Air Your Grievances

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Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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I'm upset by the fact that I'm upset by the fact that the first rough playtest version of my new RPG is imperfect. :/

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You want all the flaws and imperfections during the play-test period, Jiggy.

...not on release.

Far too many of the play-tests I've participated in (credited and not) turned into 'Well, let's just use these rules and do this tweak for now' and then that documentation would never make it into the next draft.


To all those folks out there that think it's funny to use the make-up and other cosmetic products to 'decorate' the cosmetic section of the average retail store: Please stop. It's rude. It's disrespectful. It's vandalism.

Scarab Sages

GM MacShack wrote:
My main grievance is never having enough time to get through a campaign. Dead Suns? My group is just about to meet Gevalarsk Nor. Another AP I started GMing a year or two ago, they're about to fight the boss at the end of book 1. If by "about" you mean "whenever, if ever, we can schedule a game with more than one person coming"

Our group has been playing through one AP since 2011. We're in the 3rd book, I think. It's taken us that long because the GM is often unavailable. Our last session of that AP was in 2016. The GM kept saying he wanted to get back to it in 2017 or 2018, but he hasn't been around much. Evidence is beginning to pile up that he may have moved and canceled his mobile phone account.

I only recently finally finished painting a mini for my character, after being unable to paint minis for the past 6 years. I suspect I'll never get to use that mini again for that character.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I'm almost a month into my career change and have virtually no income to speak of, and no real following to make it look like this might change later. Scary AF.

Sorry to hear this, Jiggy.

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˝©π†˙˙ßåd raszafrat my left foot// @*oot My right foot//"

I had to let that go!

Scarab Sages

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A GM in our group is thinking of running an Eberron campaign in 5th edition. I kind of wish he'd run it in Pathfinder.


Liberty's Edge

Yeah, never understood the urge to run the setting designed around ubiquitous magic in the system where you're not expected to even get a magic sword by 5th level . . .

Well, if He is free with magic, maybe Eberron in 5e won't be that bad, even if it would bne better in 3.5 e or PF

to the Minions of shipping,
compLETe my overly large fanny. they need to update their terminology. I have been setting on the mailbox like a buzzard. all because the term complete means to me that the postal wizard has just dropped the goods into my pudgy palms. they need a term for we just kicked out the back-door into the hands of the Lords of Choas and Third Class Postage.

Paizo was down for about a week. I can't see what's different. Lets see if this posts now.

It posts, and I nearly decided to forget abnout ever coming to these boards again

WTF is up with those boards again? it's getting bothersome.

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Someone mentioned the other day that they weren't prepared for the massive onslaught on the servers that the beginning of the playtest would cause. Not being one of those I don't know if that's true or not. I'm not going to abandon the boards because of technical glitches. I have precious little to do with my time and this helps make the day go by better (when they're working.. lol).

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