The Monkey's Treefort

Off-Topic Discussions

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I at first thought that would be a silly creature. But I was so wrong!

Hi, Cal!

Hey, John! How goes it?

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Won something from Taig's contest. Just selected my winnings. Survived both Game Day sessions, yesterday. The first game's party three-round-killed an Umbral Dragon. The second game had the party going into Hell for an investigation.

I've had investigations go to Hell, but not the other way around. What did you choose from Taig's giveaway?

Legendary Planet Player's Guide and the Homebrew Spell point Compilation.

The latter sounds very interesting.

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After I read it, I'll let you know about it.

John Napier 698 wrote:
After I read it, I'll let you know about it.

That does sound interesting! Post all the juicy details! :)

(Aged Wizzie luvs magic) ;P

So, essentially, Spell Points are gained based on Class and Level. You gain bonus points equal to the modifier value of the relevant ability, with a cap equal to the character level. Spells use Spell Points equal to the spell's level.

Silver Crusade

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Drejk wrote:
Kittykhore, a ferocious and voracious winged kitten with a scorpion tail... Don't let it sting you when you play with it.

I read this as “kittywhore”. Either way, Arya is deeply offended.

Silver Crusade

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Evening, all. What did I miss?

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"Evading the imminent revenge of the dreaded Blood Nest Pirates, the inhabitants of the Paizo message boards scatter to all corners of the Galaxy. The fearless crew of the freighter Bad Luck Woman, captained by Captain Yesterday, searches for the Ongiron, a Legendary weapon of great power, that can end the scourge of the Blood Nest Pirates once and for all."

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John Napier 698 wrote:
"Evading the imminent revenge of the dreaded Blood Nest Pirates, the inhabitants of the Paizo message boards scatter to all corners of the Galaxy. The fearless crew of the freighter Bad Luck Woman, captained by Captain Yesterday, searches for the Ongiron, a Legendary weapon of great power, that can end the scourge of the Blood Nest Pirates once and for all."

Wow. Sounds like we're going on an adventure, guys!

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Coo. What du?


>Get Arms

Literally the only joke I know about MSPaint Adventures.

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Okay now that I'm convinced that my car won't die, I totally need to run for GASP Game Day, "Let's Kill Krampus!" :)

Liberty's Edge

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John Napier 698 wrote:
"Evading the imminent revenge of the dreaded Blood Nest Pirates, the inhabitants of the Paizo message boards scatter to all corners of the Galaxy. The fearless crew of the freighter Bad Luck Woman, captained by Captain Yesterday, searches for the Ongiron, a Legendary weapon of great power, that can end the scourge of the Blood Nest Pirates once and for all."


Dark Archive

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Tacticslion wrote:

Coo. What du?


>Get Arms

Literally the only joke I know about MSPaint Adventures.

You already have arms, genius!

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Orthos, Post-Singularity wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Coo. What du?


>Get Arms

Literally the only joke I know about MSPaint Adventures.

You already have arms, genius!

Alternative response:


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It sure is quiet in here tonight. *looks about suspiciously* TOO quiet *begins making sure the Tree Fort is secure*

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Hi, Cal!

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Hey! How goes it? I finished up my Christmas shopping and my son wrapped the gifts (I'm completely helpless where that is concerned) so I'm feeling pretty accomplished!

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Doing well. Made Sausage and Peppers for dinner, again.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Kittykhore, a ferocious and voracious winged kitten with a scorpion tail... Don't let it sting you when you play with it.
I read this as “kittywhore”. Either way, Arya is deeply offended.

She complained on not having wings and scorpion tail?

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Doing well. Made Sausage and Peppers for dinner, again.

That sounds totally edible. I had leftover pizza... LOL

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It's not so bad. It was free pizza so I'm definitely not complaining!

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Free pizza is good. I just had fish. Mom is leaving to go with our church to go to the National Cathedral for some Advent stuff. I still have to finish decorating the tree, but that will be it.

Course I also have to bake cookies....

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I thought I was supposed to SLOW DOWN around now! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Sorry, holiday hyperventilation,... ;P

Yum,... Pizza. I miss carbs. (Cuz I not supposed to eat any!) So I make my own crust out of Mozzarella & almond flour & Coconut flour. Cheese topped meat pizza on top of a cheese crust! :)

Funny, I made my daughter and I sausage & peppers for lunch today!
Then grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner,...

AND now I'm hungry and its after midnight,... sheesh,...

Happy HUMP DAY treeforters!

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You can also make pizza crust and bread-like substances from cauliflower.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

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19,930 in a bit less than three years is impressive folks. At this time I'm going to retire this thread. If you'd like to create a new chat thread, please feel free.

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