The Monkey's Treefort

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sunny Godhead wrote:
Summertime is a month away! Time to get the night club, pool, and roving bars up and running.

I feel my power waning....

And my clothes retreating...

You had clothes before?!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gryphling, half cat, half owl, and 1:12th griffon!

Sweet mother of macrame.

What is the matter?

Humble Bundle Bloom County e-book sale.

I'm trying to work on my resume and my homework and my smartphone is not accepting texts for some reason. The wireless network seems to be down somehow. After a phishing attempt I put the 2-step text function on my google account. Now I cannot access Google Docs. *sigh*

BTW, if you have texted me, I wont be getting it. :(

~texts Patrick some more, some of them very important*~

* J/K!!!

~texts Patrick to ask why he hasn't responded to my texts~

~tests Patrick to wish him the best of luck with his current problems~

Yup. Still nothing

~texts "text" to Patrick 100 times in a row~

Damn you AT&T! Shakes paw

Ah well. Off on my rounds.


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And back. All is klaar, herr commisar

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I know why you're up at 5 AM, monkey, but whyinhell am *I* up?

Bad dreams?

Feeling mehish about all.

The idea of the internship starting next week crushes my spirit...

It is supposed to pay money, which I do need...

But it will eat my time, and will hurt my creativity (getting up at 6 turns me into a zombie), and the faint degree of freedom I have.

Ah, don't mind me. Brooding dragon is brooding...

Drejk wrote:

Feeling mehish about all.

The idea of the internship starting next week crushes my spirit...

It is supposed to pay money, which I do need...

But it will eat my time, and will hurt my creativity (getting up at 6 turns me into a zombie), and the faint degree of freedom I have.

Ah, don't mind me. Brooding dragon is brooding...

Sorry to hear that.

Dark Archive

Drejk wrote:

Feeling mehish about all.

The idea of the internship starting next week crushes my spirit...

It is supposed to pay money, which I do need...

But it will eat my time, and will hurt my creativity (getting up at 6 turns me into a zombie), and the faint degree of freedom I have.

Ah, don't mind me. Brooding dragon is brooding...

I can crush your spirit if you want me to. Just to be a kind and caring individual.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

Feeling mehish about all.

The idea of the internship starting next week crushes my spirit...

It is supposed to pay money, which I do need...

But it will eat my time, and will hurt my creativity (getting up at 6 turns me into a zombie), and the faint degree of freedom I have.

Ah, don't mind me. Brooding dragon is brooding...

Perhaps look at it as an opportunity? Or a learning experience? Almost any situation can be dealt in a positive light. Going in dreading it will make it dreadful. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Doppelmocker, a tiny doppel-monkey!

Drejk wrote:
Doppelmocker, a tiny doppel-monkey!

I,... I,...

Don't know whether to love it, or be annoyed by it. It's perfect!

Silver Crusade

Ragadolf wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Doppelmocker, a tiny doppel-monkey!

I,... I,...

Don't know whether to love it, or be annoyed by it. It's perfect!

I agree. It's strangely compelling.

Drejk wrote:
... (getting up at 6 turns me into a zombie) ...

Look on the bright side, you can join AberZombie's thronging horde of shambling undeath. Surely that's worth it?

I am really looking forward to this week passing by. 18 hours worked yesterday, and another 12 on deck for today, then a trip to Boston for school.

Yet, I am hurting for cash because I lost a job and am only working 60 hours a week rather than 80.

Soon.. soon... I'll work 50 hrs a week, gladly. Long as there is a living wage involved ....

Patrick, you still can't receive texts?

Nope. I need to get in contact with AT&T today. It's getting ridickerish

I'd like to sleep more but I can't because if I return to sleep now, I certainly won't be able to sleep even a bit in the night. And I need to get up tomorrow in the morning and go to get basic medical check up for the work and get some paperwork done.


Though it is likely I will have problems sleeping at night anyway, just like last night...

Drejk wrote:

I'd like to sleep more but I can't because if I return to sleep now, I certainly won't be able to sleep even a bit in the night. And I need to get up tomorrow in the morning and go to get basic medical check up for the work and get some paperwork done.


Though it is likely I will have problems sleeping at night anyway, just like last night...

If anyone successfully blows up all of the financial buildings in Wilmington I an effort to wipe out all of the debt records we'll know it was you!

I am not a fan of drugs so I would say maybe a brisk walk or run right before bed to try and get you tired may help.

My mom is supposed to fly back to England early afternoon tomorrow.

I am supposed to go for medical check up early in the morning and then run with some paperwork to my future place of work...

Mom is feeling sick now, and vomited... Hopefully it seems to be passing for now...

To make the things better, it seems that temporary filling fell off my tooth. The one waiting for me to get enough money for root channel.

No, I don't have enough money for root channel yet, and the incoming internship won't pay enough to do it either - in fact it will pay less than I need per month.


Literally. I had to go to a drugstore for something against diarrhea for mom.

So, not sleeping much tonight.

I'm sorry things are going so awful, drejk

Hopefully there will be some positive things in the future Drejk!

I hope your mom and your teeth both improve.

One more class to go. It is amazing to me. Hopefully, I will be able to find a job soon.

Patrick, I hope that your night is going ell and that your last week of the semester goes well.

So far, so good. I'll be happy when Sunday rolls along. I'm feeling rather stretched thin.

~starts to pull Patrick in twelve additional directions~

Hey could you try to send me a text? I want to see if my phone is working again


Nope. Nothing :(

Mom felt well enough to get to the airport.

I got bored waiting for the medical check.

Then I got rained upon...

I woke up at 3 a.m. today. I was lying on my right side with my left arm extended straight up. My pillow was held in my clenched left fist, and I was slowly swinging my arm back and forth, like a metronome at 20 bpm. In time with the swinging, I was chanting "Yo se... yo se... yo se..."

If anybody recognizes this as part of some necromantic or nefarious arcane ritual, please let me know. I would like to prevent whatever evil my unconscious is plotting.

No, I do not speak Spanish to any great extent. In fact, I thought "Yo se" meant "I am', but Google Translate tells me it means "I know." Ironically, I didn't.

Serious question. Are you taking any medications? This sounds to me like a reaction to meds.

Maybe you were summoning Jose, but forgot that in Spanish J is read as H?

Oh, wait...

"Yo se", would be "I am" in many rural Polish dialects, including Gorals and Silesian IIRC.

Nothing new - usual allergy stuff and a beta blocker.

Are you close to Chicago? Maybe a ghost of a dead immigrant Goral is possessing you?

Treppa wrote:
Nothing new - usual allergy stuff and a beta blocker.

Then it may be a nightmare that you don't remember.

Never thought about it being other than Spanish... hmmm.

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