What are the best Golarion books to get?

Lost Omens Products

I bought the Inner Sea Guide PDF a while back but I'm just now reading through it and I love it. I know there are tons of PDFs out there, which would you suggest to really flesh out the world as much as possible? Thanks!

Scarab Sages

Inner Sea Gods and Inner Sea Races are the next two big hardcovers that deal with the details of Golarion. Both are excellent books.

I second what was posted above.

There are also the inner sea combat and inner sea magic.

Outside that , there are books that cover certain regions of the Inner Sea or that cover Tian Xia that is outside the Inner Sea.

Inner Sea Gods and Inner Sea Races are two big ol hardcovers about exactly what they sound like they're about; The Gods and Races of the Inner Sea.

Distant Shores and the Dragon Empire's Gazetteer are softbound that do pretty much what the Inner Sea World Guide does for areas outside of the Inner Sea.

For specific areas, look for the Pathfinder Campaign Setting books. There's books that detail the Shackles, Osirion, Andoran, Cheliax, Taldor, The Land of the Linorm Kings, Worldwound, Numeria, and more!

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A lot of great options have been pointed out thus far. I might add to the list one of Paizo's older publications. I found Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond to be really interesting. It gives a fair amount of insight to the various planes of existence and the afterlife in Golarion.

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I really love the Book(s) of the Damned for Demons and Daemons. I'm sure I've read through the one for Devils at some point but as I can't recall anything from it then it clearly didn't make much of an impression.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The publications that flesh out the world are the ones listed in the Campaign Setting section. Another one of the big hardcovers is Inner Sea World Guide and the newest is Inner Sea Races.

That's perfect! I wasn't sure where to go after the Inner Sea Guide, so thanks for the suggestions!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
chaoseffect wrote:
I really love the Book(s) of the Damned for Demons and Daemons. I'm sure I've read through the one for Devils at some point but as I can't recall anything from it then it clearly didn't make much of an impression.

eh. I only have the Daemons one, but I haven't been able to make any use of it or find anything really compelling. I am not a fan.


You can also search for terms that interest you on Pathfinder wiki and look at the references at the bottom to see what books reference the information you are interested in

I'd consider Isles of the Shackles to be mandatory for anyone even considering going down there. Easily one of the most information packed campaign setting books I've come across in terms of people and places.

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I rarely have the opportunity to use Princes of Darkness, but it has what's quite possibly my favorite collection of fluff in any book Paizo's published. XD Very good for creativity - also excellent reading before any campaign featuring devils.

After you've read through Inner Sea World Guide, buy regional books about areas you're most interested in. Alternatively, pick a series of adventures you like and buy supplements for that region/theme.

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It really just depends on which section of Golarion in which you plan to run your campaign. The Inner Sea World Guide is the number one stop and you have that. My personal favorites are the Guide to Absalom and City of Strangers (the guide to Kaer Maga).

Inner Sea Gods is probably the best religion book I've ever seen put out and would highly recommend. I'm also a big dragon guy and Dragons Unleashed giving some insight on 14 different major dragons is a great piece of GM source material at a range of levels.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Add more votes for Inner Sea Gods and the big Guide to the Inner Sea. After those you should have an idea on what regions, classes, etc appeal to you and focus on those books.

Of the specific region ones, I found Numeria and Cheliax's books to be quite good. The more recent Cheliax book, 'The Infernal Empire,' not the original 'Empire of Devils.'

Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom! Favorite country in Golarion. Good source book, too.

I'm gonna second "Inner Sea Magic" and "Inner Sea Combat." But "Inner Sea Gods" is, in my opinion, second only to the ISWG. The ISWG is pretty much a must-have, and Inner Sea Gods is similarly important if you want to have anything to do with the religious stuff in the setting.

Other books I've really liked include Lost Treasures, Distant Shores, Chronicle of the Righteous, Darklands Revisited, and the Inner Sea NPC Codex.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

of the ones I have, Distant Worlds is clearly the standout, although there's not of "Golarion" information there...

Probably Kaer Maga at #2 and Occult Mysteries at #3.

The Exchange

It all depends on where you want to be on Golarion. I like them all, but some of my favorites include:
1. The Shackle Isles - Pirate Isles off southern Garund
2. Heart of the Jungle - The Mwangi Expanse on Garund, the southern continent
3. Distant Shores - Different cities in regions not written about or explored as much.
4. Inner Sea Combat and Inner Sea Magic - Prestige classes and centers for both.

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