[interest check] criminal game setting to be determined.


I wanted to check on interest in this type of game, you will be low level members of a gang, possibly the muckrakers of absalom, setting to be.

Character creation rules are yet to be decided but one of the requirements will be to give a career path for your criminal. I'll look for characters with similar goals like Robin Hood and his Merry Men, I could pair him with a bloodthirsty assassin but that would include much arguing.

So it's more of a "chaotic" theme than an "evil" theme?

I could get behind that. I also love Absalom, though I have personal qualms against the muckrakers; I don't see their point, Puddles is little but the extreme poor and random boogie monsters. Of course, my character wouldn't feel that way, defending his home and whatnot.

That sounds interesting.

Theme of the game would be determined based on who I chose. I could end up with a robin hood type game, or a red mantis like organization, or spy network, or going ocean's 11.

This could be very interesting

Red Mantis vs Anaphexia could be interesting, with the Red Mantis more or less being the good guys. Or at least the less nasty guys.

I also always loved the Conservatory on Grand Saret and their intrigue.

EDIT: Another, perhaps friendlier, option would be Andoran's Twilight Talons. Taldor's Lion Blades could also work. All groups that work outside the law.

I am interested.

I'll admit my interest is piqued as well.

Showing interest. I'd like to play a thieve's guild rogue; a man not afraid to work his way through the ranks, and with a professional attitude.
Any 3PP considerations?


looks interesting

I am perfectly willing to look at any 3pp so long as you can give me a copy to peruse.

Thinking of a character concept, I'm considering playing an integrated Half-Elf slayer who up until now has undertaken random "jobs" for one of the local thieves' guilds (on an ad hoc basis when she wants to make a little more coin and when they need her particular skill). She is scrambling to survive in general as she was cast out by her human mother's family at a young age and has lived on the streets. She has aspirations: wants to prove her worth and make a name for herself - succeed at carving out a niche among the other criminals and lowlife. She is street smart/cunning and can adapt to her environment - part of her survival mechanism. And she's learned she has a knack for tracking down people/things; enjoying the thrill of the chase and its ultimate conclusion. Dealing death isn't her first option, but she does not shy away from a tough fight and what she must do.

Is the hybrid class Slayer acceptable, The Indescribable? Just looking at viable options, if you proceed forward.

And, do you feel you have enough interest at this stage to put forward a formal recruitment thread? How many players are you looking for? :)

I do not feel I have sufficient interest at this time. I am allowing all Paizo classes except gunslinger. I Ideally want interest from 20 or more people so that I have a wide range of personal goals to work with.

Wait, you're looking to run a 20 player game?

No 20 people showing interest. That way there's a lot of concepts and goals hopefully some of which will mesh up for the game. But no no. I'm sticking to 4 as my initial recruitment. My way of the wicked shows me that even six players can get pretty bogged down.

interested but wary of waiting for twenty people to express interest. In my experience there is rarely that much interest for a single campaign idea.

well there's already 11. Two of the main reasons I want that many people is to make sure there's enough crossing character goals, the other is I want to make sure there's enough interest to make it worth my money buying the absalom campaign guide provided I just don't start building a city I've been thinking of making for years.

The Exchange

1. Interested.

2. I have noticed that non AP based interest checks tend to draw lower numbers (as Browman noted). It is sometimes the case that a full on recruitment drums up more interest because people get caught up in the idea of creating characters in response to an actual event rather than just a poll of interest. Other times it seems to me that folks aren't as interested in chancing something that doesn't have the guard rails of the APs behind them.

12. I've never understood that. There are so many interesting ideas that come through here. Why limit oneself.

Too many people expressing interest can also scare people off, I don't check for new recruitment threads every day and unless the idea is super awesome tend to avoid threads that look full. Making characters can take a decent amount of time. I don't necessarily want to do that if I only have a 10% chance of being selected unless the idea sounds really really amazing.

Let me ask, would those who've shown interest prefer a golarion based city, or something homebrew?

Thank you for answering my earlier questions.

The Indescribable wrote:
Let me ask, would those who've shown interest prefer a golarion based city, or something homebrew?

Are you seeking the pending PCs to all come from the same city, or, are you happy if some are born elsewhere and they travel to said/central/starting city?

A homebrew world is a lot more work for you as GM. I'd be fine with either, really, but if I had to choose one, I'd be leaning more toward a Golarion based city.

You would be welcome to come from other cities. And while you're right about world building meaning more work it also means less money needs to be spent, depending on the group I'd only need to build the city. And it's a city I've wanted to build for a long time.

If you've an idea for a city and a desire to create and play it out, then I'm fine with it. :) Does that mean you would then create other cities for those who would come from outside and provide minimal information for the players to work in their respective backstories? Would the PCs in question be known to one another beforehand? Would PCs be linking backstories?

It will start off as very free form. People knowing each other very much depends on what their goals are. Players are perfectly welcome to create linked backstories, and anybody wanting to come from another city is welcome to think it up themselves, provide me some details which I can use to prep it should our story go beyond the borders of the city I build. Provided we don't end up playing in an established setting..

Excellent. I have no issue with linking backstories where appropriate and creating a city outside your own, if you go the homebrew route. Will wait to read other player preferences. :)

The Indescribable wrote:
No 20 people showing interest. That way there's a lot of concepts and goals hopefully some of which will mesh up for the game. But no no. I'm sticking to 4 as my initial recruitment. My way of the wicked shows me that even six players can get pretty bogged down.

Oh, right... I was going to say...

The Exchange

I would be down with either. Clearly building it yourself means more work but less player assumptions, good and bad. We would be at your mercy for details, so to speak.

im good with either as well. If i might suggest building a new city but place it in golarion so you have an established world but can build the new city to your specifications.

The Absalom book is one of my favorite splats; I think it stems from my great love of old Sigil (and to a lesser extent, Union) from Wizards. Worlds, even one with lazy mages like most campaign settings, need metropolises; civilizations as old and established as we're used to dealing with should have a higher population density.

That being said (especially since the issue at hand isn't should we have a city , but rather, which city), the guide isn't absolutely necessary. Set it a few hundred years in the past, and nearly all of the given information is no longer relevant; you're even free to name things as you like. Similarly, if you design and use your own city, there's no reason you'd have to make an entire world around it. Replace Absalom, or Magnimar, or Sothis, with your new city, or just stick it in a country and adapt the economy around it. Saves a lot of the work, since it's still Golarion, and you get to use your own idea.

DM Immortal wrote:
im good with either as well. If i might suggest building a new city but place it in golarion so you have an established world but can build the new city to your specifications.

You sneaky ninja, you...!

I might apply with a gnome sorcerer illusionist.

Æroden wrote:
DM Immortal wrote:
im good with either as well. If i might suggest building a new city but place it in golarion so you have an established world but can build the new city to your specifications.
You sneaky ninja, you...!

*fades slowly into the shadows* ;-)

Well, I did say ideally twenty, but at this point I'd say enough interest has been shown. I've decided to go the homebrew route so hopefully I'll see you guys in a week or two.

Bump. How goes the homebrew route, Indescribable?

I would be quite interested in playing an illusionist gnome based around bluff and disguise, either as CG fearless zealot who provides the distraction for the rest of the party to get their job done or as a CE Moriarty type villain, but either way it's going to be a lot of "Is it a bluff, double bluff, triple bluff?" sort of character. Something about the mischievous gnome that is just really fun to play.

I'm interested! I don't know what I'd play yet, but I don't mind playing a guy on the wrong side of the law.

I would presume this would be primarily an urban campaign, lots of skulduggery, social con games, close-quarters fighting, and maybe some politics?

It appears Indescribable has altered his idea and another recruitment thread has been started here, for interested players: New Thread - Ninja Clan

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