What loot can I give with slimes


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Shadow Lodge

Primary thrust of the question is in the title
I'm designing encounters for my level 4, nearly level 5 party (monk, barbarian, bard, hunter, kenetist) and they're clearing out a mine that has been infested with slimes and rust monsters (mostly slimes)
Now the boss encounter is planned to be a pair of whip oozes and a modified large hag's eye Idd ooze (for flavor text it's one third of the reoccuring villain witch's familiar)

Unfortunately I've noticed that the encounter is very low on loot (containing one chunk of gems and a MWK great club and an egg for a rust monster so far)

Short answer: anything metal based that the last fool to fight it was wearing.

Slimes fall very much into a class of monster whose loot stems from its prey, with the placement of loot being completely incidental to the monster.

Shadow Lodge

Hmm so, something from a dwarf/gnome miner then, because they ran the mine...

Scarab Sages

lemeres wrote:

Slimes fall very much into a class of monster whose loot stems from its prey, with the placement of loot being completely incidental to the monster.

This actually makes them an easy class of monsters to plant loot on - they pick stuff up as they squirm along, not noticing or caring, so the only limits on what an Ooze might be carrying are A) what do its enzymes NOT damage and B) where has it been, and what are the limits of what could hypothetically be found there?

If it's a gold mine the gold ingots polished by digestive enzymes.

I'll chime in for the "remnants of the previous fools" option as well - metal ingots and gems seem the most appropriate in a mine, but tools, armor, and weapons make sense as well. Perhaps some with hafts or handles rotted away, since the oozes' enzymes could probably break down wood.

Shadow Lodge

It's an iron/coal mine, which is why there were rust monsters there.
So far I'm adding an adamanite pick axe to the loot, so that's something useful there
Maybe some gemstones, seeing as I've already given them some of that once

Scarab Sages

If you happen to have a ring of preciousness or something similar in your campaign, it's a great place to hide it - ESPECIALLY if it's a critical talisman of that sort. Be sure to roll some dice behind your DM screen before you hand it to them!

"Oh hey, guys, I got a lucky roll on this one! Here's your RANDOM LOOT off Inconsequential Monster #28195...hahahahahaha...."

Shadow Lodge

Ah good idea that, and given that it belongs to the slime witch nemisis to one of the players, this could even make sense
Each party member is or will get their own nemisis

So far we have a fire elemental assassin
The slime witch
The mice king

Later the kenetist will face off with lord monochrome

Scarab Sages

Holy schist, I said that in COMPLETE IGNORANCE of whether you had such a setup!

Shadow Lodge

I did briefly mention this in the first post

Scarab Sages

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I paid insufficient attention.

Know what would be funny? Make it somebody's engagement/wedding ring. There's a superstition about seriously bad things happening if you drop the ring (as our dear pals A~!!~!@ Brad and Slut Janet can - and ultimately did - testify)...but what do you expect when the ring is all slimy?

I like this thread, and I like you, Lord Foul II - I was so depressed I was well within aboulia territory a half-hour-ish ago, so thank you for a friendly, funny, brainstorming project!

Shadow Lodge

Ok, adding a ring of the forest drake to the loot

So that's one adamanite or mithril pick axe (picked up from an unfortunate miner, let's call him Tim)
One ring of the forest drake (placed by the slime witch who created the slime)
Maybe a set of forgemaster's gauntlets (Tim's presumably)

It's a cursed ring of slime form (detects as Acid Resistance). The last wearer was the slime they just killed. When they transform into an unintelligent ooze, the ring melds into the body, but in this case it doesn't vanish, just floats around in the ooze's form without being expelled. Anyone brave enough to pluck it out can free the victim.

Scarab Sages

Lord Foul II wrote:

Ah good idea that, and given that it belongs to the slime witch nemisis to one of the players, this could even make sense

Each party member is or will get their own nemisis

So far we have a fire elemental assassin
The slime witch
The mice king

Later the kenetist will face off with lord monochrome

Waaaaait...is there an enchanted nutcracker doll in your party?

Because that would be awesome (if you've never seen the 1977 TV Movie starring Mikhail Baryshnikov, try to - it enchanted me and influenced me when I was little)!

Shadow Lodge

Glad to help, Mr Clown in The Closet.
Hank you for helping me with this

If it helps spread the good feels around the setting is a modified adventure time setting

The party is a spider lady martial artist
A talking tree with the hunter class (his animal companion is a preying mantis with the brambled template)
A ranicorn kenetist who's flavortexted their powers as coming from deals made with the dark tapestry
A were polar bear (former) human (gasp) barbarian (or as we call him, the bearbarian)
And a bard shapeshifter in the form of a bunny (he will rip your face off though, and write a joyful tune about it afterwards)

Some kind of very fancy (art object) belt buckle or armor buckles...the leather got eaten away, but the metal parts remain. Or gem/fancy metal studs from studded armor.

Or perhaps a belt buckle that's still carrying the enchantment of a heavyload belt or some other such dainty, but needs the leather restored in order to become usable again? If you've got someone with item crafting feats in the party, it'd be a neat way to reward them, since they could repair it for half the cost of crafting a new one.

Shadow Lodge

Pizza Lord wrote:
It's a cursed ring of slime form (detects as Acid Resistance). The last wearer was the slime they just killed. When they transform into an unintelligent ooze, the ring melds into the body, but in this case it doesn't vanish, just floats around in the ooze's form without being expelled. Anyone brave enough to pluck it out can free the victim.

that's pretty funny actually

And fits with the character of the slime queen

Shadow Lodge

Rennaivx wrote:

Some kind of very fancy (art object) belt buckle or armor buckles...the leather got eaten away, but the metal parts remain. Or gem/fancy metal studs from studded armor.

Or perhaps a belt buckle that's still carrying the enchantment of a heavyload belt or some other such dainty, but needs the leather restored in order to become usable again? If you've got someone with item crafting feats in the party, it'd be a neat way to reward them, since they could repair it for half the cost of crafting a new one.

unfortunatly there are no crafters in the party

Scarab Sages

Lord Foul II wrote:

If it helps spread the good feels around the setting is a modified adventure time setting

I know zilch about Adventure Time, save that the main character appears to be a buck-toothed kid with a creepy-looking dog who possibly flies, and a hat that makes The Tick's sidekick Arthur want to phone the Fashion Police, and that there's a very Evil lich somewhere in all of it, and that princesses function as living fusion reactors for generating ADVENTURE! energy.

Lord Foul II wrote:
Rennaivx wrote:

Some kind of very fancy (art object) belt buckle or armor buckles...the leather got eaten away, but the metal parts remain. Or gem/fancy metal studs from studded armor.

Or perhaps a belt buckle that's still carrying the enchantment of a heavyload belt or some other such dainty, but needs the leather restored in order to become usable again? If you've got someone with item crafting feats in the party, it'd be a neat way to reward them, since they could repair it for half the cost of crafting a new one.

unfortunatly there are no crafters in the party

A) It could still be valuable for gold

B) You might try to hire someone to make something with it for you (although that leads to the "Magic Items On Demand" paradigm, which I do NOT recommend unless the artisan is a rare and demanding fellow whose fees are more strange and complicated than mere gold)

C) It could serve as an Occult Implement, magical charm, or material spell component

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
lemeres wrote:

Slimes fall very much into a class of monster whose loot stems from its prey, with the placement of loot being completely incidental to the monster.
This actually makes them an easy class of monsters to plant loot on - they pick stuff up as they squirm along, not noticing or caring, so the only limits on what an Ooze might be carrying are A) what do its enzymes NOT damage and B) where has it been, and what are the limits of what could hypothetically be found there?

Yes, even more so because they are a slime. A wolf doesn't like to swallow jewelry adn swords, because obviously, but a slime just doesn't care. This can be a strategy used on 'jonah' class monsters- ones that eat their prey whole, with no need to pick out the hard bits.

In fact, I would find that as an interesting bit of lore- maybe dragons have gizzards that grind up and melts any meat until it is paste, and only leaves newly polished jewels and gold coins behind. Thus, they can develop their hoard without any small considerations of corpse looting their lunch for those precious family heirlooms.

If someone hired the PCs to clear out the mine, then that someone could reward the PCs with extra wealth once they are sure that the PCs have done the job.

Shadow Lodge

they were hired by princess bubblegum on behalf of the gnomes but I wanted something interesting

Slimes drop delicious jelly cubes, +10 morale bonus to all rolls for 24 hours. ;)

Shadow Lodge

Thanks for the help guys :)

Bottle of air without cork, the slime is constantly bubbling and tries to make it stop, but wont abandon its treasure. It wont notice the characters until they attack it.

Cube of Force, lot of possible variations, especially with curses.

Any item giving Acid Resistance, because it wont stop people suffocating inside slime, though the slime wont understand why it haves difficulties to digest its meals.

Oh lord, a ring of acid resistance on an intact corpse floating in the slime. That is one of the funnier images I've had.

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Slimes are their own reward.

Dave Justus wrote:
Slimes are their own reward.

Beat me to it! That being said a Wizard, Alchemist or enterprising Rogue ect. should be happy to have a sample of slime or pudding as a reward.

Other gear could be found on the corpses of the slimes last meals the higher perception DC they beat the more choice gear they could find.

Grand Lodge

maybe a magical torch/lantern...one that when uncovered produces light 60' radius, but no heat or an ioun torch perhaps. maybe boots that allow movement over difficult terrain, but only underground

Scarab Sages

The mummified corpse of a millions-and-millions-of-years-old giant mosquito...with its last meal preserved inside?

Now THAT'S an Alchemist or Necromancer's idea of treasure....

only add stuff that can fit inside your oozes/slimes and won't hinder it's movement.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

The mummified corpse of a millions-and-millions-of-years-old giant mosquito...with its last meal preserved inside?

Now THAT'S an Alchemist or Necromancer's idea of treasure....

And it appears that using the blood in the mosquito...you can REVIVE DINOSAURS.

Or you could just take a nice little vacation in the generic jungle areas. You would probably encounter plenty of dinosaurs anyway.

Scarab Sages

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Alternatively, put the ooze inside something large enough to completely contain it, but soft and light enough for the slime's motions to propel it across the ground.

DM: "You see a very nice-looking suit of leather armor scooting across the floor toward you."

PC: "Hey, wow! Look at that, guys! The treasure's just GIVING ITSELF to us now!"

DM: "Not exactly...."

Scarab Sages

lemeres wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

The mummified corpse of a millions-and-millions-of-years-old giant mosquito...with its last meal preserved inside?

Now THAT'S an Alchemist or Necromancer's idea of treasure....

And it appears that using the blood in the mosquito...you can REVIVE DINOSAURS.

Or you could just take a nice little vacation in the generic jungle areas. You would probably encounter plenty of dinosaurs anyway.

Yeah, yeah, sure dinosaurs are everywhere, who cares, right?

But millions and millions of years ago, there were...THINGS...!

Shadow Lodge

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
lemeres wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

The mummified corpse of a millions-and-millions-of-years-old giant mosquito...with its last meal preserved inside?

Now THAT'S an Alchemist or Necromancer's idea of treasure....

And it appears that using the blood in the mosquito...you can REVIVE DINOSAURS.

Or you could just take a nice little vacation in the generic jungle areas. You would probably encounter plenty of dinosaurs anyway.

Yeah, yeah, sure dinosaurs are everywhere, who cares, right?

But millions and millions of years ago, there were...THINGS...!

Well the setting is a post apocalyptic earth that's at least a thousand years in the future plus any mosquito inside one of these slimes would be totally dead so there's that.

The again....

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Don't forget to have a slightly smaller ooze or jelly inside the big one of a completely different type that the larger one was trying to digest. If they slash or pierce it, the smaller ooze either jets out or it waits until the larger ooze is dead and not containing it, then it erupts out if anyone tries to reach into the larger ooze corpse to pull out any visible goodies. Depending on the color of both oozes, the smaller one may be noticeable as an odd striation or rusty smudge or smear, possibly mistaken for bodily fluids still being digested from previous prey.

Rennaivx wrote:
I'll chime in for the "remnants of the previous fools" option as well - metal ingots and gems seem the most appropriate in a mine, but tools, armor, and weapons make sense as well. Perhaps some with hafts or handles rotted away, since the oozes' enzymes could probably break down wood.

Hmm. So how about lots of mundane Dwarven armor and weapons along with two +2 Orc-bane swords, one +2 Orc-bane dagger, a ring of elemental command (fire), the remnants of a staff of the magi, and a ring of invisibility?

And remember that a SLIME is just a SMILE that has lost its way.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:

And remember that a SLIME is just a SMILE that has lost its way.


Shadow Lodge

Pizza Lord wrote:
Don't forget to have a slightly smaller ooze or jelly inside the big one of a completely different type that the larger one was trying to digest. If they slash or pierce it, the smaller ooze either jets out or it waits until the larger ooze is dead and not containing it, then it erupts out if anyone tries to reach into the larger ooze corpse to pull out any visible goodies. Depending on the color of both oozes, the smaller one may be noticeable as an odd striation or rusty smudge or smear, possibly mistaken for bodily fluids still being digested from previous prey.

I figure that the current encounter is hard enough as is, but I'll make sure to remember this for the next couple of times they encounter the witch's minions, it's a pretty good idea.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For those who don't know the factual science behind it, getting dinosaur blood from entombed mosquitoes is physically impossible. Dinosaurs existed and died out so long ago that any blood sucking vermin remains from that time period would have long since been fossilized, leaving behind only rock, not DNA.

It's a cute concept for a movie franchise though.

Scarab Sages

I know that.

Well...I thought I did....

Shadow Lodge

Ravingdork wrote:

For those who don't know the factual science behind it, getting dinosaur blood from entombed mosquitoes is physically impossible. Dinosaurs existed and died out so long ago that any blood sucking vermin remains from that time period would have long since been fossilized, leaving behind only rock, not DNA.

It's a cute concept for a movie franchise though.

might work in a pathfinder setting though, because magic

Lord Foul II wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

For those who don't know the factual science behind it, getting dinosaur blood from entombed mosquitoes is physically impossible. Dinosaurs existed and died out so long ago that any blood sucking vermin remains from that time period would have long since been fossilized, leaving behind only rock, not DNA.

It's a cute concept for a movie franchise though.

might work in a pathfinder setting though, because magic

Pathfinder cloning doesn't require blood - except when you use blood money to fuel it. There's certain to be enough dinosaurs (or whatever) that died from something other than old age that cloning them shouldn't be too much of a problem. And if not, you just need to use clone 2.0.

Shadow Lodge

Well pathfinder cloning does need "a piece of flesh (not hair, nails, scales, or the like) with a volume of at least 1 cubic inch"
So I don't think fossilized remains would work
Though, maybe with creative uses of make whole and regenerate.

Lord Foul II wrote:
So that's one adamanite or mithril pick axe (picked up from an unfortunate miner, let's call him Tim)

One adamantine or mithril pick axe head. The handle would have been wood and digested. Probably adamantine. I'm not aware of any advantage to a mithril pick axe.

Significant quantities of gold dust and diamond dust.

Of course, the original containers have dissolved :P

Shadow Lodge

Atarlost wrote:
Lord Foul II wrote:
So that's one adamanite or mithril pick axe (picked up from an unfortunate miner, let's call him Tim)
One adamantine or mithril pick axe head. The handle would have been wood and digested. Probably adamantine. I'm not aware of any advantage to a mithril pick axe.

Advantages of mithril pick axe

well for one, it's rust proof.
For two it's lighter and harder than steal (which is in turn lighter than adamanite)
For three it's shiny

And the handle being devoured assumes it's not also made of that material, it could go either way, wood or metal

Just have whoever owns the mine reward them for clearing it out. Perhaps it is a dwarvish consortium that can now get back to business since the slimes are gone?

They could provide anything you would want that would be appropriate value as 'reward'.

Dark Archive

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Along a similar theme to Dave Justus idea, give them the gift that keeps on giving... baby slimes!

You too can feel the joy only gained from raising your small, non sentient blob of jelly into a big, strapping non sentient blob of jelly that will love you forever and ever... (or maybe eat you).

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