The Monkey's Treefort

Off-Topic Discussions

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Treppa wrote:
May of last year: one hand, two dogs, two leashes, two sudden lunges in two different directions, one shattered ring finger, one badly wrenched hand, one surgery, two fingers with trigger finger. Rehab has been very very very slow because therapy exacerbated the trigger finger, so I have been waffling and waiting to see if it improves without more surgery. In the meantime, I can do things with the hand, just not well and generally painfully. Using a can opener properly was a pretty big deal. It's improving, but don't hand me any Faberge eggs. Gravity is my enemy.
Oh my goodness. I have two pretty large dogs and fortunately they're fairly well behaved on walks. I've learned to watch their cues for when they're about to act like fools and chase a cat (I've honed my Perception to keep my eyes out for other dogs or cats. They ignore squirrels). So far no accidents except when I fell over one that had stopped suddenly and I tore a meniscus disc in my right knee. I hope your recovery speeds up now that you're able to do more with the hand!

I have two Danes and I too need to be ever vigilant, if it moves they'll think about chasing it!

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
My nearly all grey beard helps hide my double chin... lol I'm 53, and finally showing my age. For several years I didn't quite look my age, always being thought of as younger. But now that my hair is mostly grey and my beard nearly all grey, it's easier to tell. My wife, on the other hand, is 50 and looks 35.

A nice problem to have ;-)

I swear all of my G%#%~&ned PC's split up all the damned time, it's like they never read the Order of the Stick!

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

The Danes I knew would chase cars, catch them, and bury them in the back yard.

Ed Reppert wrote:
The Danes I knew would chase cars, catch them, and bury them in the back yard.

Euro Danes most likely. Their American counterparts are a bit smaller. My guys are 140 and 150 respectively. Big for dogs but not big for Danes.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That's like, three times my Australian Shepard.

One of my mom's neighbor used to have (smaller, american) Dane.
Everything in that house was above or below tail level. if it wasn't the furry battering ram of happiness would destroy it!
His tail once caught me in the,... Well,.. It hurt. It was big for a dog!
Not quite Scooby-Doo sized, but still. :)

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Ragadolf wrote:


One of my mom's neighbor used to have (smaller, american) Dane.
Everything in that house was above or below tail level. if it wasn't the furry battering ram of happiness would destroy it!
His tail once caught me in the,... Well,.. It hurt. It was big for a dog!
Not quite Scooby-Doo sized, but still. :)

My daughter's head is right in line with their tails, the kid might be a female boxer she has to duck and weave so much around them! :-)

I just updated 12 PbP as a DM, I think it's the most I've done without moving in one sitting ;-)

Relating to dogs, one of my friends used to have a Great Pyrenees mix. He was tall enough that he could rest his chin on the tabletop without stretching. When he wanted petted (while we were playing) he would start by shoving his head between his chosen human's arm and torso, then looking up with sad-puppy eyes. If that didn't get him enough attention, he would work his way under the table (not the easiest thing for a big dog to do, especially with 8 people around), choose a person, and thrust his head forcefully into their crotch. Then give them the sad-puppy eyes. We learned quickly to keep an eye out, and protect ourselves if he started to go under the table.

Edit: While checking the spelling of Pyrenees, I noticed that one of the traits of the breed is "fearless". This dog was definitely NOT fearless. Any loud noise would send him scampering for cover, and he would hide in the bathtub during thunderstorms. They actually had to give him sedatives if the storm lasted more than 30 minutes or so.

gran rey de los mono wrote:

Relating to dogs, one of my friends used to have a Great Pyrenees mix. He was tall enough that he could rest his chin on the tabletop without stretching. When he wanted petted (while we were playing) he would start by shoving his head between his chosen human's arm and torso, then looking up with sad-puppy eyes. If that didn't get him enough attention, he would work his way under the table (not the easiest thing for a big dog to do, especially with 8 people around), choose a person, and thrust his head forcefully into their crotch. Then give them the sad-puppy eyes. We learned quickly to keep an eye out, and protect ourselves if he started to go under the table.

Edit: While checking the spelling of Pyrenees, I noticed that one of the traits of the breed is "fearless". This dog was definitely NOT fearless. Any loud noise would send him scampering for cover, and he would hide in the bathtub during thunderstorms. They actually had to give him sedatives if the storm lasted more than 30 minutes or so.

Awww. :)

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England: The Broad Street Pump - Extra History

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I've never made anywhere close to 50k in my life. Even when I was able to work that would have been a fortune to me.

That's my problem. Despite making close to that last year I am barely keeping on. That's three jobs. And yes, I do spend money I shouldn't, but not terribly so. A few minor trips to NYC and Canada last year, but not an extravagant lifestyle by any means.

And yes, I have bills accrued from my days of marriage, and school, but it seems to me if I am pulling this money I should be able to live and pay down some of that debt.

Now I am going to be closer to the 30-35K level unless I can get the job at a legal firm.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
The Danes I knew would chase cars, catch them, and bury them in the back yard.
Euro Danes most likely. Their American counterparts are a bit smaller. My guys are 140 and 150 respectively. Big for dogs but not big for Danes.

Lol about five times my pupper

One of my dogs is around the 75 to 80 pound mark and the other one is around 17 to 18 pounds.

Hey Freehold DM. Got a question for you. How is Steins Gate?

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I just updated 12 PbP as a DM, I think it's the most I've done without moving in one sitting ;-)

I need to update, but I spent the night with So many firms....

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I just updated 12 PbP as a DM, I think it's the most I've done without moving in one sitting ;-)
I need to update, but I spent the night with So many firms....

Yes the number of firms is crazy. Aby type of law that interests you, I'd apply to a firm that at offers the service if not specializing in it.

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Mary Seacole - Extra History

Sharoth wrote:
Hey Freehold DM. Got a question for you. How is Steins Gate?

I never got into it but I heard it was good.

David M Mallon wrote:
I may be alone in this sentiment, but while asking for a date and getting turned down is no fun, being the one turning down the date feels ten times worse.


Treppa wrote:

Luck, monkey.

Last week, I was able to make a fist and open it again without having to use my other hand to unclench the fingers. And it didn't hurt, even though it still catches some.

Today, I used a can opener and successfully opened a can.

Things get better.

please continue to heal treppa.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


This day is starting off stupid.

MTA truly sucks rabid moose balls.

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote: rabid moose balls.

Can I steal this from you?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

gelds moose, sends aberzombie the stuff, informs moose of where his genitals may be found

Freehold DM wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Hey Freehold DM. Got a question for you. How is Steins Gate?
I never got into it but I heard it was good.

Thanks for the info! Anyone else seen it?

Well, at least you have people here that care about you. ~thinks for a minute~ Ok. Ok. Care about your game and anime collection.

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
gelds moose, sends aberzombie the stuff, informs moose of where his genitals may be found

I hope that thing was heavily tranquilized. I've seen what an angry moose can do.

Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gelds moose, sends aberzombie the stuff, informs moose of where his genitals may be found
I hope that thing was heavily tranquilized. I've seen what an angry moose can do.

light sedative, lots of pictures of you, chamber music, and a hearty meal of grass afterwards.

Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Hey Freehold DM. Got a question for you. How is Steins Gate?
I never got into it but I heard it was good.
Thanks for the info! Anyone else seen it?

Just clips in an AMV. But it's on my purchase list. The moral, don't go messing with time.

Welcome back, Freehold.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Edit: While checking the spelling of Pyrenees, I noticed that one of the traits of the breed is "fearless". This dog was definitely NOT fearless. Any loud noise would send him scampering for cover, and he would hide in the bathtub during thunderstorms. They actually had to give him sedatives if the storm lasted more than 30 minutes or so.


My family had a Cocker Spaniel. She was a 'fearless' WATCH dog. Not guard dog. :P

She would stand at the glass front door and bark ferociously at anyone that even looked like they were coming into the house. Once the guest would open the door, if she didn't know them, she was off like a shot, under the dining room table peeing. :/

I have to say, she was devoted to dad. She was usually outside whenever we ran the vacuum or anything like that, but dad decided to vacuum one day with her indoors. She barked ferociously at the device as it ran, certain it was out to harm her human. Dad took a tumble (he had one fake leg) and before he hit the ground, the little dog had already attacked the vacuum twice and backed off again, daring it to make it's move.

Best cocker spaniel ever. ;P

Good luck on the job search Monkey!

Maybe I'll (eventually) start looking again for another job. :)

I used to pull down $50K+ a year in New Orleans. (Not a lot in New Orleans, but not bad by any means) Then Katrina happened and they shut down my branch. Now after taxes and insurance I'm lucky to bring home $20K at the University. :(
Thank the Lord my wife has a decent paying teachers job. This year. :/

Freehold DM wrote:


This day is starting off stupid.

MTA truly sucks rabid moose balls.

Oh man especially from Jersey, that's why I drive to Hoboken and take Path.

reads article
Holy s%@# man! Did you lose weight?

You look amazing!

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gelds moose, sends aberzombie the stuff, informs moose of where his genitals may be found
I hope that thing was heavily tranquilized. I've seen what an angry moose can do.
light sedative, lots of pictures of you, chamber music, and a hearty meal of grass afterwards.

Make sure you upload those to as many websites as possible. I want my 15 minutes of infamy.

hi eveyone

bqck to work tomorrow :-/

2 people marked this as a favorite.

which means that my baby girl turns 2 month tomorrow

aeglos wrote:

hi eveyone

back to work tomorrow :-/

FIFY. Glad everyone's doing well.

And now, for a bit of nostalgia, Windows 1.01

Patrick Curtin wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:

Now you've got me thinking... I've met a respectable number of current and long-time forum members in person. Not counting Paizo staff members:

Mike "taig" Welham
Hugo Solis
Paris Crenshaw
Patrick Curtin
Celestial Healer
Dennis "Ogre" Baker
Jess Door
Justin Sluder
Neil Spicer

Remind me if I'm missing anyone.

Thats quite a list. Lets see, for me there is:

Celestial Healer
Dave Mallon
Jess Door
Hugo Solis
Freehold DM


Bitter Thorn
Jess Door
Celestial Healer

and briefly (maybe two sentences talked)
Kobold Cleaver
Garth the Goblin

I've never met anyone from the boards.


Freehold DM wrote:

reads article

Holy s+@* man! Did you lose weight?

You look amazing!

Was that for me? ;-)

I have a bit. The beard also helps. I found this thyroid regulating supplement that totally squashed my immense hunger pangs. It's worked fantastic I eat a lot less now.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Ed Reppert wrote:
The Danes I knew would chase cars, catch them, and bury them in the back yard.

I've never been to Denmark, but that sounds like an expensive hobby those locals have.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
The Danes I knew would chase cars, catch them, and bury them in the back yard.
I've never been to Denmark, but that sounds like an expensive hobby those locals have.

*laughs* That's very funny. I'll have to remember that. :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
The Danes I knew would chase cars, catch them, and bury them in the back yard.
I've never been to Denmark, but that sounds like an expensive hobby those locals have.

You know... That explains why bicycles are so popular there...

aeglos wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:

Now you've got me thinking... I've met a respectable number of current and long-time forum members in person. Not counting Paizo staff members:

Mike "taig" Welham
Hugo Solis
Paris Crenshaw
Patrick Curtin
Celestial Healer
Dennis "Ogre" Baker
Jess Door
Justin Sluder
Neil Spicer

Remind me if I'm missing anyone.

Thats quite a list. Lets see, for me there is:

Celestial Healer
Dave Mallon
Jess Door
Hugo Solis
Freehold DM


Bitter Thorn
Jess Door
Celestial Healer

and briefly (maybe two sentences talked)
Kobold Cleaver
Garth the Goblin

Yeah I forgot those brief encounters, although we did sit with Sebastian at the banquet iirc.

Scarab Sages

Sebastian and I had lunch once, during one of my work trips to San Diego back in the day.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hmm, I have had 1,000 posts in the past month alone. I wonder if I need a life or if this just is the life. :-)

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