Interest Check - [PFS] Teamwork Experiment


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Grand Lodge

How soon are you looking to begin?

Actually I'm going bow out, PFS just may not be a play style for me. You all enjoy and let me know how the feats work out! ^_^

Grand Lodge

Party People,

Do we want to pick a target start date (1 May hypothetically) and plan to add folks over subsequent scenarios?

I think we have enough for a fun PbP game, and if folks show interest in this thread, or PM, or what have you, we can always add later :-)

What do you all think? Slin2678, your opinion probably matters most.

Stay Awesome!


Dark Archive

May 1 would work for me. As far as posting regularly with access to rules, sheet, etc, -- How often are players expected to post, How long do we have to respond to a GM question, and how often will the GM post?

If there is a standard resource that I'm overlooking, a link would be very nice.

Also, how much are you all wanting there to be posting as char [ vs breaking the 4th wall ] and how much meta-gaming will be allowed?

Also a question I have, the feat Bonded Mind seems like a good one to have, as we would be able to plot our teams' actions out without having to worry that we are bending the world, or letting non-character knowledge alter behaviors. It would also allow each member to take a Knowledge skill and communicate the known info to each other, instantly and without the other team knowing that we know.


Grand Lodge

May 1 is a good day for me, what is the break up of the party now though? What are we lacking?

May 1 works for me too! I'd be happy to start any time really. I just have to port the alias into a PFS character and I'll be all set aside from picking which TW Feat to start with.

I really like the AoO feat ideas Dissa came up with, but I'm probably not an ideal choice for those options due to my low-ish Dex. I'm thinking I could serve a more tank-y function, possibly going for the Broken Wing Gambit at 5th to help provoke more AoO's for the others.

Any other ideas of how I might best help the crew out?

Grand Lodge

Party People,

I will be pretty skills limited: Diplomacy, Bluff, Perception are all I can afford.

Once we get a little money I plan Dissa to anchor the party, face down the bad guys with full BAB and decent armor, and provide buffs and flanks for all my friends.

I'm guessing nature, scouting, religion, and perception will be covered thoroughly between our 3 divine casters.

I'm not sure how our "knowledges" will do, and PFS is pretty dependent on Knowledge History or Knowledge Local.

What I know we lack is arcane. I think a Magus, wizard, or Arcane Trickster would be a perfect match to the party, filling in some of our knowledge gaps, spellcraft, scroll & wand use, and adding haste.

I would recommend to Vindler and Dulomak to maybe pick a few knowledge skills each for significant investment, and always pump up Perception.

@Vindler: Broken Wing Gambit sounds great, and I was considering it myself. With Paired opportunists, anyone also threatening the foe would get an AoO, so that's a great choice! I wouldn't worry about low-ish Dex. I plan to take Combat Reflexes and put my 4th level ability boost into Dex for 3 AoOs a round.

@Jezakay: Great idea on Bonded Mind. I personally don't have much room for more feats, but its a great idea. On the subject of PbP; you could check out other PBP games to get a feel. Each GM has their own expectations, but generally 1 post per day Monday - Friday is the goal. Sometimes folks will be traveling, have exams, or have life events, just post in advance and let everyone know.

Stay Awesome!


Silver Crusade

I was thinking after May as I will be away for 3 weeks on a trip with limited access. Continue to discuss builds though and plan progressions. If someone else is ready to GM, then y'all can get started sooner and i can pick up second game.

Grand Lodge

Wouldn't the inquisitor be the skill monkey?

Yeah, I do have some knowledges available at this point (Dungeoneering, Religion, and untrained History when it concerns dwarves), but I'll go ahead and switch Religion to Arcana so we don't double or triple up on Religion. If someone else could pick up Local, History, Planes, and Nature, that should cover the knowledges.

On that subject, I like the sound of Bonded Mind too. Where does that come from? I'd love to see the language on it so I have a better understanding of its effects.

I'll definitely max Perception and Survival, plus we have Dulomak, who I'm assuming will also have some serious tracking skills.

Sounds like Dissa can be our "face," Dulomak and I can handle tracking, and a few of us working together can handle knowledges. Probably the thing we're lacking at this point is Disable Device to handle traps/locks.

As a group, we are gonna perceive the crap outta this thing though. Haha!

Dark Archive



You and your partner are so close that you can almost read each other's minds.

Benefit(s): As long as you can see each other, you and an ally who also has this feat can trade nonverbal messages. These function as the message spell, except that you don't need to whisper or point, and you cannot be overheard.

Source:Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores

Excerpted from page:


Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores

Equipment: The weapons on page 12 are legal for play. The litchina on page 63 is legal for play, though it cannot be magically enhanced. Feats: The feats on page 63 are legal for play. A PC cannot benefit from the feat Bonded Mind or any teamwork feats that use it as a prerequisite unless he permanently possesses the feat; this is an exception to how an inquisitor's solo tactics ability, a cavalier's tactician ability, and similar abilities function. Traits: All traits on page 23 are legal for play except Pact Servant. Misc.: The order of the eclipse cavalier order is legal for play. The mythic powers on page 12 are legal options for a PC with mythic tiers. Deities: A PC may select Ashukharma, Kelksiomides, Matravash, Mazludeh, Omrataji, or Psomeira as her patron deity. As noted in the deity entry, divine spellcasters who have selected Psomeira as a deity are unable to cast 9th-level divine spells.

Cool! Sounds like a great idea!

Grand Lodge

Do we have arcane options? Are thee any team work arcane or even psyhic stuff?

I'm popping in with regrets. I'm pulling my name from this ring, but as it looks that won't make much of a difference anyway. Have fun all!!! I'll be interested to see how this campaign flows.

Sorry to hear you won't be joining us, MendedWall! Keep in touch!

@Dulomak: Seems like the majority of the teamwork feats are melee-centric, but there are a few like Allied Caster, Shielded Caster, and maybe Swap Places that would be useful just from the APG. There's only one in UM, Ensemble, which is pretty much just for bards (meh), and there's also only one psychic one, Interweave Composite Blast, which sounds RIDICULOUS AND AWESOME!

Grand Lodge

Are there archetypes that allow the arcane casters to get these feats for free?

The Eldritch Scrapper Sorcerer gets Martial Flexibility like the Brawler ability, so that archetype would let you pick up a free combat feat a few times a day, but that's about it I think.

Dark Archive

We almost have a party here, and a few maybe GMs, so I summarized the discussion so far and:

Players interested by date:
With characters listed as well.
Apr 5
AEroden - no character thus far
PJP - no character thus far
Apr 10
Junelee - no character thus far
Apr 12
fearcypher - no character thus far
Apr 18
ClaireLeeOBlivyus-General Dissa Ray - male LG Paladin of Tsukiyo 1
VindlerFarseer - male LG Dwarf Inquisitor of Abadar 1
Aldizog - no character thus far
Apr 20
Saiman - no character thus far
Apr 21
Jezakay - male NG Human Cleric of Desna 1
Apr 22
Dulomak - male LN Half-Orc Hunter 1
Player Take-a-way:
We have 4 completed characters interested, could use (up to) two more to make a party, it appears that fearcypher wants to be in that group.
We also have 5 (6 if including AlterEgo) more people with interest that do not have completed characters and are interested.

GMs interested:

AlterEgo - Do you want to GM 1st? Do you want to play 1st and GM later?
slin2678 - Cannot GM until after May, does that mean June?
GMFez - needed to be PMed if we want him to GM.
GM Take-a-way:
AlterEgo can start group 1 near May 1 and gets 1st chair if they want it, otherwise wait till after May or contact GMFez about starting sooner, or waiting untill slin2678 is available. Either way slin2678 can start group 2 once more characters are made and they are ready.

I am enthused to be a (new PbP) player that finishes tough scenarios with an emphasis on characters with teamwork feats. And to re-iterate: Lets Do This. :)

to fearcypher:
Char idea: Fear's Chyld LN Half-Orc Rogue 1 (heading for arcare trickster) only put this here because your comments

If this post is taken negatively:

Appoligies, I am new to this and want to play.
I am not telling anyone what to do or think even if I am trying to repeat what I understand.

Grand Lodge

Vindlér Farseer wrote:
The Eldritch Scrapper Sorcerer gets Martial Flexibility like the Brawler ability, so that archetype would let you pick up a free combat feat a few times a day, but that's about it I think.

Interesting. Where can I read up on that?

Grand Lodge

Jezakay wrote:

We almost have a party here, and a few maybe GMs, so I summarized the discussion so far and:

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I am enthused to be a (new PbP) player that finishes tough scenarios with an emphasis on characters with teamwork feats. And to re-iterate: Lets Do This. :)

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

I think this is a good synopsis.

Counting AlterEgo and slin2678, we have twelve. That's enough for two tables of six, with each GM playing at the other's table.

I had mentioned my desire to GM as well, though after the first session, as I wanted some time to get some other things I have going established first.

However, if we are not starting until June, that's more than enough time for me.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Æroden wrote:

Counting AlterEgo and slin2678, we have twelve. That's enough for two tables of six, with each GM playing at the other's table.

I had mentioned my desire to GM as well, though after the first session, as I wanted some time to get some other things I have going established first.

However, if we are not starting until June, that's more than enough time for me.

Æroden, I hadn't thought of the GM's playing each other's tables. That's genius.

Silver Crusade

That sounds good. I won't be back until June 4 so I can start a 2nd table then.

Grand Lodge

What would the groups be made of?

@Jezakay Yeah you're fine. An unchained rogue going into arcane Trickster seems to be a decent idea. I'll see what I can throw together. Someone may want to put together a list if all the feats proposed fro use by the party.

Grand Lodge

@fearcypher: I would recommend you take combat reflexes and an 18-20 threat weapon (Wakizashi/Kukri/Whatever). I would also consider Combat Expertise for access to Gang-Up. Gang-Up technically is a combat feat, but not a teamwork feat, so I can't grant that. Nor can I grant "Pack Flanking" as I won't have an animal companion.

My character should be able to provide "Paired Opportunists" at L3 and "Outflank" at L4. Those teamwork feats will combine to provide an AoO on crits, an AoO when someone else AoOs, and a combined +8 to hit on flanking AoOs.

3/4 BAB classes can't get "Outflank" until L6 due to the +4 BAB requirement, without class features for early access. My intent is to grant that at the beginning of every combat, starting at L4.

I would also consider Combat Expertise for access to Gang-Up. Gang-Up technically is a combat feat, but not a teamwork feat, so I can't grant that. Nor can I grant "Pack Flanking" as I won't have an animal companion.

If you want to know more about the feats themselves, I put the descriptions and prerequisites in my character profile. I thought that might make it easier for GMs and Players alike.

Grand Lodge

I get outflank at 2nd level but not sure if it just works with my pet.

Grand Lodge

Precise Companion (Ex)(2ND LEVEL)

At 2nd level, a hunter chooses either Precise Shot or Outflank as a bonus feat. She does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat. If she chooses Outflank, she automatically grants this feat to her animal companion as well.

You look for every edge when flanking an enemy.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, your flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against the flanked creature, it provokes an attack of opportunity from your ally.

Grand Lodge

Well, it works with anyone who has the feat (which is just your animal, if you choose to give it to them as part of "Precise Companion").

It won't work with the rest of the group until we all have the feat.

Prerequisites Base attack bonus +4
Description Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, your flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against the flanked creature, it provokes an attack of opportunity from your ally

Paired Opportunists
Description Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attacks of opportunity against creatures that you both threaten. Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them (even if the situation or an ability would normally deny you the attack of opportunity). This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action

Sooo, with pack flanking and outflank you and your T-Rex should provoke AoOs on crits. With Paired opportunists for the party, when you crit & provoke the entire team would get an AoO if threatening that foe.

That's why increased critical threat range weapons and combat reflexes are going to be great for this party: If we all have outflank and we all have paired opportunists, crits from a flanker will provoke an AoO for their flanker which will provide AoOs for the party.

Grand Lodge

What is the earliest Paired Opportunist can be taken?
T-Rexes are pretty nasty with the damage they can do. In the one game they went through the dino ate the baddies that they killed, lol.

Grand Lodge

I would not be able to take the pack attack until at least 4th level when I could boost my INT to get combat expertise.

Dark Archive

Dulomak wrote:
I would not be able to take the pack attack until at least 4th level when I could boost my INT to get combat expertise.


The feat Dirty Fighting from Dirty Tactics Toolbox would allow you to get the maneuver prerequisite benefits of Combat Expertise feat with a lower INT, if you would like the alternative.

However Pack Attack doesn't have any prerequisites except for BAB +1. Or am I misunderstanding what you mean?


Grand Lodge

I was looking at Pack Flanking.

Grand Lodge

Is one of the GMs ready to start this game?

I am ready to go whenever. Also, my whole theme is granting teamwork feats, so you don't have to build Paired Opportunists or Outflank into your character unless you want to.

Dissa will always grant Paired Opportunists starting at L3, and will grant Outflank with a Standard action at L4.

Let's play :-)

I have some time this afternoon; let me see if I can consolidate everyone back together, and get all of this information down (which is made much easier, thanks to Jezakay!).

If we set it up where we have two main GMs (for now, lets call them EA and slin), with five only-players per table and the opposite GM, we get a set-up like this: NOTE: This is only an example; I ran straight down Jez's list.

Table A: GM ElterAgo
Players: Æroden, PJP, Junelee, fearcypher, General Dissa Ray, slin2678

Table B: GM slin2678
Players: Vindlér Farseer, Aldizog, Saiman, Jezakay, Dulomak, ElterAgo

I'm going to send everyone (including those of you posting every day, and those like slin we know are unavailable right now) a PM, asking for a return to the thread to those gone, and finding out if everyone is still interested (it's easy to lose a thread like this, so it's possible several of the people who haven't posted in a bit did just that; it happened to me). As I hear back, I'll update lists, and assuming we fill back up, will work on getting one started (or deferring to someone else to GM, as fits).

That being said, given the nature of what we're trying to do, it would be best that the PCs of each table coordinate specific feats; we have a rather general discussion going on now, and that's great, but if Player C wants to focus on Feat Line 2, then it would be best to put him at Table #1 with the others who are doing the same thing.

I'm still interested in helping, but only to exclusively GM. I've got enough character concepts to build without adding more.

Grand Lodge

Yes, still interested and did lose the thread!

Grand Lodge

Which are the classes which allow the primary character to act as if the people close to them have the teamwork feat. Mine, from my reading, allows me to do with my animal companion.

Silver Crusade

Hey folks! Vindler's PFS alias here. I'm definitely still in and ready to go whenever.

@Dulomak: Inquistors are able to act as if others have their teamwork feats, while Cavaliers are able to grant their fears to others. As an Inquistor, I'll probably take a feat shared by the others to start off, then branch off to my own stuff later.

Grand Lodge

Dissa is starting as a Holy Tactician Paladin, going into Guiding Blade Swashbuckler, followed by Exemplar Brawler.

The Holy Tactician Paladin grants a teamwork feat as an aura for 30 feet. The guiding Blade uses panache to grant teamwork feats for 3+ rounds within 30 feet. Exemplar Brawler can provide both bardic performance and grant teamwork feats up to 30 feet.

Essentially, at L3 the whole party will have Paired Opportunists within 30 feet. At L4 with a standard action the party will have Outflank as well. By L9 Dissa can grant 3+ teamwork feats to the party in the surprise round.

That's my concept...

General Dissa Ray wrote:

Essentially, at L3 the whole party will have Paired Opportunists within 30 feet. At L4 with a standard action the party will have Outflank as well. By L9 Dissa can grant 3+ teamwork feats to the party in the surprise round.

That's my concept...

You would only be able to activate one, assuming you can act in the surprise round, as each costs a standard action to activate. Likewise, only the Brawler is a fluctuating feat, but it can only be used once per day; the other two are determinate on the bonus feat selected from the other class abilities. That's another reason why it'll be super important for the groups at each table to discuss which feats they'll be taking.

Otherwise, it's a nice idea, and definitely the model of "teamwork!"

Grand Lodge

Shatner Voice "I have...a...plan"

Class Features

The (Paladin) Holy Tactician ability is an aura, which takes a standard action to establish. Once established, it is suppressed when the Holy Tactician is flat-footed or unconscious, but (like an aura) functions when the Holy Tactician is conscious and able to act.

The (Swashbuckler) Guiding Blade utilizes Panache, which takes a standard action to activate, and grants a Teamwork Feat within 30 feet.

The (Brawler) Exemplar level 3 ability "Inspiring Prowess" is like bardic performance through martial display.


Battle Song of the People's Revolt is a bardic performance masterpiece: "When you learn this masterpiece, choose a teamwork feat for which you meet the prerequisites. Once the feat is chosen, it can’t be changed. This performance grants the chosen feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear you. Your allies don’t need to meet the prerequisites of this feat. Abilities that extend the duration of a bardic performance, such as Lingering Performance, affect this masterpiece" This feat will be Seize the Moment, taken at L9 with Improved Critical as the Brawler Bonus Feat.

Flagbearer: Grants +1 morale attack/damage/saves vs. fear, but more importantly opens up "banners" on a polearm (such as the Fauchard)


Sandals of Quick Reactions (4,000 gp): Wearer can take standard and move actions in the surprise round.

Banner of the Ancient Kings (18,000 gp): +4 initiative, +2 vs. mind-affecting and re-roll, doubles flagbearer bonus, +4 to bardic performance level

drumroll please...

In Combination

At the start of a surprise round General Dissa Ray rolls initiative at a +4 from the Banner. On his turn:

No Action Holy Tactician activates, granting 1 teamwork feat within 30' (probably Paired Opportunists)

Standard Action Guiding Blade activates, granting 1 teamwork feat within 30' (probably Outflank)

No Action Sandals of Quick Reactions grant a Move Action

Move Action Due to +4 bardic level performance from "Banner", and "Inspiring Prowess", at L9 General Dissa Ray uses Bardic Performance at 7th level, and is able to perform as a Move Action. With "Battle Song of the People's Revolt" he can grant a 3rd teamwork feat. (probably Seize the Moment)


At L9 in the surprise round Dissa will grant:

1) Outflank (+4 to attacks while flanking, crits provoke AoO)
2) Paired Opportunists (+4 to AoOs, AoOs allow party to make AoO)
3) Seize the Moment (Any Crit provokes an AoO)
4) +2 Morale Bonus to Attack/Damage/Saves vs. Fear
5) +2 Competence Bonus to Attack/Damage

Instant Teamwork!

Dark Archive

Sorry I haven't posted much, but still interested.

What is the table make for the feats... I like Rogue with stealth synergy... where if one needs a stealth roll, we (that have the feat) all roll and I get to use highest role.

I'm willing to be a Wiz or sorcerer... but less familiar in that area...
also less with fighters.

If there's a spot in any table, I'd like to bring it someone as well :)

Grand Lodge

Saiman wrote:

Sorry I haven't posted much, but still interested.

What is the table make for the feats... I like Rogue with stealth synergy... where if one needs a stealth roll, we (that have the feat) all roll and I get to use highest role.

I'm willing to be a Wiz or sorcerer... but less familiar in that area...
also less with fighters.

I like the idea of a TWF crit-rogue with combat reflexes alongside Dissa :-)

Silver Crusade

I'm going to be starting as Inquisitor, then going Cavalier at 2 and mixing it up from there. I'll start out with Lookout, which plays nicely with Dissa's plan for the surprise round, since it would give me the ability to act in the surprise round if an ally is as well, plus if we are both able to act, we get a move and a standard rather than just a standard. I'll be able to share that feat as well as Pack Attack at L2 when I take my first level in Cavalier, then at L4, I won't even have to share it to benefit from it thanks to the Inquisitor's Solo Tactics.

L3 I'll take Mounted Combat to be more affective in that regard, then at L4 I'll get Back to Back to help give some protection in situations where we get flanked.

L5 - Broken Wing Gambit
L7 - Ride-By Attack, again to improve my usefulness in charging, which will be useful at..
L8 - Cavalry Formation, although I'll only take this one if we have someone else using a mount. Otherwise I might take Improved Back to Back
L9 - Spirited Charge

I haven't looked into magic items as of yet, but I'm open to suggestions on that front and in terms of the feats I've described here.

A pity the Averaka Arbiter isn't valid for PFS.

Dark Archive

So what are creation rules? I'd prefer to do this for credit but then which scenarios are being done?

I saw hard mode mentioned...that means core only, right??

Archlich wrote:

Welcome! I'm giving it another day or two before I say "we have X number of players," so everyone has time to see my PM and respond. But as it's looking, we still have room!

The General's Plan

I'm extremely new to PFS; I'm halfway through The Confirmation on my only PC, and just started running Dawn of the Scarlet Sun for a group here. I'm not innately familiar with the unprinted errata/FAQ responses so many experienced GMs know innately how to find, and as such I'll gladly defer rulings to anyone who knows better than me.

So, if you would, can you tell me why the Pally's ability doesn't cost an action to activate once combat starts? The way I read this line:

This ability does not function if the paladin is flat-footed or unconscious.

-is that the ability will not work until the paladin is no longer flat-footed, which means acting in combat (as even if you can go in the surprise round, until you've acted, you're still flat-footed). I understand that, once activated, it lasts until the conditions are gone, but I do not see how it can be activated before combat begins, and is simply "suppressed" until you're good to go; otherwise, it wouldn't need to cost an action to activate, as there is already the action requirement for switching feats.

Again though, none of this matters if I'm not running your table, or if the "event coordinator" (whomever that falls on) says otherwise. And again, I'm rather new, so any time I have a question about how something works, I'll readily defer to someone with a better grasp of the Organized Play standards. If I don't know, I'll always ask.

@Saiman - This is for credit, so standard PFS character generation rules apply. By "Hard Mode," I believe Elter meant that we'd likely run the highest-tier versions of the scenarios, and pick from those that have a proven record of difficulty.

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