Melee character with arcane and divine spells?


This is more of a thought experiment, but I may try it at some point.

Is it possible to build an effective melee fighter who can cast both Arcane and divine spells? Such as by Multiclassing a War priest and a magus.

I know you'd be very MAD to make this work, but it was an idea that popped into my head and thought I'd see what the community could come up with.

Oracle with the lore mystery could do well in this role.

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I would go with a single caster-class that provides both *flavors* of spells, despite being all arcane or all divine. A Shaman, being a divine caster, can cast a nice chunk of arcane-flavored spells.

Dark Archive

Paladin / Sorcerer / Dragon Disciple?

Or Oracle / Bloodrager (with Mad Magic) / Dragon Disciple?

Bard / Inquisitor?

The thing is about being able to use one main stat. Most cases will tank the caster level too.

Empyreal Sorcerer / Hunter is a bit of a car crash but ticks the boxes.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Of course, Paladin/Bloodrager would be a very workable multiclass, but the spellcasting would be incidental to the build.

On the other extreme, something like Empyreal Sorcerer/Cleric into Mystic Theurge could eventually get high-level spellcasting, but BAB would be in the tank, and the hit to your CL in both classes would slow down the effectiveness of most of your buffs.

Skald Ability: Spell Keening. Huge versatility.

Sounds like it wouldn't really work. Kind of what I figured, I was was hoping there was something I missed.

Grand Lodge

Angelblooded Scion of Humanity Battle/Lore Shaman.

Full Caster, with Cleric spells from FCB and Wizard spells starting at 6th from Arcane Enlightenment.

3/4BaB, Extra AoO, at 8th you get Weapon Specialization and Bane. If you don't need Arcane spells one day, Stone Spirit gives you Improved Trip at 6th and Greater Trip at 10th without pre-reqs.

There are ways you can reduce MAD. I think a Paladin/Oracle/Bard is probably best at it.

Feats: Noble Scion (of war) gives Cha in place of Dex on initiative.
Paladin 1: +Cha to attack when using Smite Evil
Paladin 2: Divine Grace gives Cha to all saves (Con, Dex, and Wis)
Oracle 1 (Nature): Nature's Whispers gives Cha in place of Dex to AC and CMD
Bard 2: Versatile Performance uses Dance (Cha) in place of Acrobatics and Fly (Dex)
Bard 4 or (Bard 1 + Character 5): Pageant of the Peacock masterpiece lets you use Bluff (Cha) in place of all Int-based skills and raw Int checks. Bard 4 if taking in place of a lvl 2 spell, or can take in place of a feat at character lvl 5

All these put together means you can, effectively, leave Wis at 10 and either dump or leave at 10 Dex and Int. All your spells are keyed to Cha, you've got arcane spells from Bard and divine spells from both Oracle and Paladin, you're only important attributes are Str, Con, and Cha, your knowledge is all faked but correct anyway, you're clumsy and uncoordinated, but still dodge, react, and acrobat like a champ. Suli, Nagaji, Angel-blooded Aasimar, or Demon-spawn Tiefling would be ideal.

Alternatively, if you want to use the pre-change Divine Protection feat in lieu of Paladin levels, you can replace Paladin with Ranger and take TWF style with a double weapon.

Another good way is, of course, Synthesis Summoner to dump all your physical scores and combine with Oracle.

Half Elf with the arcane training alternate racial trait and a divine caster class. He can cast divine spells and counts as level 1 for using items corresponding to one arcane caster class. Such as wands. Sure that's not really casting arcane spells but close.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Can you make a bloodrager/oracle/rage prophet?

Sure you can make the concept work. Just define some roles for the required spellcasting (no more than a couple of specific spells, preferably, but a few categories are fine), accept that you'll be looking at a single classed rather than multi-classed character, and ignore that it would technically be on one side of the arcane/divine divide. It's not like that divide matters.

Spirit Dancer Medium can achieve this.

Champion (aka melee)is the easiest spirit to build around, but you can also access the Heirophant and Archmage spirits for spellcasting and you have your own 1-4 psychic spelllist thats got some pretty decent buffs on it (Haste at 2nd, Truesight at 4)

You can't do all three in combat until lvl15ish. But if you want longterm Arcane/Divine Buffs it works quite well. Also lets you access more situational spells if needed.
And it technically gets 9th level spells.

Also isnt too MAD as all casting is CHR based.

Halfling Medium is the best for the favored class bonus, but I guess others wouldnt be too bad.

Occultist have implements with cure spells, damage spells, and buff spells, and are a 3/4 BAB class with all martial weapons and medium armor.

Scarab Sages

Ancient lorekeeper oracle with the wood, metal, or battle mystery. You'll be a great melee character with spells from the cleric and wizard lists.

The Exchange

Dreamed secrets gives divine casters choice of arcane spells.

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