Shatter Defenses: when do said defenses shatter?

Rules Questions

Hi there,

Shattered Defenses wrote:

Any shaken, frightened, or panicked opponent hit by you this round is flat-footed to your attacks until the end of your next turn. This includes any additional attacks you make this round.

So, let's say I've got three attacks a turn, and a way of getting a free-action Intimidate check (rake rogue, Cornugon Smash, etc.). Let's say Attack 1 inflicts shaken. Does SD kick in at that point, letting Attacks 2 & 3 be against the flat-footed target? Or does it have to be, Attack 1 causes shaken, Attack 2 Shatters Defenses, and Attack 3 will be vs. FF (as well as all of next turn)?

Ghorrin Redblade

I'm pretty sure the first attack leaves them Shaken, the 2nd, Flatfooted, then the 3rd Attack will be vs. Flatfooted AC, doing your Sneak Attack with Sap Adept and Sap Master Damage with your Earthbreaker.

Scott Wilhelm has it right. The feat triggers when you hit a shaken enemy, rendering them flat-footed to subsequent attacks.

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I had this same interpretation with the feat for my sap master rogue. However, the interpretation given to me by another (PFS venture captain /shrug) was that the important phrase was Any shaken, frightened, or panicked opponent hit by you this round.

Round starts:
claw 1: hits, rake to intimidate, they are shaken
is the target shaken? Yes. Has the target been hit by you this round? Yes.
claw 2: attack vs flatfooted, double debilitate(AC/ATK), Sickened from cruel AoMF
Bite: attack vs flatfooted, double debilitate(AC/ATK), Sickened from cruel AoMF

Result: -10 atk vs rogue, -6 ac vs rogue, -4 on all* roles, likely unconcious after 3d4+24+20d6+20

I am not saying this interpretation is right, but this is the one that seems to be the prevailing rule in my area.

Thanks for the feedback, guys. My gut's been saying that Scott's interpretation is on the money, but, well, question everything, you know? :)


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