[Flaming Crab Games] Archetype Compendium Kickstarter relaunch

Product Discussion

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I was flipping through the CRB here, and it said true resurrection takes 10 minutes to cast. With my luck, however, it's going to take 12 days. Oh well, I can't stop casting now! I'll see you guys December 1st on Kickstarter!

Here are some changes for this launch:
Because we figured out how to significantly reduce printing/shipping costs we've reduced the base goal to 1/5 of what it was before (we exceeded that number in the first launch).

We're redesigning the way we're doing archetypes. Every single archetype will have something unique and flavorful. No archetypes will be simple combinations of classes or reused archetypes from other classes. Expect these archetypes to provide more options than your average archetype!

We're doing away with the voting system. It prevented us from showing anything off during the Kickstarter. We'll be able to show off multiple archetypes each week with examples and concept art!


Feel free to discuss what you'd like to see for the relaunch below!

Sovereign Court

More wizard archetypes!

And, most importantly for me, you aren't doing it at the same time as a Rite Publishing kickstarter, so I don't have to choose between them (which was what stopped me from backing last time).

Good luck!

left a comment on the kickstarter page, figure I'll do it here too:

I definitely like the idea of cutting out some of the less unique and memorable archetypes in favor of having some really solid ones. I'd much rather have a decent or a smaller sized book that's filled with great content rather than a huge one with some great ones, but also a bunch of "okay" archetypes.

I also like having the updates in favor of the voting. Having the ability to see a something here and there every week is really nice and keeps people in touch and interested in the content overall.

having some art previews is nice too, even if there's not much of it. Just a tidbit or some basic sketches of stuff. I know for me, having a piece of art (even if its just a draft version) but also including a description of the class makes me more invested in that thing. Art on its own isn't that interesting to me without something else to back it up

Make sure you set it so that it ends after Christmas and I will try again as I will be able to afford it.

Lorathorn, I think you'll be happy to hear that the wizard section is likely going to be the longest!

Deranged_Maniac_Ben, yeah, we were crammed between 3-4 big publisher Kickstarters. Plenty of folks messaged me saying they couldn't donate because of the timing.

sepik121, hopefully this book does well enough that we can have a ton of good. But for now, yeah, a smaller but higher quality book seems like a better plan.

Kodyax, the plan is to run the Kickstarter until January 1st!

Flaming Crab Games wrote:

Kodyax, the plan is to run the Kickstarter until January 1st!

Dear lord, thank you. I don't think I can afford another kickstarter right now.

A quick question for Flaming Crab Games ... I noticed at RPGNow that you have 2 titles out called Advanced Archetypes and Advanced Archetypes II. Each of them have around 20-21 new archetypes within their respective pages.

Could you explain how this Kickstarter and these 2 titles overlap/interact/etc?


As for my own preferences for more archetypes, my 2 tabletop groups have a predominance of the Wizard, Oracle, Witch classes. As for 3PP classes, do you plan on including any of them? Our group uses more 3PP than Paizo classes in general. And I can offer suggestions on them too, if you'd like.

Malwing: hah, I completely understand. Frog God Games alone has me a bit drained.

Crai: About half of the archetypes from Advanced Archetypes I & II are being revisited in the Archetype Compendium. We're reforging them to be more flavorful and crunchy. The other half aren't going to be touched for now (mostly because they're much simpler than the other archetypes going into the ArchComp).

Excellent, the Wizard is looking to be our biggest and most interesting chapter! I hadn't given much thought to 3pp classes. I have no idea how much demand there is for that and which ones are most popular. That's certainly an intriguing stretch goal idea!

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I'm pleased to say that, one day in and the Kickstarter is 79.5% funded! That's a phenomenal start.

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81% funded and 29 days to go.

This may succeed.

Dark Archive

I have currently pledged, though I am uncertain of how this Christmas will be. Still, better to pledge now and lessen it later then not to do so at all.

I admit I found the video... a little strange, to say the least.

It grabs attention, anyway. I think Alex could have used a narrator.

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How about a link to the Kickstarter?

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Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
How about a link to the Kickstarter?

That does seem like a bit of an oversight, doesn't it?

Flaming Crab Games Archetype Compendium Kickstarter

Dark Archive

Also, though the current video is amusing it doesn't really give what the Archetype Compendium actually is... could there not be a more useful video or is the one shown in the kickstarter 'of the norm' for Flaming Crab Games?

Kickstarter description wrote:
If you asked a Flaming Crab what book made the Pathfinder RPG start to truly stand out from 3.5, he'd be sure to tell you the Advanced Player's Guide. Why's that? Archetypes.

Could we PLEASE stop with the misleading advertising?

Yes, Paizo's Advanced Players Guide contains "archetypes". No, it was not a new idea to the game. 3.5 has "alternate class features". 3.5 also has "variant classes" which are essentially the same as ACFs but tend to be somewhat bigger changes. There are also racial substitution levels in 3.5 (which are at least a little different that ACFs/variant/archetypes as you can take the first change and still opt out of changes at later levels). And it wasn't a new idea in 3.5, either: 2e has "kits". The authors of the advanced players guide didn't invent "archetypes", they just took a feature that had been in 3.5 for years an in 2e for even longer and gave it a new name.

I have great respect for the work Flaming Crab Games has done, and I will probably back this kickstarter. However, putting a blatant deception that isn't even about your own product in the first paragraph of the pitch is a turn-off to me.

Anyhow, the project is now funded:) It's still smaller than the 256 archetypes advertised in the original KS pitch, but the stretch goals should fix that.

Jon, I'll let Alex handle comments on the video.

137ben, I'm not sure that really is false advertising. Having played with kits in 2e and alt class features and so forth with 3e I agree with Alex. The concept behind archetypes certainly isn't new but being made so central to Pathfinder does give it a different feel that separates it from earlier versions where such things were more optional side projects. A friend of mine is converting her 10 year long campaign from AD&D to PF primarily because of how archetypes allow customization without screwing over balance in the majority of cases.

So, not so much false advertising as it is personal opinion. As for it not being about the project, I again (and respectfully) disagree. Alex is trying to convey why the project excites him and the other writers and, hence, why they will be giving their all. They feel archetypes helps make PF a unique and vibrant system and, to, they are thrilled to be able to provide new options that make the game even better.

As for the project being funded, it isn't and won't be until it is either over or, at least, so far beyond the goal that bounces won't change things. As I type this, it sits at 2,869 out of 3,000. Chances are someone either removed or reduced their pledge. That happens a lot with Kickstarters. I'm confident the money will be "earned" back but, like an election, Kickstarters shouldn't be called until the final bell rings.

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Jon, you're not the only one that's mentioned that the video is perhaps too silly and not informative enough. I originally figured that a book with the simple premise of 200 new archetypes didn't need much explaining and that a short ridiculous video would be better than an unexciting "interview" of me. Depending on how my day job treats me the next couple weeks, I'm going to try and go back and upload a more standard video that isn't so strange...

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Very exciting to see!

Dark Archive

Flaming Crab Games wrote:
Depending on how my day job treats me the next couple weeks, I'm going to try and go back and upload a more standard video that isn't so strange...

Even a narration for your current video could work, especially if the events of the campaign session in the beginning had anything to do about what the Archetype Compendium offers.

Congrats on getting the Compendium funded!

I'm a little tapped-out with my gaming budget and Kickstarters as of late. But I may be able to join up on your last day of running the KS. Worse comes to worse, I'll buy it when it hits Paizo or RPGNow.

Dark Archive

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Congratulations on reaching 4,000! I'm looking forward to seeing the occult classes archetypes

Sovereign Court


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The Flaming Crab Games Archetype Kickstarter is just over a hundred dollars away from their second stretch goal with only 7 days left to go with $4,897 out of $5,000 raised!

If FCG reaches $5,000 they'll be bringing in the following guest authors to do additional archetypes!

* Brian Berg of TPK Games
* Morgan Boehringer of Forest Guardian Press
* Scott Gladstein of Little Red Goblin Games
* John Reyst of d20pfsrd
* 2015 RPG Superstar Top 8 finisher, Jeff Swank
* AND Thilo Graf aka the reviewing juggernaut known as Endzeitgeist!

We realize it is late in the holiday season but please consider supporting the Kickstarter! And maybe one or two of the other Kickstarters out there. Faerie Ring could use a little love, too, and every dollar counts. EVERY dollar.

Over $5,000.00!


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62 hours to go.

Only need about $200 for the $6,000 stretch goal!

Dark Archive

Come on, we need another $120 to reach the next stretch goal! The $7,000 goal where we get 1 racial archetype per class for the core races, that is an additional 40+ archetypes with 5 to 6 archetypes per core race. We can do it! After that there is the Art Book reward, a full color illustration for each class.

6 hours left!

Dark Archive

Aw, I was hoping to be there for the countdown, but I missed it because of falling asleep. Glad we got to 7,000 at least though.

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Well done Flaming Crabs and supporters!

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