David M Mallon |

So. Took a field trip to Plimoth Plantation. 'Tis the season for it. The place is a freakin' zoo. Seems like every elementary school in Massachusetts wants to see how the Pilgrims lived*
*** spoiler omitted **
Kind of expected for a place where "wasting time" was a criminal offense, and there was a law on the books that stated “If any man shall exceed the bounds of moderation, we shall punish him severely."
Even worse if your parents named you "Regard-Not-Them-That-Have-Familiar-Spirits-Neither-Seek-After-Wizards Jesus Christ Paul John Mary Jones-Pemberton" or something like that.

Ragadolf |

Patrick Curtin wrote:You were smart and got a real degree back in the day.As opposed to being smart and getting a real degree now, which gets you a hearty "attaboy" and a huge pile of debt.
I actually have 3 degrees.Yes, I have spent more time learning my craft than a lot of people with doctorates.
THAT, and $5, will get me a coffee from Starbucks. ;P

Dungeon Monkey |

Patrick Curtin wrote:So. Took a field trip to Plimoth Plantation. 'Tis the season for it. The place is a freakin' zoo. Seems like every elementary school in Massachusetts wants to see how the Pilgrims lived*
*** spoiler omitted **
Kind of expected for a place where "wasting time" was a criminal offense, and there was a law on the books that stated “If any man shall exceed the bounds of moderation, we shall punish him severely."
Even worse if your parents named you "Regard-Not-Them-That-Have-Familiar-Spirits-Neither-Seek-After-Wizards Jesus Christ Paul John Mary Jones-Pemberton" or something like that.
Orson Scott Card had a character named Armor-of-God. I always liked that one.

Dungeon Monkey |

Patrick Curtin wrote:True, but I'm also talking within the past year or so. The Professional Engineer Exam can do terrible things to people who don't do their homework.You were smart and got a real degree back
In the day.
True that. My HS physics teacher allowed us to look up the formulae while we tested. Still didn't help me. I got a D. Engineering ain't no subject for wimps. Well, mental wimps. Plenty of physical wimps in it ;)

Dungeon Monkey |

I indulged last night and went to bed at 730. I woke at 2 am, but I swallowed a couple melatonin and managed to get back to sleep. I got 10 hrs in, a six-month personal best. Those who know me realize how amazing this is. Paradoxically, I don't feel all that refreshed, but hopefully once I'm up and moving about that will change.

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Aberzombie wrote:True that. My HS physics teacher allowed us to look up the formulae while we tested. Still didn't help me. I got a D. Engineering ain't no subject for wimps. Well, mental wimps. Plenty of physical wimps in it ;)Patrick Curtin wrote:True, but I'm also talking within the past year or so. The Professional Engineer Exam can do terrible things to people who don't do their homework.You were smart and got a real degree back
In the day.
I was one credit hour away from having a minor in Physics. I should have taken that lab....

Feros |

Just finished watching my annual viewing of V for Vendetta, seemingly the only Guy Fawkes Day movie ever made.
I mean Santa and Halloween get so much coverage and Gut Fawkes has but one? Highly unfair.*
*Admittedly, it is a really great film.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Morning, all. What did I miss?
Well, to develop a regular pattern of longer sleep hours, Patrick began delving into a purported mystical text, unaware that what he actually had was a 1940’s era washing machine operation manual written in Russian. Meanwhile, Dave’s desire to obtain an advanced copy of his favorite video game franchise’s latest entry led to him attempting to hack the company servers, only to inadvertently hack the Doomsday Clock and nearly trigger World War III. And, across town, Max entered the city’s premiere cooking contest, only to discover his arch nemesis had also.......No, wait! That’s my soap opera!

Freehold DM |

Just a few days from now, we will receive news that will change all of our lives forever, and find out who will lead us all into the world of the future.
I am, of course, speaking of the official Mass Effect: Andromeda reveal on N7 Day 2016.
What, is it supposed to be an election year or something?
already have my clothes picked out.

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It is an honorific, ooc, noting that the person had gone through all of the N training so far- 1 through 6. There is actually no "N7" training, it just means that you are a well trained badass.
Awesome! Next time I have trouble with a gang of street thugs or evil organization bent on world domination, I'll be sure to give you a call.

aeglos |

in our muncipality (one village away) a KFC has opened on thursday, oposite the Mc Donalds who held the American Fast food monopoly in our county so far ( appart from a lone Burger King in the next town over)
we decided today to try it out - what a grand idea.
it looked like everyone in the county had the same idea, hundred people in a space desinged for maybe 40, traffic jam in a quite side street :-/

David M Mallon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:It is an honorific, ooc, noting that the person had gone through all of the N training so far- 1 through 6. There is actually no "N7" training, it just means that you are a well trained badass.Awesome! Next time I have trouble with a gang of street thugs or evil organization bent on world domination, I'll be sure to give you a call.
Interplanetary Combatives Training (ICT) is the Systems Alliance's premier school for leadership and combat expertise. The Interplanetary Combatives Academy, sometimes called "N-School" or "the villa," recruits officers from every branch of Earth's militaries to partake in grueling courses at Vila Militar in Rio de Janeiro.
Initially, candidates train for more than 20 hours per day, leading small combat teams through hostile terrain with little sleep or food. Trainees who do well are awarded an internal designation of N1 and are invited to return. Subsequent courses - N2 through N6 - are often held off-planet and include instruction in zero-G combat, military free-fall (parachuting), jetpack flight, combat diving, combat instruction, linguistics, and frontline trauma care for human and alien biology.
The highest grade of training, N6, provides actual combat experience in combat zones throughout the galaxy. If the trainee survives these scenarios in "admirable and effective fashion," he or she finally receives the coveted N7 designation. N7 is the only ICT designation that may be worn on field or dress uniforms.

Freehold DM |

Celestial Healer wrote:If I am going to a shower, is it a requirement that I shower first? It seems redundant.Enjoy y'all!
I am currently traveling through Darien (so far no Aryans) on the Metro-North. Hopefully we will be ensconced in our hotel by 3pm
Pommel Frites here we come!
we still on for late tomorrow night?

Sissyl |

Just finished watching my annual viewing of V for Vendetta, seemingly the only Guy Fawkes Day movie ever made.
I mean Santa and Halloween get so much coverage and Gut Fawkes has but one? Highly unfair.*
*Admittedly, it is a really great film.
It is an even greater comic album. If you haven't read it, do so.

Freehold DM |

Feros wrote:It is an even greater comic album. If you haven't read it, do so.Just finished watching my annual viewing of V for Vendetta, seemingly the only Guy Fawkes Day movie ever made.
I mean Santa and Halloween get so much coverage and Gut Fawkes has but one? Highly unfair.*
*Admittedly, it is a really great film.
I heard the comic blows the already good movie away.

Dungeon Monkey |

Dungeon Monkey wrote:we still on for late tomorrow night?Celestial Healer wrote:If I am going to a shower, is it a requirement that I shower first? It seems redundant.Enjoy y'all!
I am currently traveling through Darien (so far no Aryans) on the Metro-North. Hopefully we will be ensconced in our hotel by 3pm
Pommel Frites here we come!
I don't see why not. Do you have my cell #?

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:I don't see why not. Do you have my cell #?Dungeon Monkey wrote:we still on for late tomorrow night?Celestial Healer wrote:If I am going to a shower, is it a requirement that I shower first? It seems redundant.Enjoy y'all!
I am currently traveling through Darien (so far no Aryans) on the Metro-North. Hopefully we will be ensconced in our hotel by 3pm
Pommel Frites here we come!
send it to me via pm so we can coordinate.