Damiel - Alchemist Class Pack Hero card

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Trying to figure out how to play one of his powers.

It reads something like:

When you would banish an Alchemical card or spell card for it's powers you may recharge it instead.

Does this mean when Damiel uses a spell like Cure he can recharge it at the end even without a Divine trait?


It only works for cards that have the alchemical trsit, which cure does not.

Del_Taco_Eater wrote:
It only works for cards that have the alchemical trsit, which cure does not.

Or spell. It does work for Cure.

KennedyHawk wrote:

Does this mean when Damiel uses a spell like Cure he can recharge it at the end even without a Divine trait?

I think what you meant was even without the Divine skill.

There is another thread right now confusing skills and traits so I wanted to make sure that you don't.

The alchemist is neither a divine or an arcane spellcaster and the Skull & Shackles Damiel had a power that gave him the skill so he could make a recharge check and only for spells that do not have the Attack spell.

CD Damiel indeed recharges all spells that would require him to have such a skill, whether they might be Arcane or Divine, Attack spells or not.
Of course additionally to potions and all the other useful Alchemicals.
As if the S&S Damiel was not powerful enough.

Thanks Michael and all this helped a lot.

Yes, I mean the Divine Skill, another Skill question.

When I upgrade my hero with a Skill feat and choose a category say Dexterity.

I now have Dexterity d12 +1 for my Dex checks. If I have a Disable skill that uses my Dexterity +2 do I also get the +1 added to my Disable skill checks?

Silver Crusade

KennedyHawk wrote:

Thanks Michael and all this helped a lot.

Yes, I mean the Divine Skill, another Skill question.

When I upgrade my hero with a Skill feat and choose a category say Dexterity.

I now have Dexterity d12 +1 for my Dex checks. If I have a Disable skill that uses my Dexterity +2 do I also get the +1 added to my Disable skill checks?


Grand Lodge

Michael Klaus wrote:

The alchemist is neither a divine or an arcane spellcaster and the Skull & Shackles Damiel had a power that gave him the skill so he could make a recharge check and only for spells that do not have the Attack spell.

CD Damiel indeed recharges all spells that would require him to have such a skill, whether they might be Arcane or Divine, Attack spells or not.
Of course additionally to potions and all the other useful Alchemicals.
As if the S&S Damiel was not powerful enough.

Yes, but his Arcane/Divine skill for attack spells is now 1d4, so it could be much, much worse. Sure, you can recharge Inflict, but his combat roll is 1d4 + 1d6. Good luck with that.

James McKendrew wrote:
Michael Klaus wrote:

The alchemist is neither a divine or an arcane spellcaster and the Skull & Shackles Damiel had a power that gave him the skill so he could make a recharge check and only for spells that do not have the Attack spell.

CD Damiel indeed recharges all spells that would require him to have such a skill, whether they might be Arcane or Divine, Attack spells or not.
Of course additionally to potions and all the other useful Alchemicals.
As if the S&S Damiel was not powerful enough.

Yes, but his Arcane/Divine skill for attack spells is now 1d4, so it could be much, much worse. Sure, you can recharge Inflict, but his combat roll is 1d4 + 1d6. Good luck with that.

CD Damiel cannot play spells that have the Attack trait.

Grand Lodge

elcoderdude wrote:
CD Damiel cannot play spells that have the Attack trait.

Unless he takes the power on his Mindchemist role that allows him to do so by discarding a card with the Alchemical trait.

Michael Klaus wrote:
The alchemist is neither a divine or an arcane spellcaster and the Skull & Shackles Damiel had a power that gave him the skill so he could make a recharge check and only for spells that do not have the Attack spell.

Not strictly true - Cogsnap has the Arcane skill.

James McKendrew wrote:
Unless he takes the power on his Mindchemist role that allows him to do so by discarding a card with the Alchemical trait.

He can play them, but he still rolls a d4 for his Arcane and Divine checks, and he can't even use his other power to enhance them! :( so it's only really useful for Attack spells that have non-Arcane/Divine skill based checks - like Paralyze, Death's Touch (sorta) and Lab Accident.

zeroth_hour2 wrote:
... and Lab Accident.

I don't even know what that is, but is sounds like an awesome spell!

Silver Crusade

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Longshot11 wrote:
zeroth_hour2 wrote:
... and Lab Accident.
I don't even know what that is, but is sounds like an awesome spell!

It's a 6 spell in the alchemist class deck with a pic of Damiel looking like the lab blew up in his face. You display it when you encounter a monster and recharge boons with the alchemical trait. You use arcane or divine + 1d8 per boon recharged for your combat check while displayed.

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