w w 379 |

Has anyone else played this scenario yet? I played ROTR and WOTR, and I think this is the best scenario ever made. It's incredibly deceptive.
Any groups have deaths? The scenario is inescapable, and a 60 difficulty villain deals 1d10 to every character if undefeated. The kicker is you can't choose who fights her.
I could see groups getting caught up in farming, only to realize the villain recycles, and the group can't get out.
We fought her twice. The game ending fight happened with about 5 cards left in the blessings deck.

Mundane61 |
We played it today. She showed up late in the game and Enora had to fight her. We hadn't closed Heaven but we did defeat four of the henchmen. With blessings and spending all her mythic charges, Enora was able to win the encounter and we decided to end the scenario since we had encountered a lot of the cards.

Scripted |
We played it today. She showed up late in the game and Enora had to fight her. We hadn't closed Heaven but we did defeat four of the henchmen. With blessings and spending all her mythic charges, Enora was able to win the encounter and we decided to end the scenario since we had encountered a lot of the cards.
Um, I thought you could only spend mythic charges on something you got a mythic bonus on.
Add your number of mythic charges to your something check. Then you may expend 1 or more charges...
I think the "then" means you only get to spend charges if you added the bonus for having charges.
And, yes, the scenario can be very nasty. I haven't died yet, but I've come very close.

Scripted |
Ah, yes, fair enough. The scenario always picks my characters who can only roll d4s the first time she shows up, so I was just assuming that happened to everyone.
Also, isn't the scenario escapable? You have to advance the blessing deck before adding her back, so if she is the last card it would be game over.

w w 379 |
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I'm guessing the Enora in question was an Occularium Scholar, using her Knowledge to conquer everything (or, at least, barriers).
Our Occularium Scholar closed this one out.
It was a crazy good game for us. It was a roller coaster since we were thrashed by the villain once, but we picked up wo pillars of life (which saved us from wiping), an elemental bombardment, a touch of death, some item that reveals to add to strength or melee checks, but we missed some absurd AD5 staff on a 90% roll.
In an effort to recover from the villain loss, my Kyra blessed herself twice (using iconic blessing) in an automatic blessing acquisition to pick up two extra die, turned all 3 die into d20s, then used the hierophant mythic ability to shuffle back two blessings of ascension and a pillar of life. The pillar was redrawn on reset to be dropped and it healed for about 15 points on the group.
Great job, Paizo!

philosorapt0r |

I'm sure it will slip a lot of people's minds, considering the power sounds useless on paper, but blowing 5 mythic charges to have your archmage scout the blessing deck seems super useful on this one.
It only sounds useless to people who aren't playing Wandering Judge Imrijka, who want to figure out if there's a 7-card or so hand of blessings that if she strips her deck down to that (with reliable every turn healing available ) her party can have infinite turns!

Cax |

Great scenario. I play Enora in our group and we had a similar experience. Death to the entire party was imminent, but we encountered the villian with four cards left in the blessings deck, I was randomly chosen to encounter her, and was fortunate enough to have a Manual of War so I could use my Knowledge to defeat a barrier. Epic. Nice moves, paizo!
*Edit: I just realized OP is a member of my party, lol.

Longshot11 |

Yes, with Cold Iron Warden Imjika's ability to use Strength in place of Diplomacy, I expect to Mythic Champion harder than I've ever Mythic Championed before! (spend a charge to ignore +60 to the check? Yes, please!)
I'll deny I ever said so if anyone asks, but this sounds almost... cheaty O_0 Like, FAQ-worthy loophole, almost...

Zenarius |

Vogrin Winterborn wrote:Yes, with Cold Iron Warden Imjika's ability to use Strength in place of Diplomacy, I expect to Mythic Champion harder than I've ever Mythic Championed before! (spend a charge to ignore +60 to the check? Yes, please!)I'll deny I ever said so if anyone asks, but this sounds almost... cheaty O_0 Like, FAQ-worthy loophole, almost...
Champion alain, seelah, crowe, ekkie would walk right through her with no issues... They have melee skill... Deflated my expectations of a epic challenge... *faceplm*
Sounds like a faq needed? Vic?

skizzerz |

I don't really find it FAQ-worthy, more like "working as intended." You're trying to convince Iomedae that you're all champions worthy of rescuing her herald. I'd think a Mythic Champion would have an easier time with that due to the whole already-being-a-champion thing.

Zenarius |

Keith Richmond wrote:Not like you're beating her, just impressing her :)Well Imrijka using her Strength (basically Intimidate), it's really more like you're threatening her... how that ends well for Imrijka I don't know :)
She strips and flexes green muscles... (oops... Is this a PG or NSFW thread..?)