The Monkey's Treefort

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Sharoth wrote:
Mary Anning - Princess of Paleontology - Extra History

A lost princess apparently...

The princes is at another url!

Thanks Drejk!

Uh, and despite correcting it once, I managed to miss second s in princess :/

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Operation Mom's Visiting in progress...

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I may be alone in this sentiment, but while asking for a date and getting turned down is no fun, being the one turning down the date feels ten times worse.

If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is there to see it, does it really fall?

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Yes. Obviously. You started by saying that a tree falls in the forest. Therefore, we have established that there is a forest, and a tree has fallen in it.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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David M Mallon wrote:
I may be alone in this sentiment, but while asking for a date and getting turned down is no fun, being the one turning down the date feels ten times worse.

Kind of true, but at least in that case you walk away feeling desirable

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Well, it was interesting to sleep at a normal time last night. Class tonight, then work directly afterwards. I'm praying I get out a bit early.

Now is a time of great importance for my future. The decisions I make in the next few weeks will likely determine the course of the remainder of my life. Any positive vibrations would be welcome at this point in time. They do help.

Silver Crusade

*begins vibrating positively*

*Amplifies Rysky's vibrations, adds Harmonics out to 5th order*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>> good vibes.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Luck, monkey.

Last week, I was able to make a fist and open it again without having to use my other hand to unclench the fingers. And it didn't hurt, even though it still catches some.

Today, I used a can opener and successfully opened a can.

Things get better.

*ponders about living beings sending out vibrations to each other and wonders how it would help*
Well, good luck anyhow, hope things go well for you.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Good luck, Monkey!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Treppa wrote:

Luck, monkey.

Last week, I was able to make a fist and open it again without having to use my other hand to unclench the fingers. And it didn't hurt, even though it still catches some.

Today, I used a can opener and successfully opened a can.

Things get better.

Yay! You were not crippled by an overenthusiastic dog! :)

Treppa wrote:

Luck, monkey.

Last week, I was able to make a fist and open it again without having to use my other hand to unclench the fingers. And it didn't hurt, even though it still catches some.

Today, I used a can opener and successfully opened a can.

Things get better.

I'm glad you're getting better, Treppa. :)

Treppa wrote:

Luck, monkey.

Last week, I was able to make a fist and open it again without having to use my other hand to unclench the fingers. And it didn't hurt, even though it still catches some.

Today, I used a can opener and successfully opened a can.

Things get better.

Treppa, I only recently joined the Tree Fort. What happened to your hand?

Treppa wrote:

Luck, monkey.

Last week, I was able to make a fist and open it again without having to use my other hand to unclench the fingers. And it didn't hurt, even though it still catches some.

Today, I used a can opener and successfully opened a can.

Things get better.

I'm glad things are improving for your hand, Treppa. That must be very frustrating.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

A good day, better than many recent ones.

I reread some Thich Nhat Hahn today, and his wisdom helped put a lot of my anxiety into perspective.

In class two of my classmates evidenced amazement at the fact I was turning 50 next month. They had both assumed I was in my mid-thirties \m/O.O\m/

I got my picture in the local newspaper while volunteering.

I also talked to several people about job possibilities, and I am feeling a bit more optimistic about things. If nothing else I might travel to the Carolinas and seek my fortune there.

Let me guess. You're the one in the red jacket, mostly occluded by the gentleman in the high-visibility vest. Am I right?

Nope. Black jacket and beard. My name is in the caption as well. I am faux registering a dog for the emergency shelter.

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Penelope Boston: Life on Mars? Let's look in the caves

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Nope. Black jacket and beard. My name is in the caption as well. I am faux registering a dog for the emergency shelter.

That is you? I am surprised. I thought you would look like a monkey. You must be using one of those human suits then.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Nope. Black jacket and beard. My name is in the caption as well. I am faux registering a dog for the emergency shelter.
That is you? I am surprised. I thought you would look like a monkey. You must be using one of those human suits then.

Oddly enough, the first time I met Patrick in person, he looked exactly like I expected him to. We buy our human suits from the same store.

You, on the other hand, looked decidedly less draconic than I had pictured.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Nope. Black jacket and beard. My name is in the caption as well. I am faux registering a dog for the emergency shelter.
That is you? I am surprised. I thought you would look like a monkey. You must be using one of those human suits then.

Oddly enough, the first time I met Patrick in person, he looked exactly like I expected him to. We buy our human suits from the same store.

You, on the other hand, looked decidedly less draconic than I had pictured.

~smug grin~ Shapechanging is a wonderful power.

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Now you've got me thinking... I've met a respectable number of current and long-time forum members in person. Not counting Paizo staff members:

Mike "taig" Welham
Hugo Solis
Paris Crenshaw
Patrick Curtin
Celestial Healer
Dennis "Ogre" Baker
Jess Door
Justin Sluder
Neil Spicer

Remind me if I'm missing anyone.

Liberty's Edge

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Hey, positive thoughts your way Pat.

Patrick Curtin wrote:

A good day, better than many recent ones.

I reread some Thich Nhat Hahn today, and his wisdom helped put a lot of my anxiety into perspective.

In class two of my classmates evidenced amazement at the fact I was turning 50 next month. They had both assumed I was in my mid-thirties \m/O.O\m/

I got my picture in the local newspaper while volunteering.

I also talked to several people about job possibilities, and I am feeling a bit more optimistic about things. If nothing else I might travel to the Carolinas and seek my fortune there.

YAY. Love Thich Nhat Hahn, went to a retreat at one of his temples about 10 years ago.

David M Mallon wrote:

Now you've got me thinking... I've met a respectable number of current and long-time forum members in person. Not counting Paizo staff members:

Mike "taig" Welham
Hugo Solis
Paris Crenshaw
Patrick Curtin
Celestial Healer
Dennis "Ogre" Baker
Jess Door
Justin Sluder
Neil Spicer

Remind me if I'm missing anyone.

I've only met John Kretzer in person but then I've never been to a Con. Pat, you still coming to NYC this summer?

David M Mallon wrote:

Now you've got me thinking... I've met a respectable number of current and long-time forum members in person. Not counting Paizo staff members:

Mike "taig" Welham
Hugo Solis
Paris Crenshaw
Patrick Curtin
Celestial Healer
Dennis "Ogre" Baker
Jess Door
Justin Sluder
Neil Spicer

Remind me if I'm missing anyone.

Thats quite a list. Lets see, for me there is:

Celestial Healer
Dave Mallon
Jess Door
Hugo Solis
Freehold DM

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:

Now you've got me thinking... I've met a respectable number of current and long-time forum members in person. Not counting Paizo staff members:

Mike "taig" Welham
Hugo Solis
Paris Crenshaw
Patrick Curtin
Celestial Healer
Dennis "Ogre" Baker
Jess Door
Justin Sluder
Neil Spicer

Remind me if I'm missing anyone.

I've only met John Kretzer in person but then I've never been to a Con. Pat, you still coming to NYC this summer?

Barring major upheavals in my life I hope to be there July 15-17

Tangentally I am having a massive Brain fart. Those of us at PaizoCon2012 hung out with a friend and fellow FAWTL poster by the name of Steve. Very Libertarian, lives in Colorado, very frequent on the board for a lot of years until he stopped.

I cannot for the life of me remember his board alias. I want to say it was dwarf related, but damned if I can remember.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Bitter Thorn.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Bitter Thorn.


BT! Ah me, old age doth creep through my short-term emeories.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Luck, monkey.

Last week, I was able to make a fist and open it again without having to use my other hand to unclench the fingers. And it didn't hurt, even though it still catches some.

Today, I used a can opener and successfully opened a can.

Things get better.

Treppa, I only recently joined the Tree Fort. What happened to your hand?

May of last year: one hand, two dogs, two leashes, two sudden lunges in two different directions, one shattered ring finger, one badly wrenched hand, one surgery, two fingers with trigger finger. Rehab has been very very very slow because therapy exacerbated the trigger finger, so I have been waffling and waiting to see if it improves without more surgery. In the meantime, I can do things with the hand, just not well and generally painfully. Using a can opener properly was a pretty big deal. It's improving, but don't hand me any Faberge eggs. Gravity is my enemy.

Patrick Curtin wrote:

A good day, better than many recent ones.

I reread some Thich Nhat Hahn today, and his wisdom helped put a lot of my anxiety into perspective.

In class two of my classmates evidenced amazement at the fact I was turning 50 next month. They had both assumed I was in my mid-thirties \m/O.O\m/

I got my picture in the local newspaper while volunteering.

I also talked to several people about job possibilities, and I am feeling a bit more optimistic about things. If nothing else I might travel to the Carolinas and seek my fortune there.

Are you able to hold off on replacing the hospital job until your studies are complete? It's so close.

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:

In class two of my classmates evidenced amazement at the fact I was turning 50 next month. They had both assumed I was in my mid-thirties \m/O.O\m/

I get that a lot, as long as I keep my head shaved pretty close and no facial hair. People who don't know me well will consistently think I'm around 6-10 years younger than I actually am.

Silver Crusade

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Yeah, I have a baby face myself.

Just don't ask which baby I took it from.

Treppa wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Luck, monkey.

Last week, I was able to make a fist and open it again without having to use my other hand to unclench the fingers. And it didn't hurt, even though it still catches some.

Today, I used a can opener and successfully opened a can.

Things get better.

Treppa, I only recently joined the Tree Fort. What happened to your hand?
May of last year: one hand, two dogs, two leashes, two sudden lunges in two different directions, one shattered ring finger, one badly wrenched hand, one surgery, two fingers with trigger finger. Rehab has been very very very slow because therapy exacerbated the trigger finger, so I have been waffling and waiting to see if it improves without more surgery. In the meantime, I can do things with the hand, just not well and generally painfully. Using a can opener properly was a pretty big deal. It's improving, but don't hand me any Faberge eggs. Gravity is my enemy.

So, this was well before I began posting (in September). But, being the son of a retired nurse, I did understand that you did have an injury that you're recovering from. Just not the specifics.

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

In class two of my classmates evidenced amazement at the fact I was turning 50 next month. They had both assumed I was in my mid-thirties \m/O.O\m/

I get that a lot, as long as I keep my head shaved pretty close and no facial hair. People who don't know me well will consistently think I'm around 6-10 years younger than I actually am.

When I shave my beard (half grey these days) I look about 10 years younger as well.

My nearly all grey beard helps hide my double chin... lol I'm 53, and finally showing my age. For several years I didn't quite look my age, always being thought of as younger. But now that my hair is mostly grey and my beard nearly all grey, it's easier to tell. My wife, on the other hand, is 50 and looks 35.

Treppa wrote:
May of last year: one hand, two dogs, two leashes, two sudden lunges in two different directions, one shattered ring finger, one badly wrenched hand, one surgery, two fingers with trigger finger. Rehab has been very very very slow because therapy exacerbated the trigger finger, so I have been waffling and waiting to see if it improves without more surgery. In the meantime, I can do things with the hand, just not well and generally painfully. Using a can opener properly was a pretty big deal. It's improving, but don't hand me any Faberge eggs. Gravity is my enemy.

Oh my goodness. I have two pretty large dogs and fortunately they're fairly well behaved on walks. I've learned to watch their cues for when they're about to act like fools and chase a cat (I've honed my Perception to keep my eyes out for other dogs or cats. They ignore squirrels). So far no accidents except when I fell over one that had stopped suddenly and I tore a meniscus disc in my right knee. I hope your recovery speeds up now that you're able to do more with the hand!

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Luck Monkey!

<Begins mystic conjuring of positive vibrational energies to influence conjunction of health, wealth and happiness>

Also, well-wishes and prayers for you.. :)

@Treppa, glad your hand is getting better! :)

My copies of the Bestiary 6 and the player's guide for Blood of Heroes arrived yesterday in the mail, both much earlier than the estimated time of arrival. I'm very excited about Blood of Heroes, as it's really just a straight up reprint of the old superhero game DC Heroes, for which I never owned an actual rulebook. After we finish our Call of Cthulhu game we're going to play this occasionally. I'd rather ditch my whole PF campaign and play Blood of Heroes all the time, but the guy who'll be running it only wants to do so once in awhile, which makes me kinda sad. While D&D/Pathfinder have always been my favorite games, my favorite gaming experience as a player comes from a 12 year long DC Heroes campaign.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

In class two of my classmates evidenced amazement at the fact I was turning 50 next month. They had both assumed I was in my mid-thirties \m/O.O\m/

I get that a lot, as long as I keep my head shaved pretty close and no facial hair. People who don't know me well will consistently think I'm around 6-10 years younger than I actually am.

When I was working in England, being 34 years old, I was judged to be about 24... Despite (or maybe because of) rather unkempt beard.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

In class two of my classmates evidenced amazement at the fact I was turning 50 next month. They had both assumed I was in my mid-thirties \m/O.O\m/

I get that a lot, as long as I keep my head shaved pretty close and no facial hair. People who don't know me well will consistently think I'm around 6-10 years younger than I actually am.
When I shave my beard (half grey these days) I look about 10 years younger as well.

I dye my beard. The grey beard really ages your look.

Treppa wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

A good day, better than many recent ones.

I reread some Thich Nhat Hahn today, and his wisdom helped put a lot of my anxiety into perspective.

In class two of my classmates evidenced amazement at the fact I was turning 50 next month. They had both assumed I was in my mid-thirties \m/O.O\m/

I got my picture in the local newspaper while volunteering.

I also talked to several people about job possibilities, and I am feeling a bit more optimistic about things. If nothing else I might travel to the Carolinas and seek my fortune there.

Are you able to hold off on replacing the hospital job until your studies are complete? It's so close.

I hope so. One problem is that I can't rely on the bus job for a lot of hours. School will be ending soon and there is little else other than the occasional wedding to do. My main job is my favorite, but sadly, the least remunerative. I'm going to have to look into cutting out my 403b contributions I am thinking, much as I don't wish to.

I had a nice talk with my legal recruiter buddy. He is going to help me with my job search, and he already has some good plans in place. He's also hoping I settle near him in Charlotte. I think for quality of life that might be the way to go. I'll never own a house or anything else trying to make a living here. I'm being priced right out of my homeland. 50k is barely above poverty level.

I've never made anywhere close to 50k in my life. Even when I was able to work that would have been a fortune to me.

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