Which are the 16 PP scenarios?

Pathfinder Society

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4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

jon dehning wrote:
BretI wrote:
What other scenarios are there where you are almost guaranteed a character will die? The ones that everyone should have their 16 PP ready for the Raise Dead.
Anything I run for you Bret.

Note to self: Always have HMM ask Jon to run something rather than asking him myself. :)


BretI wrote:
jon dehning wrote:
BretI wrote:
What other scenarios are there where you are almost guaranteed a character will die? The ones that everyone should have their 16 PP ready for the Raise Dead.
Anything I run for you Bret.
Note to self: Always have HMM ask Jon to run something rather than asking him myself. :)

Also, any scenario in which you play alongside THUNDERLIPS! since you never know what exactly caused that particular continual flame. I have concerns that it's this:

Plague Bringer (Ex): At 3rd level, the powers of darkness make an antipaladin a beacon of corruption and disease. An antipaladin does not take any damage or take any penalty from diseases. He can still contract diseases and spread them to others, but he is otherwise immune to their effects.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Disk Elemental wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
I haven't figured out if there's a must-have thing specific to S7 yet.
Skill points.

That must be why I didn't notice. Always had those.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Serisan wrote:
BretI wrote:
jon dehning wrote:
BretI wrote:
What other scenarios are there where you are almost guaranteed a character will die? The ones that everyone should have their 16 PP ready for the Raise Dead.
Anything I run for you Bret.
Note to self: Always have HMM ask Jon to run something rather than asking him myself. :)
Also, any scenario in which you play alongside THUNDERLIPS! since you never know what exactly caused that particular continual flame.

It was Allandar, Keith's warpriest. He was informed that continual flame was a touch spell, and his only response was "I have a gauntlet".

I blame myself, really, 'cause I was the GM at that table.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Oh, and I have been told that I am not to be trusted with ghouls (or worse yet, ghasts). 'Nuff said.

Scarab Sages 4/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Disk Elemental wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
I haven't figured out if there's a must-have thing specific to S7 yet.
Skill points.

+1 to that. I feel justified in all my PCs in Season 7. My INT 16 unchained rogue just giggles at some of these.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

BretI wrote:
jon dehning wrote:
BretI wrote:
What other scenarios are there where you are almost guaranteed a character will die? The ones that everyone should have their 16 PP ready for the Raise Dead.
Anything I run for you Bret.
Note to self: Always have HMM ask Jon to run something rather than asking him myself. :)

It will not save you.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Silbeg wrote:
Serisan wrote:
BretI wrote:
jon dehning wrote:
BretI wrote:
What other scenarios are there where you are almost guaranteed a character will die? The ones that everyone should have their 16 PP ready for the Raise Dead.
Anything I run for you Bret.
Note to self: Always have HMM ask Jon to run something rather than asking him myself. :)
Also, any scenario in which you play alongside THUNDERLIPS! since you never know what exactly caused that particular continual flame.

It was Allandar, Keith's warpriest. He was informed that continual flame was a touch spell, and his only response was "I have a gauntlet".

I blame myself, really, 'cause I was the GM at that table.

Mistakes were made. No one is too blame. No one could have foreseen the damage an innocent statement would create.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

grandpoobah wrote:
Disk Elemental wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
I haven't figured out if there's a must-have thing specific to S7 yet.
Skill points.
+1 to that. I feel justified in all my PCs in Season 7. My INT 16 unchained rogue just giggles at some of these.

My 10 Intelligence Bloodrager recently had to carry an Occultist past one of those skill checks. Partially makes up for the other character having to fill my character in on all those knowledge checks.

It isn't just that there are skill checks. It is that they have a wide variety of them.


Silbeg wrote:
Serisan wrote:
BretI wrote:
jon dehning wrote:
BretI wrote:
What other scenarios are there where you are almost guaranteed a character will die? The ones that everyone should have their 16 PP ready for the Raise Dead.
Anything I run for you Bret.
Note to self: Always have HMM ask Jon to run something rather than asking him myself. :)
Also, any scenario in which you play alongside THUNDERLIPS! since you never know what exactly caused that particular continual flame.

It was Allandar, Keith's warpriest. He was informed that continual flame was a touch spell, and his only response was "I have a gauntlet".

I blame myself, really, 'cause I was the GM at that table.

Very aware, but way funnier to feign ignorance.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5

Serisan wrote:
Silbeg wrote:
Serisan wrote:
BretI wrote:
jon dehning wrote:
BretI wrote:
What other scenarios are there where you are almost guaranteed a character will die? The ones that everyone should have their 16 PP ready for the Raise Dead.
Anything I run for you Bret.
Note to self: Always have HMM ask Jon to run something rather than asking him myself. :)
Also, any scenario in which you play alongside THUNDERLIPS! since you never know what exactly caused that particular continual flame.

It was Allandar, Keith's warpriest. He was informed that continual flame was a touch spell, and his only response was "I have a gauntlet".

I blame myself, really, 'cause I was the GM at that table.

Very aware, but way funnier to feign ignorance.


4/5 *

I'm adding Beacon Below to the list.

This was ugly:

By the time my magus got to act, black tentacles, silence, and deeper darkness had all been cast on the party. Then the cloudkill was dropped on us. With the tentacles, I swore and said I wanted to activate my boots of escape which I had purchased specifically in case of getting grappled. Silence prevented the command word, resulting in more and stronger profanity.

Dark Archive

Joe Ducey wrote:

It depends on your character and party so much. I've seen a party wipe (actually half dead-half ran away) against a room of regular skeletons. I've seen multiple tables get through some of the "hard" scenarios with nary a scratch. That said

** spoiler omitted **

That said most of those scenarios are worth the risk (IMO), there are a few I wouldn't do again as a GM or player, but for the most part if I could get into one of those tables I would.

I played up on the sixth one down. Fortunately we had all the right skills to make it easier and no one died, that being said the final encounter was the hardest I've ever fought and I hope to eventually tackle Bonekeep, after all, people keep saying such nice things about it. :p

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Eric Ives wrote:

I haven't seen it listed above yet, but I think our lodge actually has had the most deaths in:

** spoiler omitted **

I think that was partly because we didn't have the rule yet that a mixed party of 6 could play up with the 4-player modifier. Now that we have that rule, I think we would have faired better.

Oh gods, I feel so bad for that. If I recall, your cleric died because my fighter got crit with sheild other on. After getting that x3 crit, I was down to single digit hp AFTER taking half. Those enemies are brutal, and have a CR that's too low.

Stupid Enemy with too-low a CR:
Clockwork soldier

I rarely play that fighter because he's so fail-sauce at being a tank. Really he's more of a skirmisher. Ugh.

Grand Lodge 3/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Terminalmancer wrote:
** spoiler omitted ** nearly cost me 16 prestige I totally didn't have.

I just recently played that at low tier. Almost cost a new player his first PFS character.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Andrew Hoskins wrote:
Eric Ives wrote:

I haven't seen it listed above yet, but I think our lodge actually has had the most deaths in:

** spoiler omitted **

I think that was partly because we didn't have the rule yet that a mixed party of 6 could play up with the 4-player modifier. Now that we have that rule, I think we would have faired better.

Oh gods, I feel so bad for that. If I recall, your cleric died because my fighter got crit with sheild other on. After getting that x3 crit, I was down to single digit hp AFTER taking half. Those enemies are brutal, and have a CR that's too low.

** spoiler omitted **

I rarely play that fighter because he's so fail-sauce at being a tank. Really he's more of a skirmisher. Ugh.

Our entire party nearly TPK'ed while playing up in...

The Silvermount Collection

...for exactly the same reason. Our cleric spent all spells/channels in that opening fight, and the fight alone took 2 hours. It was partially due to our two players with appropriate weapons just constantly failing to hit, which made it an agonizing fight where most of us would go down in 2-3 hits. The butterfly sting rogue-build kept passing crits to the barb, but he would just keep failing to hit (his d20 resembled a d4 that day).

Dark Archive 2/5

My first kill as a DM was a druid that ran up to the BBEG in 'You have what you hold."

As the fight started, BBEG had a potion of Enlarge in hand to drink. Druid charges...

BBEG with great-axe...crits.


My last kill was in Shades of Ice part 1. L1 party first fight ran into a yeti... 4d6 damage to a monk. Max damage on character with 12 hit points and con 12...so dead right there, didn't even have to add STR to it.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

My first kill was in Rebel's, two actually: those cover monsters can pack a bunch. Particularily when 2 characters' MO is to start every combat with charging(Scout and Cavalier). Both went down and needed resurrections a minute later. It really wasn't their fault though. The d20 is a harsh mistress.

My most recent kill saw a fighter get downed by a flurrying boss. A round later somebody healed him back up, but instead of laying low, the poor sap first provoked an AOO from picking up his weapon(IIRC) from the floor and then decided to attack the flying, buffed-to-the-teeth, adamantine-skinned boss guy. Cue 5 attacks and one dead fighter.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

jon dehning wrote:
BretI wrote:
jon dehning wrote:
BretI wrote:
What other scenarios are there where you are almost guaranteed a character will die? The ones that everyone should have their 16 PP ready for the Raise Dead.
Anything I run for you Bret.
Note to self: Always have HMM ask Jon to run something rather than asking him myself. :)
It will not save you.


::Casts Charm VO::

Are you sure? I have cookies.


Grand Lodge 4/5

My first kill was in Severing Ties. That poor, poor, 10 Con Rogue.

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