Brainstorming Rewards for the pins

Pathfinder Society

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The pins are very cool, but will not be granting a reroll. They're going to try to come up with something else for them to do, so lets crowd source it. And waste time. And make a drinking game out of it.

Obviously the character you're playing is supposed to match the pin.

Silver crusade: +2 to diplomacy checks to end or avoid hostilities. I'm a paladin! of course you can trust me!

Grand lodge: +4 to bluff diplomacy checks to preserve the societies good name. We are professional archeologists.

Exchange: reroll but only for the dayjob check. Since you never know what fell off the back of the truck, it could be worse than your original roll.

Dark archives: +2 on saving throws vs curses and spells and abilities with the [evil] descriptor. Erm. For reasons other than professional courtesy. really.

Scarab sage: +2 on any one knowledge skill check/session as the fragment of a sage jewel the beetle is holding aids another you.

Sovereign court: +2 on any roll to hide your affiliation. (hey, the character isn't the one wearing the pin)

Liberty's edge: +2 Perform oratory and diplomacy to advocate for FREEEDDDOOOOOM! (freedom with less O's need not apply)

4/5 *

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My Dark Archivist paladin would love that boon. She's Dark Archive because we're all redeemable, even Zarta. And because Zarta clearly follows the practices of Arshea to the best of her ability :)

Dark Archive 4/5

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My idea (tongue in cheek): The pins can be put through clothing or other fabric and can hang on your person to advertise your allegiance to one faction or another.

Grand Lodge

what about if the pin is worn on a shirt that grants a reroll, if you use the reroll you get a+1 bonus on it? too much?

4/5 *

I expect skill bonuses once per game is likely where we'll end up, but I'm not a huge fan of buying in-game bonuses. However, as a GM I love having players advertise their faction on their sleeve (or shirt, or whatever), it's the sort of thing that tempts me to give out a bit more lore, especially in faction-specific scenarios.

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Slightly related tangent, I usually wear stufflike this on my hat, because anything On my shirt drives me nuts. Any idea how to do that without embedding it in your skull? I was thinking about riveting a piece of aluminum to the hat and glueing the pin to the aluminum.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Todd Morgan wrote:
My idea (tongue in cheek): The pins can be put through clothing or other fabric and can hang on your person to advertise your allegiance to one faction or another.

Isn't that what they already do Todd?

*chin scratch*

4/5 *

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Slightly related tangent, I usually wear stufflike this on my hat, because anything On my shirt drives me nuts. Any idea how to do that without embedding it in your skull? I was thinking about riveting a piece of aluminum to the hat and glueing the pin to the aluminum.

Wear a big cowboy hat and put the pins in above your head? ;)

Sovereign Court 1/5

Why not just have it count as an extra completed goal for a faction journal card? Say you have a Dark Archive character with 3 goals completed on a card, it would count as 4 goals as long as you are wearing the DA pin while playing the character.

Dark Archive **

RealAlchemy wrote:
My Dark Archivist paladin would love that boon. She's Dark Archive because we're all redeemable, even Zarta. And because Zarta clearly follows the practices of Arshea to the best of her ability :)

+1 to the idea of using Arshea to redeem the Paracountess.

The Exchange 3/5

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Borrowing an idea from a boon how about 1 Prestige given at the beginning of the scenario. Your faction provides you with support to hopefully further their cause. Any item purchased with the prestige is returned at the end of the scenario if unused.

Dark Archive 4/5

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How about a +1 bonus to Sense Motive when interacting with NPC members of your faction while in Tian Xia.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Todd Morgan wrote:
How about a +1 bonus to Sense Motive when interacting with NPC members of your faction while in Tian Xia.

I think that a +1 bonus to Bluff or Disguise checks as an Aspis pregen when trying to pass yourself off as a Pathfinder would be more fitting.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Todd Morgan wrote:
How about a +1 bonus to Sense Motive when interacting with NPC members of your faction while in Tian Xia.

Why not Galt? we actually go to tien xi on occasion.

Dark Archive 4/5


Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Arcadian Ocean

5/5 5/55/55/5


Dark Archive 5/5

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

A pin could grant you the ability to build a character of that faction with a 15 point buy. Two pins? 10 point buy. Three pins? 5 point buy, starting level must be a commoner or expert.

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