TheWhiteRaven |
So I was looking at the oracle FCB listing on the OGC, and saw that in addition to Aasimar; Elves, Ifrit and Sylph also get the +1/2 to a revelation. However, when I look at the entry for the Elf race, under its listing of FCB, it says they get +1/6.
Judging by the general discussions I've found in my searching for an answer, the general consensus is that +1/2 is correct, I'm simply wondering if I'm the first one to notice this as I was unable to find any thread or reference to that error.
Also, I would like to prevent this thread from turning into a discussion about whether or not the +1/2 to a revelation "affects this in this way" debate. There are already a few threads about that and that is not the purpose of this question.

TheWhiteRaven |
Are you talking about the D20PFSRD web site? If you see a disagreement, remember that Paizo books, and the Paizo PRD trump any third party.
Yes, that is the site I am referring to, however I also checked the Paizo PRD and its Elf entry also lists it as 1/6. I was unable to find any oracle FCB for elf in any of the books that I have, but I may just not have looked hard enough.

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LazarX wrote:Are you talking about the D20PFSRD web site? If you see a disagreement, remember that Paizo books, and the Paizo PRD trump any third party.Yes, that is the site I am referring to, however I also checked the Paizo PRD and its Elf entry also lists it as 1/6. I was unable to find any oracle FCB for elf in any of the books that I have, but I may just not have looked hard enough.
I would say that 1/6 IS the correct number for elves. That's why every life oracle was an aasimar, not an elf.

TheWhiteRaven |
TheWhiteRaven wrote:I would say that 1/6 IS the correct number for elves. That's why every life oracle was an aasimar, not an elf.LazarX wrote:Are you talking about the D20PFSRD web site? If you see a disagreement, remember that Paizo books, and the Paizo PRD trump any third party.Yes, that is the site I am referring to, however I also checked the Paizo PRD and its Elf entry also lists it as 1/6. I was unable to find any oracle FCB for elf in any of the books that I have, but I may just not have looked hard enough.
Thats kinda what I was feeling, partially because the core races FCB were generally a smidge weaker than the more "powerful" advanced races like Aasimar and Ifrits etc. So while Aasimar gets 1/2, Elf would only get 1/6, however I noticed people discussing the specific of "does this fcb work this way" and in it they reference the Elf as having 1/2.
That is one of the threads I found when I searched for the topic.

TheWhiteRaven |
I believe it is now 1/6 for all races, as of the recent Errata
EDIT: Ninja'd.
.... noooo curse you official errata for squashing my plans of an aasimar oracle Lunar Mystery with a busted strong animal companion!
Sigh, guess it was to much to hope that they wouldn't change that, it IS a little strong, granted only for a select few revelations. Welp, I always said that as soon as I saw official errata I would accept it and move on, guess I hafta, even if I don't like it.
Also, this effectively answers my question, as Imbicatus and Deadbeat both said, its basically 1/6 for all races now. Ty for the replies, even if it forces me back to the drawing bord lol. ^^

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Even If it was 1/2 pre-errata, you can be sure that it is 1/6 post-errata.
1/2 was monumentally broken, as my oracle with 20th level Animal Companion at level 15th level could tell you. Out tank, out fight, out everything any other melee in the group. (all my gear went to the AC with extra item slot a thing.)
I do believe all the 1/2 got recently changed to 1/6.

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blackbloodtroll wrote:Outside of PFS, GMs can do whatever they want. It's only society play wear RAW matters more than GMs preference.They could have just left it as a PFS rule.
It was the only place it mattered.
PFS seems to rule all errata.
So, when the DM, and 3 of the players have different printings, of the same book, with different errata, there is no problem?
This "you can houserule" is the lamest excuse I hear.
You can houserule a whole system.
We buy the books, so we don't have to.
This is just the beginning...

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This sounds like an animal companion problem, not a +1/2 level on revelations problem. 1/6 might as well be for a brand new revelation.
Pretty much all are busted.
OA clarified the "take a +x to blah before you get blah" to not working RAW, but I never used this cheese. Fixed the players from saying "but nothing is stopping me, there is no rule". Now there is.
I had a dark tapestry oracle with the +1/2 on the polymorph revelation and it was also pretty redonk. Without using cheese mentioned above.

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3 of the players have different printings, of the same book, with different errata,
We buy the books, so we don't have to.
I totally don't understand why this is an issue.
There are not 3 different errata. All 3 books say the same thing regardless of what is actually printed on the paper.

kyrt-ryder |
hiiamtom wrote:This sounds like an animal companion problem, not a +1/2 level on revelations problem. 1/6 might as well be for a brand new revelation.Pretty much all are busted.
OA clarified the "take a +x to blah before you get blah" to not working RAW, but I never used this cheese. Fixed the players from saying "but nothing is stopping me, there is no rule". Now there is.
I had a dark tapestry oracle with the +1/2 on the polymorph revelation and it was also pretty redonk. Without using cheese mentioned above.
Why is it that any time anything is ever effective ever you always call it cheese James?

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blackbloodtroll wrote:3 of the players have different printings, of the same book, with different errata,
We buy the books, so we don't have to.
I totally don't understand why this is an issue.
There are not 3 different errata. All 3 books say the same thing regardless of what is actually printed on the paper.
No, you are thinking of a FAQ, not errata.
Look how they errata'd Master of Many Styles, and Crane Wing.
Those say different things.
You can't have things printed differently, but say the say the same thing.
That's exactly what different printings are.
Hard copies are not exactly cheap either.

Physically Unfeasible |
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James Risner wrote:Why is it that any time anything is ever effective ever you always call it cheese James?hiiamtom wrote:This sounds like an animal companion problem, not a +1/2 level on revelations problem. 1/6 might as well be for a brand new revelation.Pretty much all are busted.
OA clarified the "take a +x to blah before you get blah" to not working RAW, but I never used this cheese. Fixed the players from saying "but nothing is stopping me, there is no rule". Now there is.
I had a dark tapestry oracle with the +1/2 on the polymorph revelation and it was also pretty redonk. Without using cheese mentioned above.
Ignoring claims about posting histories (because (true or not) that doesn't actually attack the argument; just the poster), there is a validity in stating that boosting a revelation's level before you have/qualify for it is egregious. At minimum, it seems reasonable to doubt it's RAI. Let alone issues of RAW.
Outside of PFS, GMs can do whatever they want. It's only society play wear RAW matters more than GMs preference.
Personally, I have little issue with the errata. But frankly, ever time I hear this argument, I get a little annoyed. Primarily for the following reasons:
1. Implying houserules are something one dissatisfied player/GM can change for their whole table, because there is actually a bit of a social contract.2. Implying people can find groups that operate perfectly from their perspective.
3. Implying that people don't take errata/FAQs as signaling that doing something X way is more balanced than Y, and that "Houserules fix it" is a baseline anyone can approach any game with.
4. Implying new prints don't subsequently change the experience for new players.
On topic: 1/2 was a bit broken for a number of revelations. Not just ACs, like the change or no. That said, I have yet to see anyone actually defend 1/6. Which does make me ponder if the balance was rightly struck (or if I have perception bias).
Now, the OP's plans:
aasimar oracle Lunar Mystery with a busted strong animal companion!
If your interest was primarily the AC, I'm partially tempted to recommend Nature over Lunar. I appreciate a Horse AC is weaker offensively at first glance but the ability to add your CHA to all its saves is something you will feel at later levels when a lunar AC starts dying from bad saves. The lack of charisma to reflex might seem a poor trade compared to charisma to CMD but Reflex is the weakest save in terms of what it stops. You won't miss it that much.
Plus, if you really really miss a lot of the companions from the lunar list:Scion of Humanity Aasimar->Racial Heritage(Orc)->Beast Rider
Dip Mammoth Rider
Look at the options for the Monstrous Mount feat (esp. if riding wasn't a concern)
Are all valid ways to get a mechanically stronger AC than the horse.

andreww |
1/2 was monumentally broken, as my oracle with 20th level Animal Companion at level 15th level could tell you.
Yeah, that isn't broken. The straight level 15 animal companion with lots of gear invested into it is liable to outfight many martials characters. The difference between 15th and 20th level AC's is all of 3 points of BaB, 1 point of str/dex, 2 points of nat armour a few save increases and 2 feats.
Hardly game breaking.
I ran through all of Emerald Spire, Wardens of the Reborn Force and part of Shattered Star with a Lunar Oracle with a boosted animal companion. By far the strongest effect was the spell casting the character brought to the table.

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Why is it that any time anything is ever effective ever you always call it cheese James?
Because it may be? Don't get me wrong, I love cheese.
I've played most of the cheese that said "I'm Gouda cheese" (like Maneuver Master using Flurry of Maneuvers in Hellknight Full Plate.) Not many ways to interpret the printed version to block this without a stretch.
I just avoid the "Bleu Cheese" that is stuff you get when you read a rule and dream up the most awesome interpretation (like taking +1/2 a revelation you don't yet have.)

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You can't have things printed differently, but say the say the same thing.
Hard copies are not exactly cheap either.
You can. When the errata brings the text in line with the original intended interpretation of the pre-errata text. This has happened many times.
I like hard copies. I've printed out small font sheets and cut out the individual page errata and taped them into margins. Now my book is as good as new!
Hardly game breaking.
I ran through all of Emerald Spire, Wardens of the Reborn Force and part of Shattered Star with a Lunar Oracle with a boosted animal companion. By far the strongest effect was the spell casting the character brought to the table.
A different experience, as my group stopped fielding melee characters at 15th level. The only melee was the cat, and he had in general roughly double the hit points a solid +8 more to hit, better attack, and better grapple than any of the previous melee PC's had.

hiiamtom |
Pretty much all are busted.
OA clarified the "take a +x to blah before you get blah" to not working RAW, but I never used this cheese. Fixed the players from saying "but nothing is stopping me, there is no rule". Now there is.
I had a dark tapestry oracle with the +1/2 on the polymorph revelation and it was also pretty redonk. Without using cheese mentioned above.
It doesn't get too ridiculous until level 10 when you get greater polymorph 3 levels before a wizard. Up until that point it seems reasonable, and after level 12 almost anything is fair game.
Now my Nature Oracle camel being at level 9 when I'm at level 6 is a bigger problem. The camel already gives me a turn as a brute and a turn as a spellcaster, but now my camel has +3 STR/DEX and +6 NA with barding and the ability to learn any feat. Until at least level 11 I am controlling a fighter and can give it better buffs (including polymorph from Ancient Lorekeeper), and I don't have to push it.
There are very few "ridiculous" revelations for Oracles, and most of those are from splat. Also, most of the best revelations are not impacted by the bonus to class level because they are so limited in use (the Dark Tapestry polymorph being one of the better ones).
I would go as far as to say 3.5 taught us that familiars and animal companions break action economy and I never understood why summons and animal companion rules were kept the same when polymorph was re-balanced to a better strength. I actually really like that 5e makes animal companions much more rare and in line with action economy.

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Nefreet wrote:If you would like input, 1/4 is the same as 1/2. You get capped out on Animal Companion the same as 1/2 and 1/4.It was indeed 1/2 for Elves, but now is 1/6.
In an AP I'm about to run I houseruled it to 1/4.
I made no mention of Animal Companions.
I meant the whole Favored Class Bonus errata entirely.