37: The Dark Side is really cool.
38. It doesn't, however, have cookies. The only cookies you can hope for here are Lilith's.
Lesson 39: Beware the Lambertz
Lesson 40: When the end comes, pick the second from the left.
Lesson 41: In case of emergency, draw a door.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lesson 42: Forums are way too long.
An' ain't that a fact.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lesson 43: The first person to free me, gets to live.
Pinky swear!
Lesson 44: All arguments must continue until people get bored and give up or staff closes the thread.
Last one to get a post in before the thread lock wins! (if their post isn't deleted)
Lesson 45: Erik Mona doesn't do drugs. Erik Mona is drugs.
Lesson 46: If a dev is mentioned in a post and doesn't favorite that post, it means they're a Communist.
7 people marked this as a favorite.
Lesson 47: If Tacticslion doesn't favourite your post, think well and hard on your life choices.
Lesson 48: There is a reason you never see Comrade Anklebiter and Caesar Slaad in the same thread together.
That reason being, of course,
So, apparently the rule to rule them all...
IS that there are many that are trolls and dumb?
I'm not certain how to take that?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lesson 49: If someone disagrees with you, it's simply because they don't understand why you're right. Restate your point multiple times, perhaps adding subtle encouragement in the form of personal insults.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Lesson 50: Regardless of what you have posted, Tacticslion will most likely favorite it.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote: Lesson 50: Regardless of what you have posted, Tacticslion will most likely favorite it. This sounds like a horrible new game*: Make comments that are so terrible Tacticslion won't favorite them, yet not so terrible a moderator has to remove them.
* May or may not require alcohol.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
IME which posts Tacticslion favorites is less a matter of how good or bad they are and more a matter of what sort of mood he is in when he reads it.
I'm actually pretty good at that.
Lesson 51: It's an RPG, not a teething ring.
Stop complaining about all the ways it can be "broken," and stop trying to "break" it.
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