Is it time for a new module in the 1-4 range?


Liberty's Edge

After reviewing the modules using the new 64 page format I noticed only Dragon's demand starts the players at level 1. Are there any plans to make another starter adventure in the near future? I ask because to me there appears to be a need for it.

Dark Archive

I agree I would love to see another 1st level module like Dragon's Demand.

Silver Crusade

Ellestil wrote:
After reviewing the modules using the new 64 page format I noticed only Dragon's demand starts the players at level 1. Are there any plans to make another starter adventure in the near future? I ask because to me there appears to be a need for it.

I'd buy it

Liberty's Edge

What kind of 1-4 adventure would you most like to see. What villians that aren't seen as often would you like to engage? What would be the BBEG in your 1-4 adventure?

Silverhex Chronicles and the Phantom Phenomena are too big to be PFS Scenarios, and just a bit too small to be a full Module.

They are excellent, but if padded out a tad could make a decent module...

Liberty's Edge

I've heard good things about Phantom Phenomena also. I'm sure I will run it in the near future. I was actually quite happy with the 32 page modules back in the day. I also liked the module Plunder and Peril because it was three connected shorter adventures. I would be happy with a module going 1-2 for chapter 1 and having a semi-ending. Then 2-3 for chapter 2 and 3-4 for chapter 3. Each having a separate but loosely connected story so you could play 1 chapter and call it finished, or play all 3 and call it a mini-campaign. It gives you the option depending on your amount of time.

Still making larger stories like they do now, but maybe doing 2 large 64 page stories a year and 2 loosely connected 64 page 3 parters a year. Essentially giving you 8 stories a year without having to change the format at all. 2 long and 6 shorter stories. Or even 3 long and 3 shorter. More variety, more stories to use, not as much heavy load one one person either since the three parter can be divided up among authors. Imagine a RPG Superstar competition where there are three winners who each get to contribute their chapter and collaborate to loosely connect them.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Might I recommend Deadly Delves: To Claw the Surface. This level 1-3 module as your adventurers helping out a group of dwarf in their mine when a cave in traps the PCs deep underground. From there, they must survive the horrors of the mountain and make new friends along the way. This 57 page adventure includes a seperate PDF of all the maps in this adventure, both with an without the grid.

Print copies are available at DriveThruRPG/RPGNow. If you prefer to order a copy from your local game store, many game store owners can order my books for their store. If your game store has never heard of Jon Brazer Enterprises, have them contact me for more details.

[/shameless plug]

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All of the adventure paths start at level one and for the most part can be run as standalone modules. Pathfinder probably has more level one modules than anything when you take that into consideration.

Liberty's Edge

Brother Fen wrote:
All of the adventure paths start at level one and for the most part can be run as standalone modules. Pathfinder probably has more level one modules than anything when you take that into consideration.

This is true and a good suggestion. The only limitation is for PFS only one dungeon will get you credit. And I don't believe all AP'S give credit either. Using the old module 32 page format, you can run a module on an all day slot. Using the new 64 page format you cannot if it's one large story. You can run an AP as you said but it's one dungeon and would be hard to stretch out all day.

Using the Plunder and Peril style you can run parts and the whole part will count.

Scarab Sages

Oh, I'd love to see a couple of lvl 1-2 old style 32 page format modules! These would help a bunch for PFS, and are always good adventure kickstarters for homebrew.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

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Not having one regularly available is one of the biggest things that stops people from buying the game. The one thing that all new players and GMs have in common is that they start at 1st level. The lack of choices in that regard is a huge challenge to overcome for my store when introducing prospective buyers to the PFRPG. When Crypt of the Everflame, The Godsmouth Heresy, and Murder's Mark (and several past 3.5 era publications) were all available at the same time sales were booming. Now that it's only Dragon's Demand or Thornkeep, it's a bit of a struggle.

Gateway games are really important. I'm confused that Paizo seems to have lost sight of this.

Liberty's Edge

Time for more Homebrewing...
get started.

Liberty's Edge

JPSTOD wrote:

Time for more Homebrewing...

get started.

Unfortunately homebrew games aren't PFS legal. The issue I'm addressing mainly affects convention play or in store play concerning PFS players. The new 64 page format is too large for a Saturday all day slot. Believe me there are lots of players who sign up for module slots. But those modules that are PFS legal are limited.

I understand the 64 page module isn't going anywhere but that's fine. All they need to do is release more interconnected stories like Plunder and Peril that have separate shorter stories that cover various levels. Say, two connected stories each 32 pages long. At a store or convention all day slot you could run part 1 or part 2. If the convention does Friday and Saturday all day module slots you can host part 1 on Friday and part 2 on Saturday.

If the players from part 1 can't be there for part 2 it's not a problem because part 2 is a loosely connected story and can be run on it's own anyway. No loss. Of course this wouldn't replace full length 64 page stories, those are great also and I prefer them over AP's. I just feel there is still a demand and need for shorter modules as well in homes, stores, and conventions.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Drogon wrote:
Not having one regularly available is one of the biggest things that stops people from buying the game. The one thing that all new players and GMs have in common is that they start at 1st level. The lack of choices in that regard is a huge challenge to overcome for my store when introducing prospective buyers to the PFRPG.

To Claw the Surface is a 1st level adventure that is available in print for game store owner to order. ;)

Honestly, I'd prefer to see something high level than yet another low level module as Paizo has only put out one high level (17+) module.

For PFS, there are numerous 1-5's that you can run 1st level characters through (and 1-2's which are repeatable).

Drogon wrote:

Now that it's only Dragon's Demand or Thornkeep, it's a bit of a struggle.

Gateway games are really important. I'm confused that Paizo seems to have lost sight of this.

Beginner's Box is still available.

The availability of Murder's Mark may be a distributor issue. The one distributor I knew off of the top of my head that shows stock without requiring a log-in was showing it as available for their retailers to order.

That said, have to agree that "intro things" for newer players are critical from a retailer POV, especially for stores like yours which encourage & thrive on in-store gaming. I was somewhat surprised that they didn't do another intro thing when they released the Strategy Guide.


Drogon wrote:

Gateway games are really important.


And given most play happens under L10, lower end offerings are really important.

The Beginner's Box hasn't had much 1st-party support aside from releasing Gen Con demos, and aside from the Bash isn't a PFS solution. (Lots of BB adventures in Wayfinder and from 3PPs, but that doesn't help Ellestil in organizing PFS events.)

Ellestil wrote:
Imagine a RPG Superstar competition where there are three winners who each get to contribute their chapter and collaborate to loosely connect them.

The last two years, that's basically what Paizo's done with the three runners up. Their PFS scenarios go out back-to-back in a connected story arc. (Specifically Scions of the Sky Key and Destiny of the Sands, both of which are tier 1-5.)

Drogon wrote:

Not having one regularly available is one of the biggest things that stops people from buying the game. The one thing that all new players and GMs have in common is that they start at 1st level. The lack of choices in that regard is a huge challenge to overcome for my store when introducing prospective buyers to the PFRPG. When Crypt of the Everflame, The Godsmouth Heresy, and Murder's Mark (and several past 3.5 era publications) were all available at the same time sales were booming. Now that it's only Dragon's Demand or Thornkeep, it's a bit of a struggle.

Gateway games are really important. I'm confused that Paizo seems to have lost sight of this.

James Jacobs stated here that one of the goals of the modules line is to keep a low-level intro adventure in print. The repeated delays in the line, however, along with the fact that one each year is reserved for the RPG Superstar winner, make it hard to have more than one 1st-level module per year, not to mention that there's another thread asking for the modules line to serve up more high-level adventures for PCs to move on to after they've completed an AP.

That said, Murder's Mark, Emerald Spire, and Godsmouth Heresy are still available in print from Paizo, along with Dragon's Demand and Thornkeep. I don't know if there's some reason distributors can't get some of those copies to send to stores, though.

Scarab Sages

Getting paizo products in europe has been iffy for quite some time. A lot of distributors cant get stock for some reason. Even the Germans are complaining.

(background: RPGs are big in Germany, they usually have better distributors for RPGs, and get things earlier/easier then the rest of europe.)

Community Manager

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Look, a 1st level module! :D

Liz Courts wrote:
Look, a 1st level module! :D

It's almost like someone's been watching the forums! RUN AWAY!!!!! *hides*

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