Herkymr the Silly |

We are seeking 1-3 active players to add into our active campaign. Recently we lost 2 due to life complications.
Our campaign is fairly laid back in style. We ask that you post atleast once a day when possible. Those that cannot but still actively and constructively contribute to the group we are willing to work with on a trial basis first.
Feel free to look over and read discussion and game play to get a feel for us. Also feel free to message any questions about style game etc. to me or if about my dm style etc welcome to send it to my players with or without me knowing.
Our party consists of
a monk {unchained}
a ranger
a ninja
and a cleric of sorts.
Basic setting:
The lands are barren of their once luscious greenery and varied other ecosystems. The culprits are chaos storms--large random magic surges ravaging the lands like tornadoes. The deserts have spread as the storms continue to force the land to change. Purveyors of the magic arts have drawn together in hopes of discovering the cause of the storms.
Civilization has shrunk to the edges of the desert for the most part. Mangrove trees have been cultivated to stop the advent of the desert into the remaining waters. Druidic magic strengthens the trees and purifies the water so that life can be maintained. They also provide refuge for many of the creatures that have survived the changes.
The dragons have all but disappeared and the giants are ranging out once more leaving destruction and terror in their wake. Rumors of a cabal of wizards controlling the ravaging bands have begun to circulate among the rabble in the cities.
Sages and others of ancient lore whisper of a group tasked with keeping the ancients in line with nature and magic. Absence of these guardians could correspond with the giants raiding and the notable absence of the dragons.
Character Creation:
20 point buy. No score lower than 8 after racial adjustments.
All standard races
all uncommon and featured races (except Dhampir ----possibly negotiable , no drow or drow noble)
Build background for you character prior to his adventuring era by doing the following:
1)take 1 level in that class
2)build character exactly as you would a “class” character.
3)Max hit points for the npc class
4)You must pick at least one craft or profession skill
Below are the character creation guidelines
Using this as a starting point...tell me about your characters background before adventuring
then tie it in with how and why you became the “class” you are now.
+1 Skill point per level to be used in craft or profession from npc class
+1 skill point in any one knowledge skill which you must pick at first level and then may not be changed
Please submit them in herolab files to my email or if not using herolab send them atleast in a pdf.
I also would like you to post your character here by making an alias.
Put story in spoiler and background in another.
I would like the following in your story
1.) Name of Mentor
2.)Name of a group you belong to and one you oppose.(make them up
atleast in name]
3.)a friend
4.)an enemy
5.] a specific goal
I will tie these in {most likely some where )
150 GP
one magic item (may include weapon/armor/etc) not to exceded 1000 gp BUT IT MUST BE TIED IN SECURELY with your background or I reserve the right to screw with it however I see fit. …..muwahahahahhahaha
We will start in one of the biggest cities in the area. Most likely you will be in this area for first level or so.
UNLESS you tie your stories together some way....you will not know each other.
It is good for you to read up on mangroves and deserts although this is not a requirment.
Also I use herolab and realmworks programs. If you have them cool that cuts down on my time. If you dont have them, dont stress it we will find other options to get the data to you as needed.

Herkymr the Silly |

I'm too busy to submit anything but it looks interesting so I'll give you a bump.
thanks for the bump. If you get where you arent so busy and wanna join in let me know I am sure we can figure it out then. I also have no intent of closing the campaign any time soon and most of my players are RL friends and have no intent to stop.

Herkymr the Silly |

Some how I managed to set the campaign recruitment to an emty campaign.
The CAMPAIGN is ACTIVE and ongoing.
here is the official link to the recruitment for the correct campaign.
sorry about the mix up.

Thaliak |
I have a few questions.
1. From reading the campaign's gameplay thread, I get the impression the game focuses more on roleplay than on combat. Would I be able to contribute adequately to the combat portion with a skill-oriented six-level caster, such as an Investigator or Bard?
2. Would you be comfortable with someone who is new to play-by-post roleplay and not sure yet how much he'll enjoy it? I've done it before, but it's been five years, and the one campaign I was in died quickly.
3. When building characters, should I treat the NPC class level as my first level and my class level as my second level, or take the first two levels at the same time?
4. Will the campaign return to Fifth Port enough for a character with long-term goals tied to that area to be appropriate?
Like LilWilly5, I'd be interested in playing a class or archetype from Occult Adventures, which introduces psychic magic. In many cases, psychic spells are identical to their arcane and divine counterparts. However, instead of supplying a somatic component, the psychic caster has to supply an emotion component, which he can only do if he's in control of his emotions. This lets psychic casters cast when they're grappled or paralyzed, and makes their magic more subtle, but it has a downside: If the caster is under the effect of a non-harmless emotion or fear effect or spell, or intimidated through mundane means, he can't cast.
Psychic casters replace the verbal component of a spell with a thought component that involves complex mental constructs such as creating a detailed mental image of a wolf. Again, this is a mixed blessing. On one hand, it makes psychic spells more subtle and allows them to be cast in areas under the effect of Silence. However, the thought component is so demanding that the DCs to concentrate when casting psychic spells–including the DCs to cast defensively–increase by 10 unless the Psychic caster spends a move action to center himself. Put a psychic caster in melee or force them to fight on a rocking boat, and they might have trouble.
Psychic spells have one other benefit: They ignore inexpensive material components and can meet expensive material component requirements with any item of equal or greater worth provided it has emotional significance. The book gives the example of using a 5,000 gold piece wedding ring to cast raise dead on your wife.
I like psychic magic because it's a great fit for spies, tricksters, and illusionists, three archetypes I enjoy playing. However, if you don't think it would be appropriate for the campaign, I have other concepts that would work almost as well.

Andramal |

Hmmm, This catches my interest a bit. ^^ Looks like an arcane caster might be useful in some way. I'll study up on the information available and see what I can manage, then ask some questions.
EDIT: Urp, and a program called realmworks I see...unexpected snag, but I could still work with that.
I don't see any particular list of Do's and Don't's source wise for allowed material. Right now, most of what I'm considering is pathfinder related anyways, but a small bit of fluff stuff (and a possible alternate bloodline thing) are 3rd party material.
So what be the rules with that, or case-by-case sort of thing?

Herkymr the Silly |

Thaliak ***** Andromul
We do not REQUIRE herolab nor Realmworks. The are expensive but they do speed up my time as a dm. Milos from game doesnt have herolab so we use other things (almost anything is ok as long as I can get necessary info) SEE MILOS PROFILE TO CHECK OUT HOW HE DID IT. Its a great example.
From reading the campaign's gameplay thread, I get the impression the game focuses more on roleplay than on combat.
***We do focus on alot of Rolelay not just rollplay. Most the rime I will not ask for a check but players are always welcome and encouraged to pm me with rolls and intents so that the flow of the game seems to be uninterrupted.
we currently have multiple things going on behind main game. That is why sometimes there is more of a lull from conventional posting.
This helps stop metagames and more importantly helps for continuity of game in gameplay thread
1.) Would I be able to contribute adequately to the combat portion with a skill-oriented six-level caster, such as an Investigator or Bard?
yes skill based is great for this campaign Would be fine in combat as well as long as you can be inventive. Be conscious that we start at level 1. There will be ample combat as well. We can work with and fit in anything you feel like you want to play though. Ive been Dming long enough (point of pat on back) that I feel more than comfortable rolling with the punches.
IF what ou want to play is way out there run it past me and I most likely will run it by players and ask questions Before we ok it. However we can roll with most things.
2. Would you be comfortable with someone who is new to play-by-post roleplay and not sure yet how much he'll enjoy it? I've done it before, but it's been five years, and the one campaign I was in died quickly.
***New to PBP or even RP is fine. As a group we are flexible enough to role--with it :) we will work with you. the 2 that just left had never played rp or pbp at all . Many of my players are new or newer to PBP and RP all together. Our group is flexible enough to work with anyone as long as.....If you are willing to contribute then we can work with you. I dont care how often or new you are to pbp or RP as a whole as long as you honestly contribute. If your new I expect you to get better as you play.
Be willing to Give, Receive, and Evaluate feedback from me and from other players in game.
3. When building characters, should I treat the NPC class level as my first level and my class level as my second level, or take the first two levels at the same time?
-- treat the npc level as a bonus level and dont count it as a level at all. This makes for slightly stronger characters which is a benefit especially to first level characters. Makes roleplay set up better as well. Easier on me to tie you in to the world makes for richer and more fun with the PBP experience.
4. Will the campaign return to Fifth Port enough for a character with long-term goals tied to that area to be appropriate? --
will be based out of fifth port and there alot. connections there would be good. I have tons more information on fifth port that should you choose to be from there you would know some of. I also have several groups that tie in with the area that could be used in background if you wish. Just let me know – I'll work with ya.
*****As long as I have access to the sources, Most things are case by case for materials not specifically supported / published by Paizo.

Thaliak |
Thaliak ***** Andromul
[i]We do not REQUIRE herolab nor Realmworks. The are expensive but they do speed up my time as a dm.[/;quote]
I'm glad to hear that. Realmworks might be in my budget, but Hero Lab is far outside of it.
1.) Would I be able to contribute adequately to the combat portion with a skill-oriented six-level caster, such as an Investigator or Bard?
yes skill based is great for this campaign Would be fine in combat as well as long as you can be inventive. Be conscious that we start at level 1. There will be ample combat as well. We can work with and fit in anything you feel like you want to play though. Ive been Dming long enough (point of pat on back) that I feel more than comfortable rolling with the punches.
IF what ou want to play is way out there run it past me and I most likely will run it by players and ask questions Before we ok it. However we can roll with most things.
I don't think any of my ideas are out there. I don't know if I'm the most creative player, but I like trying.
4. Will the campaign return to Fifth Port enough for a character with long-term goals tied to that area to be appropriate? --
will be based out of fifth port and there alot. connections there would be good. I have tons more information on fifth port that should you choose to be from there you would know some of. I also have several groups that tie in with the area that could be used in background if you wish. Just let me know – I'll work with ya.
I wouldn't mind getting some background information. I'll send you a PM with my e-mail address.
I would be interested in seeing a psychic join us. The Occult book at first glance to me looked like a rip-off of psionics shoe horned into the same old boring spell slots and uses per day but some people are saying the classes perform well. I would like to see one in action.
I haven't seen one in action either. I was a bit surprised at the use of spell slots, but the more I think about it, the more I understand it. With the exception of the Psychic, the equivalent of an intelligence-based sorcerer, all of the Occult Adventures classes are complex enough that I'm glad to see something familiar inside them.
Using spell slots also means that the psychic classes can tap the vast array of feats and items originally designed for traditional spellcasters, from Spell Focus to Runestones of Power. I'm glad we don't have to wait for that support.
Using spell slots should also make it more likely the classes will continue to receive support. It's much easier to justify adding "Occultist 1" to a spell description than it is to dedicate page space to a power that will only be available to the psychic classes. It's also easy to add "wizard 3" to a spell primarily intended for psychic casters, so it'll give players of the traditional classes a reason to look forward to psychic-focused books.
I also love the skill lists on the psychic classes. The Occultist and the Psychic can both be quite versatile, even without traits. With six skill points a level and Intelligence-based casting, the Psychic Investigator should be even better.
That so many psychic spells are old staples should also make the classes easier to integrate and understand. Having said that, I'm worried any psychic casters I create will end up feeling like every other caster I've played. As much as I love battlefield control, I'm tired of casting Glitterdust or Grease in half my fights.

Herkymr the Silly |

That so many psychic spells are old staples should also make the classes easier to integrate and understand. Having said that, I'm worried any psychic casters I create will end up feeling like every other caster I've played. As much as I love battlefield control, I'm tired of casting Glitterdust or Grease in half my fights.
Alot of the feeling of "same old same old caster" is going to be a result of actual roleplaying as well. Just a personal opinion

Thaliak |
Thaliak wrote:That so many psychic spells are old staples should also make the classes easier to integrate and understand. Having said that, I'm worried any psychic casters I create will end up feeling like every other caster I've played. As much as I love battlefield control, I'm tired of casting Glitterdust or Grease in half my fights.Alot of the feeling of "same old same old caster" is going to be a result of actual roleplaying as well. Just a personal opinion
That's true, but I think I'd benefit from stepping outside my comfort zone. If I create a character too similar to the one I'm playing in my real world game in personality or in mechanics, I might get bored.
It took me a while to realize that, so I put a lot of time into a character I'm discarding. I'm working on another one, but unless the real world game I'm supposed to have tomorrow gets canceled, I may not get it to you until Saturday.
In the meantime, I have a question. To my understanding, the NPC class level provides max hit points. Jerram's character sheet suggests it provides skill ranks as well. Does it count as a level for the purpose of determining the max ranks a character can have in a skill? Also, does the first main class level provide max hit points as well?

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I am very interested. I don't have Hero Lab or Realm Works because I primarily post from my phone. I do have an interesting concept that I've been wanting to play for a while he would be an Adept/Wizard, but he dresses like a gunslinger and his bonded idem is an elongated pistol. Carved into the barrel of his pistol in the word "WAND". He specializes in projectile magic which he channels which he focuses through the pistol, the engraving will glow with a color representing the element being used (red for fire, blue for water, etc), and the spell busts from the barrel. From his previous life as and Adept he will have Cure Light Wounds so he can help with some "Band-aid" healing as needed.
That is his general concept. He is not yet completed, but if you think he will fit in please let me know and I will flush out the rest on the details.

Herkymr the Silly |

I am very interested. I don't have Hero Lab or Realm Works because I primarily post from my phone. I do have an interesting concept that I've been wanting to play for a while he would be an Adept/Wizard, but he dresses like a gunslinger and his bonded idem is an elongated pistol. Carved into the barrel of his pistol in the word "WAND". He specializes in projectile magic which he channels which he focuses through the pistol, the engraving will glow with a color representing the element being used (red for fire, blue for water, etc), and the spell busts from the barrel. From his previous life as and Adept he will have Cure Light Wounds so he can help with some "Band-aid" healing as needed.
That is his general concept. He is not yet completed, but if you think he will fit in please let me know and I will flush out the rest on the details.
sounds fun... so he would have a wand that was shape like a gun which he focuses his spells through, is that what I understand? He should fit the world if you can roleplay him in it. You decide we can work with anything.

Herkymr the Silly |

I'm interested in submitting a character. In your campaign, does an analogy for the ancient Egyptians exist? I would like to play either an cleric of Anubis or an arcane follower of Thoth types of characters.
It does now if you wanna set it up that way. :) hadnt gotten to the Gods detail in the world. So...Why not.??? Sounds like it could be fun.

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Iron Killer wrote:sounds fun... so he would have a wand that was shape like a gun which he focuses his spells through, is that what I understand? He should fit the world if you can roleplay him in it. You decide we can work with anything.I am very interested. I don't have Hero Lab or Realm Works because I primarily post from my phone. I do have an interesting concept that I've been wanting to play for a while he would be an Adept/Wizard, but he dresses like a gunslinger and his bonded idem is an elongated pistol. Carved into the barrel of his pistol in the word "WAND". He specializes in projectile magic which he channels which he focuses through the pistol, the engraving will glow with a color representing the element being used (red for fire, blue for water, etc), and the spell busts from the barrel. From his previous life as and Adept he will have Cure Light Wounds so he can help with some "Band-aid" healing as needed.
That is his general concept. He is not yet completed, but if you think he will fit in please let me know and I will flush out the rest on the details.
Actually his bonded idem is an actual pistol with the word "WAND" carved on it barrel. He is not proficient in using firearms so actually firing bullets or alchemical cartridges would be pointless so instead he focuses his magic through it.
When he runs out of spells I was thinking he could use maybe a masterwork dagger which would be his one magic idem.
Thaliak |
Iron Killer, have you considered the Spellslinger Wizard archetype? It seems tailor-made to do what you want to do. You lose way too many schools, but the abilities aren't restricted to wizard spells, so you could spend 1 level as a wizard and then switch to an Arcanist or Sorcerer.

Herkymr the Silly |

Due to the cost of a gun compared to the cost of other common bonded items, this would need to be balanced money wise from somewhere. I would be ok if it was done as the magic item which would make it more balanced money wise.
I am open to other suggestions as well. Any other ones you alls can think of?
guns Guns are rare to nonexistent in this world. ALL gun related equipment has to be created by "gunner" except on very very very very extremely very very few cases.
To shoot it AT ALL you would also need the feat. Without the feat you would not even know how to load it thus firing it would be IMPOSSIBLE.
If these are taken into account then I am fine with it. You could also simply take a wand and have it in the shape of a gun.
Im willing to work with ya if we can and it makes sense

Herkymr the Silly |

If at all possible, please post at the following thread. This is the actual recruitment thread {{ i accidently created this one thnkng I could link this to the same campaign but found out that I cant}}.
This will also allow my current players a chance to look at your suggestions and make suggestions/feedback to help fit them into the party.

Herkymr the Silly |

Direct link to official / main recruitment thread.I messed up and made multiple links to a recruitment before I figured out what I was doing :)
Looking for more players interested in our home-brew campaign. Currently we have an vampire based character (campaign specific) a ninja elf, a human psychic ,and an oread druid
Easy going group with lots of options and leeway in the ROLEPLAY possibilities.
If interested PM me or post to the recruitment thread above (the i messed up one :) )