Magic Items based on feats

Rules Questions

I've looked for a rule on this, but found nothing. Are there rules for making a magic item that allows a particular feat? For example, a ring of Quick Draw or of Blind-Fight. Alternatively, does anyone have an example of such an item in the books? Obviously there are many feats that make no sense in an item, and prerequisites would make for a complicated item.


Some ioun stones grant feats.

The ones that grant feats are slotless items that cost 10000gp, so following the magic item creation rules a slotted item that grants a feat would cost 5000gp. However do keep in mind that the feats that these ioun stones grants have no prerequisites.

3.5 had some items which granted their wearers feats, but Pathfinder did away with them. There are no rules for creating such items since the worth of feats can't be described with a simple formula, and allowing people to buy feats is simply unbalanced.

There is however an Ioun stone for 10000 gp which grants you the Endurance Feat, but since Endurance sucks, I guess they didn't see a problem with it.

The formula for creating feat magic items in 3.5 was:

5000 x (1+X)

Where X was the number of requirements for the feat.

As you can see, this formula is linear, which made high-level feats alarmingly cheap. Another formula which increases exponentially should be implemented if you want to create feat magic items in a homebrew.

I do not recommend allowing people to create such items in a homebrew, since it quickly gets out of hand. But if you really want it, then I propose that you implement a rule that such feats can't be used as a prerequisite for other feats.

Just to be clear, there are a number of feats that ioun stones grant. But all of them have no prerequisites.

Personally I would allow such a custom item to be crafted, taking up a slot and costing 5000gp, as long as the feat had no prerequisites.

The ioun stones are exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of, thanks. And I agree, at the least the item should not grant any prerequisites, nor should it be countable as a prerequisite. Costing 5000 gp to make/10000 gp to buy on the market seems pretty reasonable, with those limitations.

Just to be clear #2, the Ioun stones have a market price of 10,000 gp since they are slotless. A slotted magic item which granted a feat would have a market price of 5000 gp and cost 2500 gp to craft.

Grand Lodge

Also be careful what feats you make into items/allow to be made into items. Even if you stick to feats with no prerequisites, some are a lot stronger than others.

Wouldn't an item that granted a feat with prerequisites simply not work if it didn't also grant them? (and you didn't have the prerequisite feat yourself of course.)

If I own the Mask of Luchador which grants the improved grapple feat, but I don't have IUS, I can't use improved grapple based on the standard feat prereq rules.

I think I will have to put the Mask of the Luchador in a game sometime soon though.....

It depends if the item gives you the feat, or gives you the abilities of a feat. If it gives you an actual feat, then yeah, you would need the prerequisites. Of course, in this case the item would also ACT as a prerequisite for other feats.

Monks don't need the prereqs for their bonus feats to work. Why should an item? Of course its description, like the monk's, should state that explicitly.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Wonderstell wrote:
A slotted magic item which granted a feat would have a market price of 5000 gp and cost 2500 gp to craft.

That isn't how item creation works. You don't use formulas.

A slotted Endurance feat item would cost 5000 gp.

A Quick Draw feat item might look more like the Gloves of Storing and not be unlimited use.

For each feat, you look to a similar item that provides that functionality.

@James Risner

That sentence was not meant to be taken out of context. I simply tried to tell Jengada that the Ioun Stones have a multiplier of 2x since they are unslotted items.

Wonderstell wrote:
Jengada wrote:
The ioun stones are exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of, thanks. And I agree, at the least the item should not grant any prerequisites, nor should it be countable as a prerequisite. Costing 5000 gp to make/10000 gp to buy on the market seems pretty reasonable, with those limitations.
Just to be clear #2, the Ioun stones have a market price of 10,000 gp since they are slotless. A slotted magic item which granted a feat would have a market price of 5000 gp and cost 2500 gp to craft.

(makes more sense if I had quoted Jengada like this)

But, yes, you are correct.

Comparing to existing items>Formulas

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