
Celedral's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


super objectionable? I am looking to stick very close to the AP, using a few user created characters, but structuring it out as an actual novel/story.
I am sure it has been done 100 times, but I would rather ask questions before doing it to that I know what I can and cannot do :)

Yeh emailed them. They should be all filtering back to work soon

Yeh that's kinda what I was asking about. I'll do that. Thanks :)

I wish to,using rise of the rune lords, write a full story with 2-3 characters completing the entire adventure path.
Legally what are my options? I would be looking at posting it on these forums in 6 part sections with 6 total stories covering the books. I know there is audio book of which I own the first

I am more worried about paizo not liking me posting/writing spoilers but if anything I can see this making people buy the AP to experience the grand adventure for themselves

1. I Can play them all I would assume
2. Probably can't DM :(
3. I guess. I use roll20 for alot of my stuff
4. 1 only. A ranger, probably half elf. Not very original, but I have fun playing them
5. I play for the story. If i need to read it to play it, then yeh hand it to me.
6. RP is fun too. I tend to respond, not initiate as I dont like putting players in a situation/convo they dont want to be in, but I dont mind if it happens to me.
7. Still Interested. New to the PFS thing, I know they are legit sancitoned with the PC being registered or something, but I am here to play and get my roll/role on.

Awesome. So I made a PFS thing, I just make a character and apply for the game?

Never played a PFS before but Interested for sure.

Ranger or a Barbarian I am thinking

We just need to rustle up a GM.

from what I can gather from other games, the party picks a time to all login and spend an hour or two doing the entire combat for the encounter, then swap back to pbp.
I am happy with either as I previously stated

I suggest roll20 because it seems to speed combat up a bit. I know alot of games seem to be rollplay/roleplay and descriptions are done play by post, and once the group reaches combat it moves to roll20.

I would love to have you gozer, just waiting on a GM.

Everyone says original is the best, so Runelords I guess, but I just want to play, so GM's choice.
I am looking to play either a ranger or a paladin, and happy to play with any party size. I am Australian, so Mon-Thursday afternoon/night preferable, as I work my big shifts Fri-Sun.

New player looking for a pathfinders campaign/ adventure path or anything 4e.
I am happy to play by post, or roll20. I have no GM experience but happy to trade if you/party is happy to hold my hand for a few weeks while I learn to be a GM.
looking for a long term level 1-epic or a whole AP

Got my hands on the pathfinder core rulebook and am looking for a group.
Never created a character using this system before, so might need a hand first time through.
28 year old from Australia, able to post hopefully 2-3 times a day (+10 GMT timezone)