Halforc Barbarian RagePounce in piratey / naval'ish Campaign Review / advice please


Greetings fellow pathfinders!

I've been the regular GM of a group the past 6 years and now I get to be a player!

I would like advice/criticism on my character as it is now (still WIP)

Setting: Forgotten Realms
Available books: CRB, APG, Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate Campaign.

House Rules/Limitations:
- Can only be CRB Race and Class.
- 15 point buy
- Can only dump 1 stat below 10
- Only Rules used from UC is drawbacks and traits.
- 1 trait for a secret in a hat (for RP purposes)
- 1 trait and 1 drawback from bg story (Again our new GM protege wants to emphasize RP and non-combat)

Current build highlights:
Halforc (Alt racial traits: Shaman's Apprentice, Sacred Tatoo, Chain Fighter)
Barbarian lvl 1 (No Archetype yet, he's still considering if they are allowed)
Str: 16 (+2 racial for 18)
Dex: 12
Con: 15
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 7

HP: 14, Fort 6 Ref 3 Will 2

Equipment: Not much, we start as prisoners.

Endurance (from alt racial trait)
Power attack

Fate's Favoured (total of +2 luck to my saving throws from sacred tatoo)
Sea-Souled (+1 trait bonus to swim, can always take 10 in water) Because I want to make sure I am useful in that element in a naval campaign before getting my hands on magical help.
Drawback: Pride (Rp reasons mainly)

Skills: Acrobatics +5 Climb +8 Perception +4 Survival +4 Swim +9

Feat/Rage Power future (would like suggestions here too)

Lvl 2: Lesser Beast Totem (rage power) 2 claw attacks when raging
Lvl 3: Shield of Swings? (lvl 3 feat) +4 shield ac cost ½ dmg/hit
Lvl 4 Superstition (rage power) +2 saving throws vs spells, supernatural abilities og spell-like abilities +1/4 lvls
Lvl 5: Lesser Hurling (rage power) (feat: Extra Rage power )
Lvl 6: Hurling Charge (rage power)
Lvl 7 Beast Totem (rage power) Gives +1 natural AC +1 per 4 levels (feat: Extra Rage power)
Lvl 8: Internal Fortitude (rage power) Immune to sickened og nauseated
Lvl 9: Improved Critical? (lvl 9 feat)
Lvl 10 Greater Beast Totem (rage power) Pounce ftw
Lvl 11: (Oracle dip if possible)
Lvl 11-13 Combat Reflexes + CaGM and Fearless Rage
Lvl 14+ undecided.

Main things I see as changeable are: Lvl 3, 5, 6 and 9 stuff. Maybe Fearless Rage too.

TLDR: Look at this stuff, comment to make it more awesome. Sorry for Wall of Text.

That sounds like Skull and Shackles.

you need more dex.

oldsaxhleel wrote:

That sounds like Skull and Shackles.

you need more dex.

It might be that AP or something inspired from it. Looking forwards to finding out :D

Why more dex? and how would you suggest I went about it? I'm getting combat reflexes and CaGM pretty late, so I'm betting I'll have access to +dex from a belt or something.

The 15 point buy and only 1 dumpstat rule makes it hard to get more dex imo.

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