Eldritch Scion, am I reading this correctly?


From the Eldritch Scion archetype (emphasis mine):

"As a swift action, he can spend a point of eldritch energy to enter a state of mystical focus for 2 rounds. This allows him to use abilities from his bloodrager bloodline as though he were in a bloodrage, though he gains none of the other benefits of drawbacks of bloodraging."

From the Bloodrager class (respective of your chosen Bloodline):

- "Conviction (Su): At 8th level, once per bloodrage you can reroll one ability check, skill check, or saving throw you just made."

- "Certain Strike (Su): At 8th level, you may reroll an attack roll once during a bloodrage."

- "Frightful Strikes (Su): At 12th level, as a swift action once per bloodrage you can empower your melee attacks with fear."

Does this mean these abilities can be used every other round without penalty, while you spend eldritch energy points, sort of like mini rage cycling? Thanks in advance!


Saddly the archtype suffers with delayed spell strike till mid levels. Their arcane points are in extreamly high demand ... You need to spend 2 for the blood line powers, one to be able to spell strike, 1 to enchant ur weapon. And you lose some of the top class features. Oddly enough I did enjoy the class and combined it with a staff magic for a mid game power house. Both archtype come online very late.

Yes - unfortunately you will have very few points in your eldritch pool, which highly highly limits the application. You have to spend points to use spell combat, which is absolutely devestating for the archetype until level 8.

I think Melil13 might be confusing spell strike and spell combat, incidentally?

Yeah that's right, I wasn't looking at the page. I think it could make a good gestalt.combo though ... Make a pally/magus for instance

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

The trick to playing an Eldritch Scion is to avoid arcana that require pool points (instead taking e.g. Familiar or Empower or whatnot), and to pick a bloodrager bloodline that doesn't focus on "using" abilities (e.g. elemental bloodline's level 4 and 8 abilities are automatic while raging, they don't require activation).

Then you still need most of your points to keep your bloodline active, so you can't enchant your weapon as often (and at low levels, you shouldn't enchant at all). That said, you DO get a bloodline in exchange, with some nifty abilities.

Plus maybe spend a feat and a trait on extra pool.

Overall, the scion plays rather differently from a normal Magus; don't expect all the same tricks to work.

Works well with the arcane bloodline.

honestly? Having played an Eldritch Scion for several levels it wasn't nearly as bad as people say. I used Destined bloodline which meant i never really needed to use the Mystic Focus after the first round save for maybe once or rarely twice a combat (though partially because i favor Chill Touch over Shocking Grasp), it was pretty effective.

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