Kytons... In... Space!

General Discussion

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"We have such sights to show you..."

What are the possibilities of the plane of shadow and kytons in space? Anyone who has ever watched Event Horizon knows that the Cenobites/horror in space can be done (and done well I might add).

Imagine the scenario.

Your crew comes across a derelict ship in orbit of a gas giant. You're historian on board recognizes the ship's registration number from some esoteric research, revealing it to be from the era lost to everyone's memories. Your captain orders you all aboard to find out more information.

Assimilate now.

Resistance is futile.

Scarab Sages

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"If they take the ship, they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing – and if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order."

Imbicatus wrote:
"If they take the ship, they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing – and if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order."

It probably wont be...

I'm picturing the future scenes from Hellraiser: Bloodlines here.

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pulseoptional wrote:

I'm picturing the future scenes from Hellraiser: Bloodlines here.

Sign me up.

I only consider the first two movies to be canon. the rest went off the deep end.

Bloodlines wasn't so bad. Besides that, they were.....definitely less good. I'm also a huge nerd for the whole universe created, but that's a different topic for a different thread.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

As a contributor to Aethera and the creator of its kytons, I feel reasonably confident that kytons can be done - and done well! - in a spacefaring setting. You could even write a module about it. ^_^

PS: I finally found some non-Facebook links.

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XLordxErebusX wrote:

Imagine the scenario.

Your crew comes across a derelict ship in orbit of a gas giant. You're historian on board recognizes the ship's registration number from some esoteric research, revealing it to be from the era lost to everyone's memories. Your captain orders you all aboard to find out more information.

This reminds of the movie Event Horizon. That was creepy. I'd love to put my players through that lol.

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Charrend wrote:
XLordxErebusX wrote:

Imagine the scenario.

Your crew comes across a derelict ship in orbit of a gas giant. You're historian on board recognizes the ship's registration number from some esoteric research, revealing it to be from the era lost to everyone's memories. Your captain orders you all aboard to find out more information.

This reminds of the movie Event Horizon. That was creepy. I'd love to put my players through that lol.

Did you not read the whole OP? I literally name dropped Event Horizon, lol. It was the EXACT source of inspiration. :P

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Isabelle Lee wrote:

As a contributor to Aethera and the creator of its kytons, I feel reasonably confident that kytons can be done - and done well! - in a spacefaring setting. You could even write a module about it. ^_^

PS: I finally found some non-Facebook links.

Ah jissssss!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hellraiser: Bloodlines was dirt-awful, but there might be something to look into on the basic conceptual level.

Event Horizon is definitely better, and mashing a bit more mysticism into it does indeed offer some very interesting potential

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have to say, I always wanted to do Pathfinder adventure with this exact title after I saw Event Horizon :D

That's what my game's version of The House of Rented Flesh are in my Iron Gods campaign.

Warhammer40k's dark eldar haemunculi work well in this trope too

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