable off turn - such as drawing ammunition.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Talking is a free action the CRB says can be don't out of turn. Others can't

Sovereign Court

dragonhunterq wrote:

relevant FAQ is relevant free actions are normally only on your turn.

Also free actions that another legitimate action is dependent on should be usable off turn - such as drawing ammunition.

This is the important one. Most free actions can only be done on your own turn, except talking. However, free actions that have to happen at specific times (like a free grab after a bear takes an AoO) can happen out of turn if the occasion comes up.

Ascalaphus wrote:
dragonhunterq wrote:

relevant FAQ is relevant free actions are normally only on your turn.

Also free actions that another legitimate action is dependent on should be usable off turn - such as drawing ammunition.
This is the important one. Most free actions can only be done on your own turn, except talking. However, free actions that have to happen at specific times (like a free grab after a bear takes an AoO) can happen out of turn if the occasion comes up.

Correct. To borrow a term from 4e, "triggered" free actions can occur whenever their trigger is met (i.e. things like the universal monster abilities listed in the FAQ). Non triggered free actions such as activating rage or many other class abilities can only be activated during your turn. Reloading a weapon is kinda hazy on whether it is triggered or not, but it is covered by the snap shot FAQ and allowed out of turn.

Calth wrote:
Correct. To borrow a term from 4e, "triggered" free actions can occur whenever their trigger is met (i.e. things like the universal monster abilities listed in the FAQ).

You can knock 4E for a lot of things (though our group enjoyed it until the support fell apart), but you gotta hand it to them - free and immediate actions worked so much better than the rules cluster that seems to surround them in 3.x.

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