Starfinder Flip-Tiles: City Starter Set

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)
Starfinder Flip-Tiles: City Starter Set

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Stage the scene for epic science fantasy battles with the Starfinder Flip-Tiles: City Starter Set! This boxed collection of 42 durable, double-sided full-color 6 x 6-inch map tiles provides tons of options for futuristic urban encounters, from foot chases through narrow alleys to searching for suspects in cramped cubicle apartments! These exciting new tiles bring countless combinations to your game table!

Suitable for experienced GMs and novices alike, this product fits perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal. Wet, dry, and permanent markers erase from the tiles! These double-sided space station tiles come in convenient packaging for easy storage.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-276-1

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Maps Subscription.

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Great for cyberpunk


I will preface saying the product was different than expected - preview at time of subscription/ review is a round building in a park-like outdoors setting, and the actual box was all urban alleys and rooms. I'm surprised that a placeholder image that different was still on it at release, when the proper image *is* known and hopefully has been for a while. The lack of sample images of the tiles also gave me pause at first.

Overall pretty similar to the Fantasy city ones with 2-square passageways and rooms making up the sides or corners. Some open areas, nicely detailed greebling without overwhelming the ground, clearly marked doorways. Getting the rooms to fit together and look natural can take some work with rotation and rearranging, some of the corner rooms are missing back walls so you can make larger ones - but usually with doors on two tiles, guess they wanted to avoid inaccessible closets.

Would be great for a Cyberpunk type game, most of the streets are pretty gritty and many have various kinds of graffiti or stains. Less ideal for 'pretty' cities or those with curved wards or building clusters. With some work you could kludge together slightly larger buildings, or 'space dock' type open spaces.

In summary, still happy with the product even though it's not quite what I expected - definitely will be usable.

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Announced for October! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Looking forward to this indeed



Grand Lodge

Oh, interesting.

I'll now get to see how these work!

Hmmm, not convinced this is a good direction to go in. This was the original direction that WotC took with their map tiles and their packs were horrible to use. Admittedly, they had everything from single 2" square tiles through to 10" square ones (trying to make a coherent map was a nightmare).

Having a standardised 6'x6" size will mitigate that somewhat.

For this to be truly worth its cost, it should feature original artwork. If they're going to rehash existing map content, then that's a really bad idea.

Isn't going to be original art?

The above art isn't final but just a placeholder btw.

Sovereign Court Creative Director, Starfinder

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Each tile in each set features new maps created specifically for that set.
As Rysky said, the package displayed above is a mock-up, not an image of the final product.

Yay! Thankies Rob :3

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ironblood wrote:

Hmmm, not convinced this is a good direction to go in. This was the original direction that WotC took with their map tiles and their packs were horrible to use. Admittedly, they had everything from single 2" square tiles through to 10" square ones (trying to make a coherent map was a nightmare).

Having a standardised 6'x6" size will mitigate that somewhat.

For this to be truly worth its cost, it should feature original artwork. If they're going to rehash existing map content, then that's a really bad idea.

They’ve been doing this for a while in the Pathfinder line. FWIW, I think they’re exceptional. I really appreciate the little touches such as a small label for each tile identifying the set it came from, the tile number and whether it’s a-side or b-side. It means you can mark out an area ahead of time and easily replicate it. Plus storing and retrieving tiles is much easier.

Another thing I’ve really liked is the sheer volume in each set - you get a large variety of cohesive maps.

I do find they slip around a bit - our solution has been tiny blobs of blutac holding them to an underlying, blank flipmat and that works okay.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I use a flexible silicone mat under my tiles to stop them from slipping around. It is easy to roll or fold it to take with me and marks out the area on the table for players to keep clear before the tiles go down.

Dark Archive

I am not sure i'll get this.
The Pathfinder "Urban Starter" flip-tiles set is very static and i havn't used it once.

Starfinder cities are much more technical in nature and feature more terrain Features, so they are not as easy to drow or build.

It all depends on the art.
Make it very modular and it may work.

GM Numbat wrote:
I use a flexible silicone mat under my tiles to stop them from slipping around. It is easy to roll or fold it to take with me and marks out the area on the table for players to keep clear before the tiles go down.

Cheers. I’ll try to find something like that. It sounds perfect. :)

Forgive my ignorance, but is each tile a 6 x 6 grid of 1inch squares? Just trying to wrap my head around how these actually work. Is there a sample map spread image somewhere, or something akin to what is being offered here?

Ok, I found this sample from the Forest Starter Set in the Pathfinder line. Looks good, if the same interoperability/ability to tessellate holds...

A PDF might also be a good thing as well please :)


Dark Archive

This is wrongly listed among the new july releases in the starting page instead of the newest Starfinder adventure path volume #30).

my thought is the Spaceship/station tiles were a bit bland,even with the emergemcy expansion i feel they nee a set of tokens representing room/hall features cltter to add to them, I hope this set won't repeat that :(

Anyone grab this yet/ How is it?



1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have purchased the digital pack and I do not enjoy the map tiles for the city as as they really don't look to match up. I am a little bit upset about that due to the fact that I bought the space station pack and loved them, but this one looks like a mall and it doesn't match up with each other in a way that makes sense. I feel like because the art was not even the same I also feel like this product that I see was not the same as what I purchased.

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