What happened with the world wound at the end of season 5?

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Sorry if this is a redundant thread, but my search foo is failing. Since season 5 unusually begins with parallel content to Wrath of the Righteous, effectively showing what is happening elsewhere in the World Wound while the Ward stones fail. This was an unusual step to align the campaign with the published APs. Given the significance of the Ward Stones failing, was there every a permanent in Campaign resolution to the issue? The AP really has two possible resolution, either the closing of the World Wound, or the death of the majority of the population as demons rampage unchecked. Did we ever have either of these conclusions, or a return to status quo of the ward stones? did it happen in a scenario, or just get brushed away?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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A small amount of explanation happens in Thralls of a Shattered God.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Okay, good to know I will follow up with that scenario for our local group, the prequel of that was good.

So prior to that scenario is it safe to say that the campaign remains in the throws of war within the world wound, with the situation neither resolved, nor the planet overrun with demons?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Yeah, pretty much.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

I thought it moved to Silvermount. Isn't Season 8's theme supposed to be Demons with Lasers?

Silver Crusade 3/5

According to Thralls, it's mostly like

The wardstones are working again and the crusaders have reclaimed some ground, but Worldwound itself isn't closed or anything.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *

Basically ..nothing. Events within PFS have little to no effect outside the society season lore. You won't see any impact from the seasonal content with Glorien and its campaign products

We're a separate continuity. Shame it would be cool to say to a newcomer, I played a PC in that battle.


Even Wrath of the Righteous had no effect on the rest of Golarion. As far as newer products are concerned the Worldwound is still there neither grower nor shut.

Grand Lodge 2/5

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trollbill wrote:
I thought it moved to Silvermount. Isn't Season 8's theme supposed to be Demons with Lasers?

Nah it's not that soon. It's the premise for Pathfinder modern, also known as Path-hammer (or was it War-finder?) 5000.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

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Almost all of the Pathfinder Adventure Paths work under the assumption that none of the other adventures have happened. It allows someone to play the Adventure Paths "out of order" without any assumption that a prior campaign already happened. Rise of the Runelords and Shattered Star comprise a noteworthy exception, as the latter assumes the former has already happened. These separate continuities allow Paizo to tell two different world-shaking storylines per year that could dramatically reshape one or more of Golarion's regions without invalidating the core canon.

Likewise, Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild exists in its own continuity, though it has the benefit of being shaped and managed by the same people who help shape Golarion's core canon. As a result, there are times when the Campaign Setting line does reflect accomplishments of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign. Furthermore, when the campaign presents a story about a feature of Golarion, it helps establish or reinforce that canon for the whole setting.

The Worldwound was something of a narrative experiment, for the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path has a very decisive conclusion for the region. While that ending could be great for a home game, closing off a region in that way didn't seem like the best choice for an organized play campaign; it would invalidate a considerable amount of our literature. Instead—in the organized play continuity—the Pathfinder Society's assistance helped the crusaders be victorious in the Fifth Mendevian Crusade, allowing them to recapture lands that had been under demonic control for decades. The Worldwound is still strong, but the demons have been driven back—for now.

And now that there's some recently reclaimed land, there's lots of opportunity to study the Sarkorian cultural heritage left behind. That sounds like a good start to a few scenarios.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I can't really say anything without spoiling something:

So I have run Siege of the Diamond city once, and will do so again this weekend, and I have run Wrath of the Righteous. So the narrative experiment your talking about is very much the same even happening in both Wrath and Siege but from different view points. The Wrath event in Kernebras allows the demons to attack widely, and the waiting army attacks the Nerosyan where the Pathfinders were gathering for some Pathfindery.

The whole thing worked really well,at least from my point of view, and this threads follow up was just because my head was left scratching, as the events in Wrath following the fall of the Wardstones really implied that rebuilding them would be impossible. I'm afraid I'm a little vague on late season 5 scenarios, but they seemed to build towards a final push to get the Sky Key (or at leasts its first component) and then get the heck out of Demonland. So the Pathfinder Society with Mendev really pushed back the evil, but without the Wardstones I couldn't see how things would stay that way.

You raise the really great point that, either of the Wrath conclusions are to disruptive to the Organized play campaign, but making old scenarios pointless, and removing a large area for exploration. So I like the idea of a incomplete success. It just means the events of Wrath which siphon off the remaining wardstone powers never happened.

I'm going to go read the mentioned scenario now and see what other details are out there.

Silver Crusade

Thanks to the wonderful help of the Pathfinders, Auntie was able to get things back under control and take a well-deserved break!

Why else do you think I'm down here with all of you instead of helping out Auntie? The Favored Soul of the Inheritor would be needed on the front lines of the battle against the demonic obscenities!

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

The contributions of our fellow Pathfinders to the Mendevian Crusades - in effect - the cause of protecting the whole of Golarion, has been strong and noteworthy. Those of you who, like I, have moved on to become Seekers are welcome to return to Mendev in service at any time - you will be welcomed with honor as brothers and sisters in arms.

Thanks to the help of the society, we still man the watchtowers and wardstones. Sleep well knowing that you helped us make it this far, and that we will continue thus until the wound is no more!

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Deciemverate: Go forth and clear the demons out of the ruins, so that we can study them!

Paladins of the Society: CHARGE! KILL THE DEMONS! Smite smite smite SMITE smite smite smite SMITE

Deciemverate: Ok guys, they're back far enough that we can get into the ruins now, come on back....

Paladins of the Society: CHARGE! KILL THE DEMONS! Smite smite smite SMITE smite smite smite SMITE

Deciemverate: Godsdammit they don't leave that mode once they get into it do they...

Paladins of the Society: CHARGE! KILL THE DEMONS! Smite smite smite SMITE smite smite smite SMITE

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

@BNW: I did just train away my "do not be distracted by lesser evils" vow, if that's what you mean?

If you'd seen what that PC Urgathoa cleric did to that glabrezu, you'd be wondering too if the demon was really the greater evil.


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BigNorseWolf wrote:

Deciemverate: Go forth and clear the demons out of the ruins, so that we can study them!

Paladins of the Society: CHARGE! KILL THE DEMONS! Smite smite smite SMITE smite smite smite SMITE

Deciemverate: Ok guys, they're back far enough that we can get into the ruins now, come on back....

Paladins of the Society: CHARGE! KILL THE DEMONS! Smite smite smite SMITE smite smite smite SMITE

Deciemverate: Godsdammit they don't leave that mode once they get into it do they...

Paladins of the Society: CHARGE! KILL THE DEMONS! Smite smite smite SMITE smite smite smite SMITE

I think the guys in the elaborate hats best let the paladins exhaust their smites somewhere far away from the Grand Lodge...

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Someone (may have been Chris) suggested the Decemvirate may be Jatembe's Ten Magic Warriors (who also wear masks). I like the possibilities of that for characters who really believe that the Ten are Golarion's best hope for civilization preservation if The Worst happens.


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GM Aram Zey wrote:
trollbill wrote:
I thought it moved to Silvermount. Isn't Season 8's theme supposed to be Demons with Lasers?
Nah it's not that soon. It's the premise for Pathfinder modern, also known as Path-hammer (or was it War-finder?) 5000.

Aram I thought you were:
Silver Crusade 4/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Season 5: proof that a rampaging horde of demonic evil isn't as powerful as a rampaging horde of murderhoboing Pathfinders. :-)

Silver Crusade 4/5

Brett Carlos wrote:
Season 5: proof that a rampaging horde of demonic evil isn't as powerful as a rampaging horde of murderhoboing Pathfinders. :-)

Rampaging horde of demonic evil vs rampaging horde of non-demonic evil. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Dark Archive 3/5 5/5

Fromper wrote:
Brett Carlos wrote:
Season 5: proof that a rampaging horde of demonic evil isn't as powerful as a rampaging horde of murderhoboing Pathfinders. :-)
Rampaging horde of demonic evil vs rampaging horde of non-demonic evil. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Well what do you call it when a ride one of the demons into battle?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Spider B8 wrote:
Fromper wrote:
Brett Carlos wrote:
Season 5: proof that a rampaging horde of demonic evil isn't as powerful as a rampaging horde of murderhoboing Pathfinders. :-)
Rampaging horde of demonic evil vs rampaging horde of non-demonic evil. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Well what do you call it when a ride one of the demons into battle?

Somehow appropriate.

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