Kobold Catgirl |

Cloak and dagger2 wrote:And being able to deal with the knowledge you're chewing on a kobold babyNah, you're not eating kobold babies in a shell; they're unfertilized ova. ... a better analogy would be you're eating the kobold mama's periods in a shell. Yummy!
The question is, is Pharasma okay with it?

Turin the Mad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Turin the Mad wrote:Kobolds crammed into chicken farm conditions ... there's some requisites for brain bleach for ya.I'm picturing them sitting in little straw nests saying "bawk bawk".
The laughter won't stop.
Scaled kobold-roosters cuck-a-coo'ing at dawn on the roof of the henhouse?
Kobochickens pecking at the ground outside for feed and worms?
Yep, it's pretty amusing. ^_______^
A smarmy kobo-chicken hawk mouthing off to a fat kobo-rooster... good times.

Morty, the Littlest Otyugh |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

*eats Morty*
This isn't so bad. The line to get in to see the Pirates of the Pancreas is longer than I expected though.
Morty, the Littlest Otyugh wrote:The question is, is Pharasma okay with it?Cloak and dagger2 wrote:And being able to deal with the knowledge you're chewing on a kobold babyNah, you're not eating kobold babies in a shell; they're unfertilized ova. ... a better analogy would be you're eating the kobold mama's periods in a shell. Yummy!
I'm sure she's fine with eating all types of eggs. Except century eggs, 'cause they're undead.

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

While we're on the subject, how much food do you think one corpse is worth? Because my party is trying to argue that it's worth 10 days, so they think they've got 200 days before they have to worry about finding food again if they use preservation magics.
Approximately a pound of meat is a single meal. A (mammalian or bird) corpse can provide about 40-70% of its mass in good meat depending upon exact species, butchering skills (and tools and time spent on the process), and willingness to eat certain parts.
Of course there is a slight issue of raw meat being insufficient source of all the needed nutrients unless they are catfolk or are adapted to fully carnivorous diet (Inuit or other world equivalent, probably gnolls, maybe orcs and/or goblinoids, trolls). After a few weeks of such diet they might start showing minor buy annoying symptoms, that will in long term lead to illness, loss of teeth, etc.

Turin the Mad |

purify food and drink and gentle repose takes care of spoilage issues, along with most pesky parasites. Be sure to store the larder's contents off of the floor and make regular checks to clear the area of carrion eating critters.
Butcher/prepare, purify, cook and eat. People-meat should have fairly significant nutritional value presuming a decent omnivorous diet before they were killed. Dealing with cannibalism is another matter. ;)
Goddity, your group has how many of what corpses they're willing to chow down on? That would provide a better estimate, if they're investing the necessary spells into stopping spoilage, of how much chow they have on hand.

Sissyl |

A human corpse or similar humanoid? Well, without knowing much about it, the muscle and fat weight of a human would be something like 20-60% of body weight? Call the corpse 70 kg, that means that perhaps half is edible. Consider that a kilogram is around 10 burger patties, which means 350 patties, which should feed four people for a while. Given a consumption of fiveish patties per person per day, or a party consumption of twenty. It would last for more than two weeks, I'd say.

Orthos |

Scythia wrote:Turin the Mad wrote:Kobolds crammed into chicken farm conditions ... there's some requisites for brain bleach for ya.I'm picturing them sitting in little straw nests saying "bawk bawk".
The laughter won't stop.
Scaled kobold-roosters cuck-a-coo'ing at dawn on the roof of the henhouse?
Kobochickens pecking at the ground outside for feed and worms?
Yep, it's pretty amusing. ^_______^
A smarmy kobo-chicken hawk mouthing off to a fat kobo-rooster... good times.

Goddity |

purify food and drink and gentle repose takes care of spoilage issues, along with most pesky parasites. Be sure to store the larder's contents off of the floor and make regular checks to clear the area of carrion eating critters.
Butcher/prepare, purify, cook and eat. People-meat should have fairly significant nutritional value presuming a decent omnivorous diet before they were killed. Dealing with cannibalism is another matter. ;)
Goddity, your group has how many of what corpses they're willing to chow down on? That would provide a better estimate, if they're investing the necessary spells into stopping spoilage, of how much chow they have on hand.
The exact situation is as follows:
After getting arrested, they murdered every guard in the jail (20) to escape, and now want to barricade the door and hang out in the jail. They have access to an alchemist, a magus, and a druid/barbarian. The guards are a mix of human, elf, and dwarf.
Turin the Mad |

Interesting. They'll be in for a rude surprise when relief guards, family members or the like show up.
The druid is pulling "larder duty" via purify food and drink which is good. Perhaps you can play up the cannibal nastiness on 'em. Maybe they just earned a ticket to arising as ghouls or ghasts when they get their tickets punched .. or worse. Maybe they attract the attention of a wendigo later in the campaign.
Going with averages as per Sissyl's suggestion (elves and dwarves will probably even out with human), they've got a big pile of carrion.
Man are they in for a time.

Drejk |

Turin the Mad wrote:purify food and drink and gentle repose takes care of spoilage issues, along with most pesky parasites. Be sure to store the larder's contents off of the floor and make regular checks to clear the area of carrion eating critters.
Butcher/prepare, purify, cook and eat. People-meat should have fairly significant nutritional value presuming a decent omnivorous diet before they were killed. Dealing with cannibalism is another matter. ;)
Goddity, your group has how many of what corpses they're willing to chow down on? That would provide a better estimate, if they're investing the necessary spells into stopping spoilage, of how much chow they have on hand.
The exact situation is as follows:
After getting arrested, they murdered every guard in the jail (20) to escape, and now want to barricade the door and hang out in the jail. They have access to an alchemist, a magus, and a druid/barbarian. The guards are a mix of human, elf, and dwarf.
So we are probably back to my scenario where they rely on meat as the sole source of nutrition (unless druid has noteworthy feeding spell, normally I'd say good berry but it requires berries in the first place).
Lets say that they can get 60 pounds of meat from a corpse, times 20, divided by 4... 300 pounds of meat per hero protagonist. Yup, they should be able to last for about a hundred days, assuming they won't lose any meat to spoilage, rats, or other vermin.
Bon appetit.
I'd expect coming of a representative of Zura, ghouls burrowing from the sides to such nice larder, scurvy (city guards don't tend to have a balanced diet making them rather unhealthy food...), descent toward evil alignment, not to mention that on death they are risking spontaneous revival as ghouls.
Also, do they have any idea how to get out of there? Because I would assume that the guards will get a backup, possibly moderately level adventurers to deal with the pesky infestation of the jail... And if the party is caught redhandedmouthed practicing cannibalism, the guards will get heavier back-up - temple knights, paladins, clerics of good deities, court wizards, etc... Unless the party finds a way to flee they will be finally overwhelmed and executed with extreme prejudice as monsters.

Scythia |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Turin the Mad wrote:This kinda sorta already exists.Scythia wrote:Turin the Mad wrote:Kobolds crammed into chicken farm conditions ... there's some requisites for brain bleach for ya.I'm picturing them sitting in little straw nests saying "bawk bawk".
The laughter won't stop.
Scaled kobold-roosters cuck-a-coo'ing at dawn on the roof of the henhouse?
Kobochickens pecking at the ground outside for feed and worms?
Yep, it's pretty amusing. ^_______^
A smarmy kobo-chicken hawk mouthing off to a fat kobo-rooster... good times.
Interesting. Reminds me of the German experiments to selectively breed engineer Aurochs back from modern cattle.
Sadly, not what was making me laugh. I was picturing regular kobolds, intelligent as they are, simply wearing feather caps and chinstrap wattles and acting like chicken. :P
"Why we do this?"
"You kidding? Not eat so good in years. Also straw bed cozy."

The Thing from Beyond the Edge |

A break away from the fun and somewhat back in line with the original question....
Here is an interesting link related to this subject...
Dietary Requirements of a Medieval Peasant
The page gives some sample daily diets (with nutrition, including calories) as well as individual breakdowns of the nutrition supplied by the individual items. The site also has some info on caloric expenditures.
Also, as a side note, there is a difference between getting enough calories in a day to maintain weight and getting proper nutrition. With a well developed aerobic energy system, one can be very capable of burning stored fat for energy, within limitations. "People", like adventurers, who would quite possibly get most of their calories from breads and fats as opposed to sugar and corn syrup like modern people. Thus, the average player character will probably be far superior to metabolizing fat stores than your average player. So, some eggs everyday (supplying a lot of nutrients) coupled with a limited calorie intake might not be too bad for a limited duration. Here is a quick synopsis on energy systems. There are more detailed links, but this was just to give a quick synopsis.