[Wrath of the Righteous] Solo Play single Character?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

I just bought the base set and I was wondering if it is possible to beat the game with a single character (or fun)? If so, is there a character you recommend?

I plan on playing solo and I would like to use as few characters as possible so that I don't end up confusing myself.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Pathfinder ACG Developer

I'd probably go with Adowyn or Seelah, personally. They're both combat and healing capable resilient characters with good strengths against different threats.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Adowyn requires you to have the Character Add-on Deck, though. Seelah seems like a solid and flavorful choice, given the setting. Were I to play a solo character, it would be either her or Imrijka, probably. And sometimes it's good to be a Paladin. :)

Grand Lodge

WotR Kyra is also no slouch. Being able to heal yourself a card every time you use your first power (good for Demons and Undead, which is a significant portion of the monsters) or play a non-corrupt blessing will add up quickly.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Sounds like we're in solid agreement that a Divine character with good combat capabilities is a good pick for this :) It is both in theme, and lets you heal up damage you can't avoid.


I'm playing Imrijka. Although I'm playing in a group and not solo, she seems like a good solo candidate. Her role power to evade barriers and send them to the bottom of the deck has been worth its weight in angel feathers, and would be particularly helpful in a solo run.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've done WotR OP solo with WotR Seelah & the Inheritor's Blade role. I would imagine that she would be a good candidate for the base AP as well. I've completed the base WotR AP solo with Zarlova (from the cleric class deck) and am working on a runthrough with S&S Alahazra.

And I'll just say, Archmage S&S Alahazra is one of the nuttiest things I've ever done in the ACG.

WotR Kyra has been pretty enjoyable but I do run into certain problems with enemies that are not undead and demons. If I don't have an Attack Spell, I will probably fail a combat check.

If I had to attempt a solo run, I would probably try Seelah, Kyra, or Adowyn. Good luck!

Thank you all for the tips. I can't wait to start.

Grand Lodge

Actually, come to think of it, a Bard is also a good choice, since they can Divine, Arcane, and Diplomacy all off of one skill. Also, they get good healing spells. Meliski or CD-Lem are not horrible choices.

Just watch taking Lem to the Abyssal River. He's been known to go skinny dipping to impress hot cleric chicks, and that's NOT the place for it...

Iammars wrote:

I've done WotR OP solo with WotR Seelah & the Inheritor's Blade role. I would imagine that she would be a good candidate for the base AP as well. I've completed the base WotR AP solo with Zarlova (from the cleric class deck) and am working on a runthrough with S&S Alahazra.

And I'll just say, Archmage S&S Alahazra is one of the nuttiest things I've ever done in the ACG.

I would try Zarlova (I finished with her in OP) except I run into Golems way too often as her.

Just like I run into Warchanters really often as Radillo in SotRu. :'(

As mentioned above, Imrijka, Adowyn or Seelah are going to be the best. Notable mentions would be Balazar, Kyra and Shardra. With the number of combat checks in WotR, the game tends to favor people that use weapons. Balazar is super strong but does not have a divine skill for healing, still, it's enough for him to make the 2nd list.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Slacker2010 wrote:
As mentioned above, Imrijka, Adowyn or Seelah are going to be the best. Notable mentions would be Balazar, Kyra and Shardra. With the number of combat checks in WotR, the game tends to favor people that use weapons. Balazar is super strong but does not have a divine skill for healing, still, it's enough for him to make the 2nd list.

I am running Balazar alongside my finacee's Adowyn. I'm certainly grateful for her healing (and her scouting, and the occasional d4 on a combat check, and...). The lack of healing can definitely be felt; I rolled poorly and failed a check against a constrictor snake last scenario, and it put me perilously close to death. If I were to solo-play Balazar, I'd probably actually take 2-3 cures with my starting spells, along with Glibness and Enchanted Fang. I'd pitch the all but 1 cure for monsters, and then if I got in a bad spot I'd banish my last Cure to heal up. That would probably tide me over until I got the Sacred Prism.

Grand Lodge

I actually died with Imrijka on the first B scenario. I don't know if I played her poorly, or had bad luck, but my take was she didn't have great combat, and her Divine was almost but not quite useless.

James McKendrew wrote:
I actually died with Imrijka on the first B scenario. I don't know if I played her poorly, or had bad luck, but my take was she didn't have great combat, and her Divine was almost but not quite useless.

Her combat dice is a d10 and it works with melee or ranged weapons. Not going to get much better than that. Granted all character can feel unimpressive until they get a few feats. With Imrijka's fighting skill, Divine skill, and ability to generate extra explores after killing monsters, she is definitely a top tier character. First card feat I would take with her would be a spell and add a 2nd cure to her deck. It will be a while before she can reliable recharge them. Try to use allies or find an item that will help with the recharge.

Grand Lodge

Slacker2010 wrote:
Her combat dice is a d10 and it works with melee or ranged weapons. Not going to get much better than that. Granted all character can feel unimpressive until they get a few feats. With Imrijka's fighting skill, Divine skill, and ability to generate extra explores after killing monsters, she is definitely a top tier character. First card feat I would take with her would be a spell and add a 2nd cure to her deck. It will be a while before she can reliable recharge them. Try to use allies or find an item that will help with the recharge.

Yeah, the diversity of her Strength/Ranged was why she was the first character I soloed. How ofter do you get someone who can punch, shoot, AND cast? It just looked better on paper than it worked in practice.

I can always try again sometime.

James McKendrew wrote:

Yeah, the diversity of her Strength/Ranged was why she was the first character I soloed. How ofter do you get someone who can punch, shoot, AND cast? It just looked better on paper than it worked in practice.

I can always try again sometime.

I agree with James here; I loved Imrijka's diversity on paper, but a d10 +1 is surprisingly weak on the Ranged, and the d10 without bonuses on Strength weapons is also weak. d10 + d8 (Longsword) is a lot weaker than d10 + d8 + 2 in terms of being able to beat 8-10 Combat checks (73%-55% vs 88-73%). d10 + d8 + 1 (Light Crossbow) isn't much better - that would be 81%-65%.

I completely understand the math and why yall feel that way. I feel all the characters are weak starting out. I look for scaling though. She scales fairly well. I feel the larger your main dice is the better off you are due to blessings later in the game. Being able to add multiple d10s (well guess the max would be 2 in solo) is so much better than d8s.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Since my Wrath box is currently only has the Bs and Cs, I think I'll whip up a quick deck for Imrijka and try to tackle the B scenarios. Gut feeling: I want *all* the hand crossbows, as well as leaning toward divine items to get that extra d4 as often as I can take it. I've got the relevant Iconic Minis set, so I'll throw the Mysterious Disk into my deck as well; it seems like one of the stronger promo Owner cards.

Grand Lodge

First World Bard wrote:
Since my Wrath box is currently only has the Bs and Cs, I think I'll whip up a quick deck for Imrijka and try to tackle the B scenarios. Gut feeling: I want *all* the hand crossbows, as well as leaning toward divine items to get that extra d4 as often as I can take it. I've got the relevant Iconic Minis set, so I'll throw the Mysterious Disk into my deck as well; it seems like one of the stronger promo Owner cards.

If you have the Cs, grab an Aklys as well. Good for those pesky Skeletons.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

I think Imrijka with an extra power and card feat is pretty notably better.

Mind you, I feel the same way about Seelah in RotR, for almost the same reason. :)

Solo Six character FTW !

Troymk1 wrote:
Solo Six character FTW !

Six characters in Wrath? That sounds like hard mode.

My friend (with Imrijka) and myself (with Kyra) both commented on how much more powerful and efficient that our characters are after just 2 power feats and a card feat.

Of course, after you get all the good ranged weapons out of the box and into your deck, your combat ability increases quite a bit (looking at you Marksman's Bow).

Keith Richmond wrote:

I think Imrijka with an extra power and card feat is pretty notably better.

Mind you, I feel the same way about Seelah in RotR, for almost the same reason. :)

RotR had better B weapons IMO. You had Bastard Sword, Longsword +1, Flaming Mace +1, Glaive, Greataxe, Heavy Crossbow, Longbow, Returning Throwing Axe +1, Shock Longbow +1, Warhammer +1. WotR had Glaive +1, Hand Crossbow sorta, Heavy Crossbow (but less of those than RotR), Lance if you had a Mount, and that was it.

That made a difference when Seelah tried to run through the start of RotR.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
zeroth_hour2 wrote:
RotR had better B weapons IMO. You had Bastard Sword, Longsword +1, Flaming Mace +1, Glaive, Greataxe, Heavy Crossbow, Longbow, Returning Throwing Axe +1, Shock Longbow +1, Warhammer +1. WotR had Glaive +1, Hand Crossbow sorta, Heavy Crossbow (but less of those than RotR), Lance if you had a Mount, and that was it.

i'd say you left out the Corrosive Dagger +1s (the only Magic ranged weapons, not that she is dependent on the weapon for the Magic trait), and perhaps the Battle Aspergillum. And the Hand Crossbow is Basic, so if you wanted to and had the C deck, you could start with 3 of them. The Javelin is also an interesting ranged weapon, somewhat akin to the Fire Lance in its bomb-like quantity. Normally that sort of weapon is a liability, but when you've got 5 slots for weapons, and can recharged ranged weapons with your power (or those Hand Crossbows you are packing), it's not the worst idea.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Played Godless Ones as Imrijka tonight. It went well, though yeah, her combat was less good than I was expecting. (Having the Bolas be my ranged weapon starting out wasn't helping anything). Recharging for the d4 was pretty much mandatory. I did luck out with a Temptation of Lucre netting me a Demon Hunter's Handbook that I never failed to recharge. Of course, I gave up my Mysterious Disk from the top of the deck.

I did shank one combat roll; the Crocodile that Sophini summoned gave me a spot of trouble; thankfully I had some Leather Armor to bury. I managed to cure myself for 5, and spent the blessing on the recharge check. Other notes/reminders: Her power to add 1d4 works on any check against the monster, not just checks to defeat. Also, sometimes you'll need to reveal the weapon for the combat check and then recharge that same weapon for the d4. If your hand is empty after the combat, you'll likely get another weapon next hand.

I've been using Imjika and so far so good. I was able to beat the first three B scenarios. Surprisingly the third scenario was harder for me than the second.

Any tips on which powers/skills/feats/rolls to take later on?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well, you are farther with her than I am so far, but I can tell you what I'm thinking at the moment:

Skill Feats: Strength and Wisdom are her two most important skills, so I would advance those with Skill feats. You should decide what order you do them in / if you want to balance them evenly based on how you are doing on relevant checks.

Power feats: I would prioritize getting the Perception skill and being able to reveal (instead of recharge) the divine or ranged card over the other two options (hand size and extra explore). Hand size will be nice at some point, but getting it too early (ie before you have some Card feats) can be a liability. And as a solo player, the extra exploring isn't as important; you have more time wrt the blessings deck to do what you need to do.

Card feats: I would probably take spells or items with my card feats. A second spell could mean a second Cure, or perhaps another utility spell. And typically, many Loot cards are items, so taking an item card feat will let you hold onto more of the useful Loot you will fine during the game.

Roles: That comes much further, so I won't give any advice on that just yet, other than to think about what powers seem like cool/useful abilities that you'd look forward to having. Note that both of her roles have FAQ entries and work slightly differently than printed.

Mythic Paths: Comes sooner than your role card, so I'll mention that. I'd certainly pick a Mythic Path that benefits your Strength checks, so Champion, Guardian, or Marshal. Of those, Marshal doesn't do a whole lot for a solo character, so I'd probably pick one of the first two.

Hope that helps narrow down your choices. As you play the game further, you should have an idea of what feats you'd most like to take.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So I haven't done Imrijka solo, but I have done a bunch of solo play in WotR, so I'll add some stuff from my experiences with that. Most of this is building off what First World Bard says above.

When playing with only 1 character, you need to keep in mind that your character needs to do these three things:
- Nova well
- Regularly be able to defeat moderate enemies
- Recover from a bad hand wipe

For the first point, later in Wrath you're going to be dealing a lot with really high numbers on villains and henchman. You need to be able to reach multiple times in a game to hit high Combat checks. Otherwise you're going to run into trouble completing higher AD scenarios. Mythic charges are great, but are often better as a static bonus and only used when you need the 2nd effect, and unless you're able to go through your deck quickly and heal Blessing of Ascensions, they're hard to recharge. Cards like Druid of the _ help, as well as Flames of the Faithful.

For the second point, WotR has a lot of monsters, and you're going to need to defeat most of them to beat a scenario. Fortunately, you're playing a Strength-based character which means that regular damage is fine for you. You probably want your eventual Mythic Path to be Strength based as opposed to Wisdom based as the static bonus from a mythic path being applied to all of your combat checks is really helpful in this regard. I would worry less about this but more about the nova'ing above since bows are bad at nova damage. (Unlike, say, a greatsword.)

For the third point, you'll generally have more effective time available to you over the course of a scenario because you have less cards to get through. Not that it's never a worry, but most games its not. There are, however, times you'll run into some really nasty barrier or monster by surprise. Either you can recover from it wiping your hand (with Cure spells or other healing cards), or you lose the scenario. You have access to light armor and certainly that's helpful, but armor won't always be in your hand and you don't have a lot of armor available to you. Better to be able to recover when you can.

Some other points based off those three:

The sum total of what Perception allows you to do that Wisdom doesn't: Get bonuses from Stalking Armor and Bloodscent, and make it easier to acquire a Druid of the Leaf. Otherwise, you're going to be fine without Perception and just dependent on your Wisdom score.

Compare this to the extra hand size. At low-deck sizes, going from a hand size of 6 to a hand size of 7 is not that great of an idea because it is basically half of your deck. Going from 5 to 6 is less threatening though. That being said, I probably wouldn't take that power feat until you get a mythic path.

Also upgrading the extra exploration power is better than it looks for solo play. While it is true that you have to go through less cards in solo play and therefore have less time pressure, the time pressure doesn't go away. Often times you'll spend a couple turns not exploring at all, just either setting up your hand for the perfect nova or trying to dig into your healing cards so that you can recover from a nasty bane that hurt you. In addition, some of the later scenarios hit the blessings deck pretty hard with Middle of Nowhere shenanigans, and if that hits you too much, then a loss could easily sneak up on you from nowhere. It usually helps to try to close a relatively safe location as quickly as you can - usually then you don't have to worry about time on the other 2.

(That being said, on my solo Zarlova run, I lost 15 turns to Middle of Nowhere in one scenario. Pretty sure I went through the whole blessing deck before i won.)

For a solo character through Wrath of the Righteous, there are 3 particular cards that you're going to want and plan your deck around. They are Ring of Forcefangs, Banner of Valor, and Steal Soul. The first two are AD2 loot, and the last is an AD2 spell.

BYA damage is nasty for a solo player since the cards with nasty BYA damage are also the cards that you're likely to need to nova against and therefore need a lot of your cards. Armor helps against BYA damage, but unless you happen to get the right type of BYA damage you probably need to bury the armor and you can only do that so many times. Also if you know there's going to be a nasty handwipe coming up you can use the ring of forcefangs to recharge your hand. (Less relevant to you since you're a weapon user and not a caster, but still good to know.)

Banner of Valor leaves your hand and then basically never comes back. It'll be a little awkward around AD5 since that adventure likes to move you around a lot and not let you control where you explore, but it's basically like a hand size +1 and the +d8 gets used a lot, especially against banes you need to nova against. Don't forget, it's checks against banes with the demon trait, not just checks to defeat!

(Because of the awkwardness of AD5, you may want to switch it out for the Chalice of Ozem when you get access to that, but honestly, if you can keep both, go for it. At that point it comes down to taste/playstyle.)

Then you've got Steal Soul. Steal Soul is literally +1d4 to every check for the rest of the scenario. Sure +1d4 isn't that big, but the fact that it gets applied to every single check for the rest of the scenario is huge! It brings down the variance a bit, brings up the minimum result of the die roll, and if you're looking at spending all your mythic charges, it's another die you can replace.

Hopefully there's some useful stuff in there.

I played solo Harsk. I'm not sure if I would recommand it. Adventures B (Into Worldwound) and 1 (forgot the adventure's name) were quite challenging (i.e. fun!). I think I had to try Scenario B-4 4 or 5 times because it required so many "Magic" check...

But after Adventure 1, you get your Mythic Path (I chose "Champion" as an obvious choice) and things only got easier and eaiser...

Has anyony playing solo had the same experience?

Also (*SPOILERS ALERT*), I switched to another character during Adventure 3. I regret that choice... It ends up being very similar as to what I was playing as Harsk... probably even a lot more easier since I can evade many encounters...

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