re: Pregens for Magus and APG Iconics?

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 5/5

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I know I ask this question every few months or so.

I have the pre-gens for the alchemist oracle and cavalier, but, these were made years ago on a 15 point build.....

Pre Gens were quickly made for the Ultimate Combat and the Advanced Class Guide, and the Occult Adventures books when they were published. And now that the Advanced Players Guide has been out for five years or so and the Ultimate Magic has been out for a few years as well, there isn't any marketing pressure to make pre gens for the iconic characters in both books.

So I am wondering are there any plans to make pre gens for the Magus and the Advanced Player's Guide Iconic characters?. They seem to be perpetually stuck on the "middle burner". Thank you.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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I was looking at those snazzy Iconic minis sets yesterday, and thinking the exact same thing.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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I made PFS legal versions of a few of the 1st level APG Pregens (although I couldn't call them "Pregens"), but as I was getting started on the Magus someone from Campaign Leadership said they were about to be released, so I pulled back.

That was some time ago. In retrospect, I should have just continued and finished the set. Now I just don't have the time.

EDIT: HERE is the Cavalier, Oracle, and Witch I created, as well as Pawns for the Serpents Rise Pregens.

The idea behind them is that they're legally built 1st level characters, so anyone can use them as they would their own creation. One of the hangups came from the consumables, since they're "consumed" when you use them, unlike an actual Pregen.

EDIT#2: fixed link.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Nefreet thank you. and Formse thank you


Who needs all those when you have the almighty Crowe, super pregen extraordinaire?

In truth, though, those pregens have been a back burner priority for a looooooooooooooong time.

The Exchange 3/5

Crowe, King of the Pregens and carrier of games! The only pregen a player ever needs!

Nefreet's fan created pregens for level 1 work pretty well as long as you have the resource. It be nice to see official pregens come out still.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Is Crowe that good?

Lately it's been a lot of Seelah, Kyra Unchained (with new spells prepared), Hakon (he fights, he talks, he has knowledges) and Zadim (he slices, he dices) for me.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

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Lau Bannenberg wrote:

Is Crowe that good?

Lately it's been a lot of Seelah, Kyra Unchained (with new spells prepared), Hakon (he fights, he talks, he has knowledges) and Zadim (he slices, he dices) for me.

Crowe is one of the best, if not the best, built level 1 pregens. Seelah and Kyra are common almost everywhere, in my experience. At level 7, Seelah and Shardra (Shaman) have some of the best consumables you can find.

I don't see the more martial pregens in play very often as those roles tend to be covered though. (I did see Valeros and Zadim played as Bill and Ted at a quest table which was pretty entertaining.)

The ACG pregens in my experience are generally better builds than previous pregens, though they all tend to have less healing available.


Seelah has 38 charges of a Cure Moderate Wounds wand, and Shardra has a scrolls of Breath of Life, Fly, and Break Enchantment.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I really like handing Zadim to not-very-experienced players. Rules-wise he's not too challenging, and offensively Zadim performs well enough that the player can contribute as an equal, rather than a sidekick.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Oloch is a local favorite. I've seen him carry more than one scenario.

I regularly carry 4 laminated Pregens with me: Seelah and Kyra, for beginners, and Oloch and Quinn, for more advanced players.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Oloch sees a lot of play here as well, along with Kyra, Crowe & Lem.

I'm not too keen on using Seelah with new players as she uses a heavy shield (thus can use lay on hands very well), and the description for power attack is incorrect, thinking it's a two-handed weapon.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I've been thinking about making a checklist for each of the pregens, with the blind spots in their gear. Are there cheap items that another PC could buy/lend at the beginning of the session to really amp up the pregen?

For example, giving Amiri a dagger in case she's swallowed whole and has to cut herself out of a cocoon (has happened). Giving the wand-users spring-loaded wrist sheaths. Giving Kyra a rope.


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Doesn't anyone like me? :/

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Seoni, Iconic Sorcerer wrote:
Doesn't anyone like me? :/

No, not really.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Seoni, Iconic Sorcerer wrote:
Doesn't anyone like me? :/

You rank higher than Ezren, at least.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Seoni was quite popular in Merchants Wake, the group were happy to have her.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Level seven Seoni casts haste a bunch of times, so there's that!

We took a lvl 7 Seoni into Bonekeep 3 and did just fine.

The Exchange 4/5

Pregen ninja is my personal favorite!

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

11 people marked this as a favorite.
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

So I am wondering are there any plans to make pre gens for the Magus and the Advanced Player's Guide Iconic characters?. They seem to be perpetually stuck on the "middle burner". Thank you.

We have a fully trained team working in the same office which increases our ability to get things done. So it is on our to do list, which is getting smaller. See the recent AP sanctions, chronicle updates, Additional Resource monthly updates, and clarifications document. So i don't have a timeline for getting it done, but we do realize our players want them and they are on our radar.



The Concordance 5/5 5/55/5 ***

countchocula wrote:
Pregen ninja is my personal favorite!

Playing the Pregen Ninja through Silverhex Chronicles is what ultimately led me to creating a Disguise-focused Ninja =D

Lantern Lodge 5/5

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Be careful what you wish for.

As soon as there's an Iconic Alain, all other iconics will be obsolete. Just ask Alain.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Jeff Hazuka wrote:

Be careful what you wish for.

As soon as there's an Iconic Alain, no other iconic will be worthwile. Just ask Alain.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

4/5 5/5

Doragon Feiku wrote:
countchocula wrote:
Pregen ninja is my personal favorite!
Playing the Pregen Ninja through Silverhex Chronicles is what ultimately led me to creating a Disguise-focused Ninja =D

Level 7 Reiko and their HP make me cry.

Kind of like level 1 Shardra did before I realized she can just spam daze until the cows come home.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

So I am wondering are there any plans to make pre gens for the Magus and the Advanced Player's Guide Iconic characters?. They seem to be perpetually stuck on the "middle burner". Thank you.

We have a fully trained team working in the same office which increases our ability to get things done. So it is on our to do list, which is getting smaller. See the recent AP sanctions, chronicle updates, Additional Resource monthly updates, and clarifications document. So i don't have a timeline for getting it done, but we do realize our players want them and they are on our radar.




I for one hope the alchemist manages to pull of the flavour of being a guy who has an interesting remedy at hand for a dozen different weird situations. That, much more than brute damage output potential, is what really makes the alchemist cool.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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Adril Hestram wrote:
Seoni, Iconic Sorcerer wrote:
Doesn't anyone like me? :/
No, not really.

You brute.

Silver Crusade 5/5

I am glad to know they are on the radar and thank you for taking the time to answer my question,

Myles Crocker


Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Lau Bannenberg wrote:

I've been thinking about making a checklist for each of the pregens, with the blind spots in their gear. Are there cheap items that another PC could buy/lend at the beginning of the session to really amp up the pregen?

For example, giving Amiri a dagger in case she's swallowed whole and has to cut herself out of a cocoon (has happened). Giving the wand-users spring-loaded wrist sheaths. Giving Kyra a rope.

Obvious ones I've seen at level 1 -

- a sap for Merrisel - at level 1 this makes her actually quite good at knocking out foes you don't want to kill

- a greatclub for Amiri - gives her a blunt weapon and also something it isn't suffering the outsize weapon penalty.

Dark Archive 3/5 **

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JulianW wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:

I've been thinking about making a checklist for each of the pregens, with the blind spots in their gear. Are there cheap items that another PC could buy/lend at the beginning of the session to really amp up the pregen?

For example, giving Amiri a dagger in case she's swallowed whole and has to cut herself out of a cocoon (has happened). Giving the wand-users spring-loaded wrist sheaths. Giving Kyra a rope.

Obvious ones I've seen at level 1 -

- a sap for Merrisel - at level 1 this makes her actually quite good at knocking out foes you don't want to kill

- a greatclub for Amiri - gives her a blunt weapon and also something it isn't suffering the outsize weapon penalty.

Greatclubs are 5 GP and Saps are 1 GP. Most of the pregens have a bit of gold lying round and almost every scenario gives you time to do basic shopping.

5/5 *

We've got a running bit locally where everyone who sits down with Kyra makes a quick stop at The Shield Store to fix that gap in her gear.


Tonya Woldridge wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

So I am wondering are there any plans to make pre gens for the Magus and the Advanced Player's Guide Iconic characters?. They seem to be perpetually stuck on the "middle burner". Thank you.

We have a fully trained team working in the same office which increases our ability to get things done. So it is on our to do list, which is getting smaller. See the recent AP sanctions, chronicle updates, Additional Resource monthly updates, and clarifications document. So i don't have a timeline for getting it done, but we do realize our players want them and they are on our radar.




And here I thought the 'evil twin' contest was to create a 4th level pregen that could easily be arranged into 7th & 1st level pre-gens.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Nefreet wrote:
I've seen him carry more than one scenario

This is exactly what we did not want to happen, unless of course its a table of all pregens. Pregens should almost never outshine player-created characters. Its a sign that maybe the ACG pregens are little too well-built.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Or a sign that the pregen was at a table with some seriously underpowered or unprepared PC's. Or, he could also mean that the pregen was at the right place at the right time to keep the scenario from getting out of control. Let's not jump to conclusions here.


UndeadMitch wrote:
Or a sign that the pregen was at a table with some seriously underpowered or unprepared PC's. Or, he could also mean that the pregen was at the right place at the right time to keep the scenario from getting out of control. Let's not jump to conclusions here.

For the strengthy bruiser pregens, the interesting thing is that sometimes it's all down to what the character is wielding in the art. For instance, Zadim's main advantage over Valeros was that he's pictured with two kukris and not a longsword and shortsword, and Oloch and Crowe are pictured with greatsword and earthbreaker, vs Amiri having a size Large bastard sword that gives her a -2 to hit. Once you're hitting things with a greatsword or earthbreaker with your high stat in Strength, you're already in a great place.

I've seen Crowe carry a table of prepared and powerful PCs that were all about buffs and debuffs, but the three of them knew sitting down that they needed a melee pregen to make the 4th, and that they were going to make that pregen shine thanks to their excellent buffs and debuffs. They each got to have fun doing what their characters do, and the table went well. It would have been even better if it was a new player who got to feel awesome instead of just the GM-controlled 4th.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I guess I should have clarified that I was speaking of Oloch's combat prowess. He hits things with a Greatsword, buffs, heals, and has a decent AC. It certainly wasn't his lack of skills, social graces, negative Dex checks, or knowledges.

Dark Archive 3/5 **

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Rogue Eidolon wrote:
UndeadMitch wrote:
Or a sign that the pregen was at a table with some seriously underpowered or unprepared PC's. Or, he could also mean that the pregen was at the right place at the right time to keep the scenario from getting out of control. Let's not jump to conclusions here.

For the strengthy bruiser pregens, the interesting thing is that sometimes it's all down to what the character is wielding in the art. For instance, Zadim's main advantage over Valeros was that he's pictured with two kukris and not a longsword and shortsword, and Oloch and Crowe are pictured with greatsword and earthbreaker, vs Amiri having a size Large bastard sword that gives her a -2 to hit. Once you're hitting things with a greatsword or earthbreaker with your high stat in Strength, you're already in a great place.

I've seen Crowe carry a table of prepared and powerful PCs that were all about buffs and debuffs, but the three of them knew sitting down that they needed a melee pregen to make the 4th, and that they were going to make that pregen shine thanks to their excellent buffs and debuffs. They each got to have fun doing what their characters do, and the table went well. It would have been even better if it was a new player who got to feel awesome instead of just the GM-controlled 4th.

So...are you telling us that the PCs, Pregen included, truly shined not because of build but because they worked together as a team? Blasphemy!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Rogue Eidolon wrote:
UndeadMitch wrote:
Or a sign that the pregen was at a table with some seriously underpowered or unprepared PC's. Or, he could also mean that the pregen was at the right place at the right time to keep the scenario from getting out of control. Let's not jump to conclusions here.

For the strengthy bruiser pregens, the interesting thing is that sometimes it's all down to what the character is wielding in the art. For instance, Zadim's main advantage over Valeros was that he's pictured with two kukris and not a longsword and shortsword, and Oloch and Crowe are pictured with greatsword and earthbreaker, vs Amiri having a size Large bastard sword that gives her a -2 to hit. Once you're hitting things with a greatsword or earthbreaker with your high stat in Strength, you're already in a great place.

I've seen Crowe carry a table of prepared and powerful PCs that were all about buffs and debuffs, but the three of them knew sitting down that they needed a melee pregen to make the 4th, and that they were going to make that pregen shine thanks to their excellent buffs and debuffs. They each got to have fun doing what their characters do, and the table went well. It would have been even better if it was a new player who got to feel awesome instead of just the GM-controlled 4th.

That's one of my favorite things about the ACG pregens. From my experience the ACG pregens are a lot better at filling a certain role than their Core counterparts. I've not seen someone playing an ACG pregen get relegated to the sidelines like I have with some of the ones out of Core. I've seen Crowe stand in the front in subtier 10-11 with characters in tier and hold his own (until he got swallowed and realized that he didn't have anything to cut his way out). The gear selection is a lot better too, the ACG pregens are for the most part better able to deal with many of the common obstacles in PFS than the Core.

I hope when we get the APG iconics and the magus, they are as well built as those from the ACG and Occult Adventures.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I've never seen a player play a pregen because they didn't want to contribute. I have, on the other hand, seen pregens used as guides for building someone's first PFS character.

So I am also a fan of how the ACG pregens turned out.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

So I am wondering are there any plans to make pre gens for the Magus and the Advanced Player's Guide Iconic characters?. They seem to be perpetually stuck on the "middle burner". Thank you.

We have a fully trained team working in the same office which increases our ability to get things done. So it is on our to do list, which is getting smaller. See the recent AP sanctions, chronicle updates, Additional Resource monthly updates, and clarifications document. So i don't have a timeline for getting it done, but we do realize our players want them and they are on our radar.



So, what are the chances we might see a re-write for the iconic Harsk, specifically 7th level Harsk. At 7th level he's barely more functional than level 1 Harsk. Or any other character using their back up ranged weapon for that matter. It doesn't need to be much, even something like Vital Strike instead of Far Shot would go a long way to making him a more viable choice without having him outshine any regular PCs.

In fact, it's kind of sad, buy Seelah often makes a better archer than Harsk, with absolutely no feat investment.

4/5 Designer

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bdk86 wrote:
Rogue Eidolon wrote:
UndeadMitch wrote:
Or a sign that the pregen was at a table with some seriously underpowered or unprepared PC's. Or, he could also mean that the pregen was at the right place at the right time to keep the scenario from getting out of control. Let's not jump to conclusions here.

For the strengthy bruiser pregens, the interesting thing is that sometimes it's all down to what the character is wielding in the art. For instance, Zadim's main advantage over Valeros was that he's pictured with two kukris and not a longsword and shortsword, and Oloch and Crowe are pictured with greatsword and earthbreaker, vs Amiri having a size Large bastard sword that gives her a -2 to hit. Once you're hitting things with a greatsword or earthbreaker with your high stat in Strength, you're already in a great place.

I've seen Crowe carry a table of prepared and powerful PCs that were all about buffs and debuffs, but the three of them knew sitting down that they needed a melee pregen to make the 4th, and that they were going to make that pregen shine thanks to their excellent buffs and debuffs. They each got to have fun doing what their characters do, and the table went well. It would have been even better if it was a new player who got to feel awesome instead of just the GM-controlled 4th.

So...are you telling us that the PCs, Pregen included, truly shined not because of build but because they worked together as a team? Blasphemy!

My #1 and #2 goals when writing them were to stay true to the story and RP elements of the pregen and to make them team players who can cover their role at basic level and work together well with other PCs (whether pregens or not) and have a few contingencies covered by higher levels so that the new player can have the fun of being the hero when that situation comes up (like how Kyra has an oil of daylight).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Seoni, Iconic Sorcerer wrote:
Doesn't anyone like me? :/

We love your pin-up work. ;)

I assume that the only iconic we'll see for the summoner will be based on the UnChained! class.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

There's a 5th level version of him in Fane of Fangs.

Nefreet wrote:
There's a 5th level version of him in Fane of Fangs.

And a first level one in Ruins of the Fallen Fortress, but you can't use them for general PFS play.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Well aware. The Master of the Fallen Fortress version is from the APG, though. The Fane of Fangs version is from Pathfinder Unchained.

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