
Website Feedback

Dark Archive

Hi, Guys!
Just wanted to let you know that none of the many sessions that I have reported for Pathfinder Society event #1880 are showing up on my list of GM'd sessions. Am I missing something, or is this a computer glitch?


Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I had the same issue, and it was a change to the site which requires all the scenarios to stay listed on the event page to show up as GM credits. Could this be your issue?

If so, I had to add all the scenarios back into the event, then go into the reported events and reselect the scenarios (it was a home game event listing, and I had 95 scenarios listed...annoying).

Dark Archive

Yep, I figured it out. Thanks! :)

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