Best Druid Spells or feats for fighting ghosts, undead and demons


Hi all, anybody got some good tips on how to tackle these foes? I know there are items, but I was wondering what spells and feats u could also use. We're going to play the carrion crown adventure, so there should be all kinds of incorporeal, undead and stuff I think that we're up against :-) I'm either playing a feral hunter or ranger/Druid, all tips are welcom :-)

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

A druid I played with once had prepared an Ectoplasmic Wall of Thorns. We made quick work of that encounter.

Scarab Sages

Even an Ectoplasmic Entagle will ruin the day of Shadows and Ghosts.

Shaman, particularly with the FCB to grab Cleric spells, will generally be the best ghost fightin' "Druid", depending on what you want from the class. I'm not too familiar with divine spell lists, though, so I won't be much help on your actual question.

Ectoplasmic Spell, like they said. Wall of Thorns is good against everything, so prep that even without Ecto.

If you can fight Ghosts via items or spells that allow you to strike them, you can turn into something with a burrow speed and chase them through walls and floors.

If you go Druid, be a Menhir Savant. They get Detect Undead(/Aberration/Fey) at will.

Thanks didnt know about that one :-) is fire spells a good idea? I was thinking about taking sun domain, I thought that would give additional fire spells?

Scarab Sages

Sun isn't an allowed domain for druids. By default they are limited to Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, or Weather, or the animal & terrain domains.

My mistake :-( the normal flame and light spells any good?

Your GM might allow it if it fits the character and you ask. Sun domain seems druid appropriate.

Scarab Sages

Paulicus wrote:
Your GM might allow it if it fits the character and you ask. Sun domain seems druid appropriate.

The domain power alters channel energy which you don't get. It's a bad fit for a druid.

Fire domain is an option :-) any good?

Burst of Radiance is a Druid spell. Otherwise get a Ghost Touch AoMF either for your animal companion or to use yourself while wild shaped.

Aqueous Orb works well against corporeal undead.

Imbicatus wrote:
Paulicus wrote:
Your GM might allow it if it fits the character and you ask. Sun domain seems druid appropriate.
The domain power alters channel energy which you don't get. It's a bad fit for a druid.

Oops. Guess I should look first. :P

Are there any good summons for a druid in this case?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Look at wall of fire. Last sentence, first paragraph.

Deals double damage to undead.

Now, also realize that spells that deal extra damage to undead are also not generally subject to incorporeality (the same way holy water is not).

So, a good damage spell against undead is a plain old wall of fire.

Pity they changed flame blade. it used to do base 5-8 dmg against undead, instead of 1-8.

But yeah, I'll second the advice above. Ectoplasmic Spell combined with anything that has a grapple/snare effect will shut down incorps fast, since they have no Str score to wrestle free.


DominusMegadeus wrote:

Ectoplasmic Spell, like they said. Wall of Thorns is good against everything, so prep that even without Ecto.

If you can fight Ghosts via items or spells that allow you to strike them, you can turn into something with a burrow speed and chase them through walls and floors.

If you go Druid, be a Menhir Savant. They get Detect Undead(/Aberration/Fey) at will.

My ninja once climbed the druid's wall of thorns without taking any damage. He did it to escape some dinos that were nearby.


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