Middle of Nowhere

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

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I like experimentations and things that break the mold but how am I supposed to build the location decks when the Wrath of the Righteous's deck 5 location "Middle of Nowhere" is involved?

If I go by the rulebook (Setting Up, p.4, sections Set Out the Locations, Build the Location Decks, Add Villains and Henchmen) and if I'm playing with two characters (thus four locations), I guess I shuffle the villain and 3 henchmen among the 4 locations. So I end up with exactly one card (the villain or a henchman) in Middle of Nowhere, which is a location that "is always closed; it cannot be opened". Is that right?

Looks like it to me.

Is that location actually used anywhere except the special text on the monster Deacon of Death? (I haven't gotten set 5 so it might be used there)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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It is also summoned and built by several other monsters and locations in set 5. It actually forced me to build a whole new, major function in to OCTGN to deal with it. LOL

Apophenia wrote:
Is that location actually used anywhere except the special text on the monster Deacon of Death? (I haven't gotten set 5 so it might be used there)

Yes, it's used as one of the regular locations for the second scenario of adventure 5.

What happens if the villain is placed in the Middle of Nowhere during setup, you close (temporarily or permanently) the other locations, and then you encounter and fail to defeat him?

Pathfinder ACG Developer

My guess is that someone's head explodes.

WotR Rulebook: "(Note that if you did not defeat the villain, there is always at least one open location: the one in which it was just encountered.)"

For sanity's sake, it's probably best to just use that as overriding text. I'm sure Vic will be along with something more official.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We are contemplating changing the parenthetical Keith quoted to this:

Note that if you did not defeat the villain, there is usually at least one open location: the one in which it was just encountered. If you fail to defeat a villain at a closed location while all other locations are closed, open a random other location and shuffle the villain into it.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't see any issues with that, provided that "open a random other location" and "shuffle the villain into it" are intended as two separate instructions (in other words, it is possible for you to shuffle the villain into a closed location if the randomly-picked location cannot be opened for whatever reason; in other words, ignoring "open a random other location" per the Golden Rule doesn't result in you ignoring that you still shuffle the villain into it). For example, you fail to defeat the villain at the Abyssal Rift on the material plane (temporarily closed) side, and you randomly choose Middle of Nowhere as the location to open and shuffle the villain into per the new parenthetical.

That ruling seems to work fine. If I may ask, though, I'm curious why it wouldn't be simpler to just have the villain escaping rule override automatic close conditions on the current location. To me that seems the more intuitive solution (The villain doesn't care if it's locked up, since he's already there, after all). It also, to my much less experienced eye, feels like a simpler rules patch, since you can just state in the rule book that 'the villain's location is never temporarily closed'. Now that I think about it though, that would have implications if you fail to defeat a villain at one of these locations and there are other open locations. perhaps that's the reason?

isaic16 wrote:


you can just state in the rule book that 'the villain's location is never temporarily closed'.

This creates problems with locations like the Abyssal Rift (can only be temp closed) and doesn't fix the problem of the Middle of Nowhere (always permanently closed)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Orbis Orboros wrote:
isaic16 wrote:


you can just state in the rule book that 'the villain's location is never temporarily closed'.
This creates problems with locations like the Abyssal Rift (can only be temp closed) and doesn't fix the problem of the Middle of Nowhere (always permanently closed)

Yep—if the villain were in the Middle of Nowhere, and all other locations were closed, returning him to the Middle of Nowhere would make the game unwinnable. Thus, we have to force him to another location.

My biggest concern with the proposed solution is that reopening locations isn't normal—it has thus far only been possible in specific scenarios where the impact of re-opening and re-closing each of the locations has been examined. Applying it to scenarios that weren't specifically designed for it could cause problems. Are there any locations that break if they're reopened, or that break if they're permanently closed twice during the same scenario? I don't *think* so, but we have to work it through.

Vic Wertz wrote:

Yep—if the villain were in the Middle of Nowhere, and all other locations were closed, returning him to the Middle of Nowhere would make the game unwinnable.

How so?

Wouldn't the game be won when encountering the villain and then defeating them.

The problem was what to do when the villain wasn't defeated.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sorry—got my wires crossed. The reason we can't allow the rulebook to override temp closing the villain's location is that scenarios that use the Abyssal Rift (or the similar Gate of the Worldwound) could become unwinnable.

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