Fame / Money table questions

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 3/5

The "Fame and Item Purchases Table 5-3" in the pathfinder society roleplaying guild guide says:

Minimum fame req'd Maximum item cost
Under 5 0
5 500
9 1500

Does this mean that if you have a new character who just completed one mission (and so only has fame 2) you can't even buy new arrows for ammunition because the maximum item cost is 0? If so, that seems rather draconian.

If not, what items does this maximum item cost cover?

5/5 5/55/55/5

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nennafir wrote:

The "Fame and Item Purchases Table 5-3" in the pathfinder society roleplaying guild guide says:

Minimum fame req'd Maximum item cost
Under 5 0
5 500
9 1500

Does this mean that if you have a new character who just completed one mission (and so only has fame 2) you can't even buy new arrows for ammunition because the maximum item cost is 0? If so, that seems rather draconian.

If not, what items does this maximum item cost cover?


There's 4 ways to qualify to buy an item

1) Fame (the most important)
2) Chronicle sheet (rarely relevant)
3) Prestige point purchases up to 750...
*whistles vinnocently*
4) And the new players friend, the always available list.

Mundane and alchemical equipment, weapons and armor up to +1, special materials other than dragonhide, potions, oils, and scrolls of 1st level spells, are always available. You can buy them without any fame requirements. The society has abig warehouse chock full of that stuff.

its kind of funny that you can buy 17k worth of adamantium full plate but not a 1,000 gp pearl of power but.. well the in game item acquisition protocols were drawn up by a gnome about a week before they got bleeched.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Just to add a couple of clarifications:

BigNorseWolf wrote:
3) Prestige point purchases up to 150...

This should read 750 gp; as you will see in table 5-4 (page 26) you can spend 1 prestige point to get an item up to 150 gp, or 2 prestige points to get a 750 gp item. These are not subject to fame restrictions (so you can buy a wand of cure light wounds this way).

4) And the new players friend, the always available list.

The full 'Always Available' list is on page 24 of the PFS Guide v7 (the page before table 5-3 that you referred to earlier).

And of course, other than items that are explicitly listed on a chronicle sheet, all items must be campaign legal (as listed in the Guide or Additional Resources).

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Thanks for the explanations!


2pp for a 750gp item is the friend of low level wizards and sorcerors. One scroll of 5 scorching ray spells for when you absolutely must fry the heck out of something.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Dragonhide Breastplate and a Darkwood Composite Longbow (up to Str +3) are popular 2pp purchases for new characters.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Thanks for the additional tips for 2 pp purchases!

5/5 *****

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nennafir wrote:
Thanks for the additional tips for 2 pp purchases!

More common purchases include:

Level 1 spell wands - cure light wounds, infernal healing, mage armour, shield, heightened awareness, bless, all are common and largely don't care about caster level

Level 3 Potions: Gaseous Form (get out of grapple), Fly (its important in lots of scenarios especially if you are melee), Remove Blindness (really important if you get hit by it), Daylight (deeper darkness is very annoying)

5 copies of a level 2 spell: Common ones include see invisibility, lesser restoration, mirror image, levitate, basically look for utility stuff which doesn't care much for caster level

2 copies of a level 3 spell: Common choices include fly (better than the potion if you think you will have someone who can cast it), beast shape 1 (lots of movement options), remove blindness (use on others or have someone cast it on you).

1 copy of a level 4 spell: Useful options include freedom of movement (incredibly strong buff, lass 70 minutes), death ward (when you need I you really need it), dimension door (get out of jail free), elemental body 1 (fly, swim, earth glide, all in one package)

Silver Crusade 5/5

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Nefreet wrote:
Dragonhide Breastplate and a Darkwood Composite Longbow (up to Str +3) are popular 2pp purchases for new characters.

The Darkwood Comp Longbow has become a staple 2pp purchase for my characters with nything resembling a strength score.


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UndeadMitch wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
Dragonhide Breastplate and a Darkwood Composite Longbow (up to Str +3) are popular 2pp purchases for new characters.
The Darkwood Comp Longbow has become a staple 2pp purchase for my characters with nything resembling a strength score.

When I start games and I ask the melee fighter types what do they do against flying things. If i get nothing I beg them to buy one with 2pp. The game I convinced 3 of them to do it was why we lived.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Finlanderboy wrote:
UndeadMitch wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
Dragonhide Breastplate and a Darkwood Composite Longbow (up to Str +3) are popular 2pp purchases for new characters.
The Darkwood Comp Longbow has become a staple 2pp purchase for my characters with nything resembling a strength score.
When I start games and I ask the melee fighter types what do they do against flying things. If i get nothing I beg them to buy one with 2pp. The game I convinced 3 of them to do it was why we lived.

Sling for 1d3+strength at -1 to attack isn't bad either. If its flying and you're still slinging it probably doesn't have the cover and in melee penalties to worry about.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

UndeadMitch wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
Dragonhide Breastplate and a Darkwood Composite Longbow (up to Str +3) are popular 2pp purchases for new characters.
The Darkwood Comp Longbow has become a staple 2pp purchase for my characters with nything resembling a strength score.

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

I am not 100% positive I was first, but that was what my -1 bought during my third game with him, the first game after we switched to Pathfinder rules, and got the free rebuild. During Season 0, he was a Halfling Rogue. As of Season 1, he became a Human Fighter with-a-bow, and, with the PP from the rebuild rules, he got his longbow at the start of that game.

And, for some reason, a reputation as the local heavy hitter. And he didn't get Rapid Shot until second level, and Deadly Aim sometime after that. PBS, PS, WF:Longbow for first level, so only 1d8+3, +4 within 30'. Not what I call that heavy, but I think it may have been his accuracy that made it seem that way, with an 18 Dex, so +4, +1 BAB, +1 WF, +1 MW = +7, +8 within 30'...

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