The Monkey's Treefort

Off-Topic Discussions

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For those of you who like myself have been losing sleep over political posts on FB, I've found a way to disable your entire news feed, and it's glorious:

News Feed Eradicator (Chrome version)

Kill FB Feed (Firefox version)

Quiet Facebook (version for people who know things about computers that I don't)

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Here’s How To Give Your Vegetable Scraps A New Life

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I found that out tossing romaine butts into my compost. It's amazing how resilient veggies are

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What to plant in your fall garden

The computer decided to lock the directory I've got my Pathfinder monster files in in Read-Only mode. I have done nothing to indicate I wanted this to happen. Seems Windows 7 can be annoying too.

The King in {a} Yellow {bus}

Patrick Curtin wrote:
The King in {a} Yellow {bus}

I'll admit to thinking it was going to be Elvis in an American school bus.

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I drove through a fried fish stand on the way home from work and managed to eat all of the fish (not the crispy breading) and a few soft french fries. The doggies got the breading and hush puppies (which were like rocks) and the bulk of the fries. I got a sore jaw, but it was worth it. OM NOM.

Probably a stupid thing to do, but you don't really need to chew fish, and real food was nice.

Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:

OK, so I'm housesitting this week and away from my home PC, so don't have my tools to update a couple of pbps. I was on a courier run right past the apartment, so I stopped in to update pbps.

Windows 10 is installing updates. Please do not turn off your PC.

Mkay, I'll grab a bite to drink while I wait.

Windows 10 is configuring updates. Please do not turn off your PC. Your PC may restart several times.

This may take a while.

Waaaal, sheeeeeeeit. I decide to do the hour-long drive and stop back. It's 4% complete when I leave. It's 59% complete when I return. And it stays there.

I look it up under update problems. "You should wait. Ours was stuck at 75% for over two hours, then took off."

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

So I left it and didn't get pbps updated. I'll text my roommate tonight and have her check. If it's still stuck, she'll have to turn it off and there's a many step fix process I will need to do.


My roommate had to shut off the power. I've no idea what state that machine is in.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
My roommate had to shut off the power. I've no idea what state that machine is in.

Judging by previous comments, I'm guessing it's still in Colorado.

Where's Ba Dum Tish when you need them?

It could be in Delaware by now, this is Windows 10 we're talking about.

Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:

OK, so I'm housesitting this week and away from my home PC, so don't have my tools to update a couple of pbps. I was on a courier run right past the apartment, so I stopped in to update pbps.

Windows 10 is installing updates. Please do not turn off your PC.

Mkay, I'll grab a bite to drink while I wait.

Windows 10 is configuring updates. Please do not turn off your PC. Your PC may restart several times.

This may take a while.

Waaaal, sheeeeeeeit. I decide to do the hour-long drive and stop back. It's 4% complete when I leave. It's 59% complete when I return. And it stays there.

I look it up under update problems. "You should wait. Ours was stuck at 75% for over two hours, then took off."

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

So I left it and didn't get pbps updated. I'll text my roommate tonight and have her check. If it's still stuck, she'll have to turn it off and there's a many step fix process I will need to do.

My roommate had to shut off the power. I've no idea what state that machine is in.

One weird thing that seems to work when my Win 10 hangs. Hit control-alt-delete then cancel instead of going into task manager. When it drops me back into whatever I was doing it completely forgets that it was hung and finishes what it was supposed to be doing.

Intoxicated GPS wrote:
It could be in Delaware by now, this is Windows 10 we're talking about.

Go home, you're drunk.

Not yet,
give me time,...

Oh wait, I'm on an antibiotic (something going on in my head since the post-flood-pocalypse clean up) no alcohol for me.

Dang it! I SO wanted wine with my pizza! :P

I wouldn't mind drinking right about now

Alas, I am on the clock, with another job eight hours after I get off of this one


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Wow. It's about 20 degrees colder that it was at sunset. Fall is here!

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Wow. It's about 20 degrees colder that it was at sunset. Fall is here!


Meh. 30 bucks. Better than nothing

Frontiers in Artifact SETI: Waste Heat, Alien Megastructures & Tabbys Star - Jason Wright (ST 2016)

I am about halfway through and it is an interesting talk. ~sneezes~ Of course the cats love this too. They get petted and can lay all over me. ~sneezes again~ Allergies suck!

10 Mysterious Human Populations This was pretty interesting too.

Definitely Fall. 58 this morning. And now I have to guard a parking lot for sealcoaters

Scarab Sages

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Ragadolf wrote:

Not yet,

give me time,...

Oh wait, I'm on an antibiotic (something going on in my head since the post-flood-pocalypse clean up) no alcohol for me.

Dang it! I SO wanted wine with my pizza! :P

Don't worry, My wife, sister-in-law, and I drank for you. We drank for everyone else, as well.

Scarab Sages

See, family movie night can be fun for more than just kids!

I've been dying to ask, just what does a zombie beer lord keep in his well-stocked beer fridge?

Scarab Sages

Never enough.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to have to make some pizza soon


Oh, wait, it's 6 pm...

I should probably go to sleep earlier than staying up to save the wretched remains of Earth population from the corrupted governments and their own mistakes by building the Emancipation Gate.

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Sorry for everyone I was to contact last night, as soon as I got in, I discovered my wife and I had company- one of her best friends and their son, whom I have known since he was born. He is almost 8 now. Here is a transcript of some of our conversations...
Him: Be a doll and get me some juice.
Me(shocked): Where did you learn that type of language! I am not going to be a doll and get you any juice!
Him(sheepish): TV...
Him(while outside running around, playing...and balancing almost perfectly on everything he likes to climb upon, including architecture and chairs for public use, occasionally crouching onto his haunches and brooding EXACTLY LIKE NIGHTWING(tried to find an old picture from the early 90s of him doing the pose, but I couldn't find it, it was from A Lonely Place of Dying if you have the story arc[TIM FOREVER!!!!!]): I want to move in with you guys when I turn 18.
Me: With US? But don't you want to find your own place, live with friends and stuff?
Him(extra brood-y): My friends will be DEAD TO ME BY THEN!
Me: Uh. Okay. Well, what about a girlfriend? Don't you want to live with your girlfriend?
Him(No longer brood-y): Oh YEAH! We'll kiss every day! Make love every day... [far away gaze, whispers] It'll be GREAT....
Him(Still crouching, balanced perfectly on decorative architecture outside the house, extra brood-y, upon seeing someone take a shortcut through the grass to get in the house after parking his car in the garage): That man...BROKE THE LAW...
Him(looking around posters in office, pointing to a risque one): That picture is..INAPPROPRIATE! She's standing there sticking her butt out!! That's so...inappropriate... (stares at poster for a while)
Me: Uh..if it's so inappropriate, why are you staring at it?
Him: I'm remember it's....INAPPROPRIATE! And why is that one's BOOBIES so big! That's...impossible...Inappropriate and impossible.
Me: You're still staring.


I like this kid. Reminds me of,... me. :)

That kid sounds great.

He'll go places...

Did someone clone you FHDM?

Silver Crusade

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First cinnamon-pear bread of the season!

Ah me. Time to go to work...

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Here is hoping that you have a good night!

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City Of Mists: A story idea.

"You wake up in a hospital, hurting, bruised, bandaged but apparently healed, and terribly hungry... You don't remember your last night... What do you do?"

No, I have not played all the night. In fact I went to sleep past midnight only to wake up before 5 am and then get up past 5 am. Then I ate the, er, pre-breakfast? late post-dinner? and went to write the blogpost for today. I might go back to bed soon.

Sharoth wrote:
Here is hoping that you have a good night!

Sadly, I think I will not have a good night. But, I am making money, so I am achieving my core goal. Plus, I have an entire day off Monday! (So far)

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I just finished an epic game of Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri. It is one of my favorite games of all times and probably the most played one.

Edit - If you have never played it, spend the $6 and buy it!

Second sleep took place between 8 and 14 2 pm for you strange people using 12-hour clock. I am a bit sleepy still.

I should dress myself and go buy something to eat. And milk. The milk I bought a few days was in plastic bottle, not a box, and I haven't paid attention to instruction about keeping it in refrigerator (unlike the boxed milk that can be kept at room temperature). Blergh. Soured milk. My father would it eat gladly but I can't stand that thing.

Silver Crusade

Drejk wrote:
(unlike the boxed milk that can be kept at room temperature).




... wut?

Silver Crusade

It's a European thing.

No, no, I'm flabbergasted too. If nothing else it tastes much better cold.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

UHT milk.

Silver Crusade

Okay then...

Cold wind; hot sun. Can only get comfortable by slowly rotating.

but the H-Milk in a box can only kept at room temp while it is sealed! after you open it it has to be refrigiated

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Hmm. Magic Robot Brain assist me!

Magic Robot Brain wrote:

Jelly, jam and preserves are all made from fruit mixed with sugar and pectin. The difference between them comes in the form that the fruit takes.

In jelly, the fruit comes in the form of fruit juice.
In jam, the fruit comes in the form of fruit pulp or crushed fruit (and is less stiff than jelly as a result).
In preserves, the fruit comes in the form of chunks in a syrup or a jam.
Pectin is an indigestible carbohydrate (fiber). It is found in the cell walls of most fruit. When heated with sugar in water, it gels, giving jam, jelly and preserves their thickness.

ah, ok

in German it is:
Jelly = Gelee
Jam = Marmelade

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