Question in regards to writing stories


I wish to,using rise of the rune lords, write a full story with 2-3 characters completing the entire adventure path.
Legally what are my options? I would be looking at posting it on these forums in 6 part sections with 6 total stories covering the books. I know there is audio book of which I own the first

I am more worried about paizo not liking me posting/writing spoilers but if anything I can see this making people buy the AP to experience the grand adventure for themselves

The plot of Runelords is Product Identity. While they're okay with PI stuff being used in Play-by-Post games, if you want to legally write the adventure, I think you need to message them for explicit written permission and abide by whatever they say.

Yeh that's kinda what I was asking about. I'll do that. Thanks :)

It might be something you could utilise the Community Use Policy for - if it were presented as a kind of 'campaign journal' (whether relating the events of an actual or hypothetical campaign wouldn't matter).

That license isn't available to commercial users but it allows fans who comply with the conditions to 'descriptively reference' plots from a subset of the things they publish and use other of Paizo's IP, within certain limits.

There is an email (I think?) but I'd start by asking as I suspect the former is for commercial arrangements (though I daresay whoever that is will be equally helpful).

Yeh emailed them. They should be all filtering back to work soon

Executive Editor

No need to email! I can answer right now that fan fiction and campaign journals of our adventure paths are totally okay! As long as you're giving it away for free (and not violating the Community Use policies by putting super objectionable stuff in it), it's no problem—you just can't make any money off of it. That's how places like Wayfinder, Pathfinder Chronicler, and these forums work—it's all free for the enjoyment of the community.

Have fun!

super objectionable? I am looking to stick very close to the AP, using a few user created characters, but structuring it out as an actual novel/story.
I am sure it has been done 100 times, but I would rather ask questions before doing it to that I know what I can and cannot do :)

Community Manager

Objectionable material would include topics not allowed by our Community Guidelines, but more expressly, no adult content. My general rule of thumb regarding adult content is: would I show this to a random 13 year old that I didn't know? If the answer is no, then it needs to be redone.

I came across this thread because I created a character, Darsadi Callinova, for use in Pathfinder Society and hoping at some point to play her in a campaign.

It turns out our family situation makes PFS unlikely, a campaign adventure less so.

And yet Darsadi keeps pestering me, "I'm alive! Let me adventure!"

I'll have to figure something out to still the voice in my head. I understand it is like this for many who write fiction.

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