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Anyone else think it was extremely weird that they just left all the food there after getting proof that something sure as )(*U(^&^$^$*& is going on.
I'm thinking we need a new character, sort of a token character if you will, whose only purpose in the show is to smack some sense into stupid people.
<edit> Well, might need more than one, for this show.

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You will never get me, Aberzombie! NEVER!!!
Your first mistake is thinking we actually would want you. Your second mistake is thinking we wouldn't prefer to watch you go slowly insane from the isolation of being the last living thing on the planet....

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Another interesting episode.....
Hey, let's riot! Just ignore the people eating other people as we loot.
Poor Momma Salazar - you've got Walker (or whatever they're going to be called in this show) written all over you.
Oh, Alicia. Now that you know the truth, I can't wait to see you break out to your boyfriends house.....
When you find your neighbor eating your dog, you DO NOT try to talk him down. On that note - Ruben Blades' character is badass. He's my favorite one on the show so far.
I really wanted to see Maddie cave the neighbor Walker's head in with that hammer. The fact that Travis stopped her does not speak well for him. He's having trouble accepting that this cannot be fixed.
And, finally, the military shows up. It'll be interesting to see how the show runners go with the soldiers. My guess is it'll be to show them as well-intentioned at first, but slowly becoming more of a threat (except for one or two good ones).
Either way, I look forward to the remaining three episodes, just to see how far they'll take it.

Brother Faust the Elder |

It never ceases to amaze me how seldom people look down. Everyone else is busy reveling in anarchy except those being eaten and those fleeing.
I think the setting is reflecting "not fondness for La Policia" that boils to the surface with all the 'shootings of innocent victims' (that also happen to be a tad hungry for flesh of other bipeds). As with most riots, the target of their rage is not the recipient of the lion's share of the carnage. In this case, the spread of the Horde is taking place in plain sight.
I noticed scattered zombies all over the place amidst those-who-have-yet-to-be-eaten. Smartly, the larger starting pockets are in hospitals. "They're sick, where else do we take 'em? " I'm waiting for a morgue scene, but I don't know if that'll happen.
The power grid going down ... all kinds of bad. I do wish they'd shown that happening. MAybe a later moment?
Denial, always fun. "Sick" ... yeah, you guys go with that, mmm'kay.
Regarding incineration ... the point that is made is valid: burned particles could float in the smoke to be inhaled later, carried on the winds to no one knows where. The hospital full of Horde members is a giant airborne vector when the place caught fire.
A thought: What if the 'infection' spread from El Salvador? ;)

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Couple of other things....
Not much yet of people gathering supplies and leaving. So far, it was just the bad-acne geek from the school, that cop with the trunk of water, and (if I recall) a neighbor of our main characters.

MeanDM |

I was hesitant after the first episode, but the last two have been pretty intense. I had heard episode 2 took a ratings hit. Here's hoping the slow burn doesn't kill this show.
I agree with Freehold about how the zombie craze has innured us to how people really react in these situations. Remember that one of the conceits of the show is that there is no such thing as zombie media, mythology etc. in that world.
With all the flu references, I wonder if there's an actual virus that can kill you without being bitten, but all our PCs have sufficient immunity that it takes an additional vector to kill them. That would explain the rapid decline.

Samnell |

With all the flu references, I wonder if there's an actual virus that can kill you without being bitten, but all our PCs have sufficient immunity that it takes an additional vector to kill them. That would explain the rapid decline.
I take that as mostly read. The flu's gone at least continental and probably global. But it's mostly just been the flu. It might be a nasty one, what with people keeping kids out of school, but nothing completely out of context. The flu can kill, but usually only the young, old, and those with weakened immune systems. Consequently most people are infected before we see many walkers. The few the flu claims might not all animate, especially not at once.
I know the CDC episodes are of dubious canonicity at this point, but Jenner said that the virus could take hours to reanimate. We just don't see those zombies because they're less interesting dramatically than the quick ones. Maybe most of the first string were lurker types too, so even harder to put it all together until things have started to slip. I suspect that the government has been handling minor outbreaks at hospitals and such for at least weeks and possibly months before. But it only takes a few getting out for things to spiral out of control.

Samnell |

I don't get it though. Is everyone who dies gonna become a zombie? Why?
That's been the case in this universe since at least late in the second season. Everyone is infected and everyone who is infected will rise on death. But our heroes don't know that. Neither did the cast of the parent show for quite a while.

Terquem |
Maybe it isn't a "flu" that is responsible at all...
Maybe it was the cure.
So I have this theory that a wide spread pandemic of a very serious flu was going to threaten economic stability in the US, so naturally the Gov'ment (I am talking here in extreme fictionalized versions of course) quietly put out a super anti-viral agent that would keep people alive long enough to fight off the flu virus, only it didn't work out exactly they way they planned...

Samnell |

Maybe it isn't a "flu" that is responsible at all...
Maybe it was the cure.
So I have this theory that a wide spread pandemic of a very serious flu was going to threaten economic stability in the US, so naturally the Gov'ment (I am talking here in extreme fictionalized versions of course) quietly put out a super anti-viral agent that would keep people alive long enough to fight off the flu virus, only it didn't work out exactly they way they planned...
That's pretty close to the plot of Mira Grant's Newsflesh trilogy. Two separate labs working on cures for cancer and the common cold. The cancer cure was a tailored virus working out great on its test subject. The common cold cure was still in trials, but some idiots decided they had to bust in and release it into the environment. The strains met and had babies.
Grant's zombies aren't quite dead. They need to eat and such. Major physical trauma causes the virus, which every mammal has now, to go live. This uses the mechanism that the anti-cancer virus used to kill tumors. Introduction of the virus from outside also works. Some people will spontaneously have the virus go live without warning, but this is pretty rare. More often it just happens in part of the body, causing some disability. Anything mammal over forty pounds with go zombie when it gets either a dose of live virus, major trauma, or both.

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Terquem wrote:Maybe it isn't a "flu" that is responsible at all...
Maybe it was the cure.
So I have this theory that a wide spread pandemic of a very serious flu was going to threaten economic stability in the US, so naturally the Gov'ment (I am talking here in extreme fictionalized versions of course) quietly put out a super anti-viral agent that would keep people alive long enough to fight off the flu virus, only it didn't work out exactly they way they planned...
That's pretty close to the plot of Mira Grant's Newsflesh trilogy. Two separate labs working on cures for cancer and the common cold. The cancer cure was a tailored virus working out great on its test subject. The common cold cure was still in trials, but some idiots decided they had to bust in and release it into the environment. The strains met and had babies.
Grant's zombies aren't quite dead. They need to eat and such. Major physical trauma causes the virus, which every mammal has now, to go live. This uses the mechanism that the anti-cancer virus used to kill tumors. Introduction of the virus from outside also works. Some people will spontaneously have the virus go live without warning, but this is pretty rare. More often it just happens in part of the body, causing some disability. Anything mammal over forty pounds with go zombie when it gets either a dose of live virus, major trauma, or both.
Scary scary world that.

Chief Cook and Bottlewasher |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I was watching a documentary about The Tower of London with my daughter, and she turned to me and said, "All those zombie apocalypse films? They don't work in Europe because we retreat into all the castles!"
She's right, we've got fortifications all over the place, many in not that bad repair, like Dover castle, Warwick castle, Kenilworth with walls at least, fortified manor houses and town with walls like York and Canterbury, just for starters in the UK. Most of which have, or had wells, and at least a bit of farmable land.
I'm not saying there wouldn't be a massive population crash, but totally wiped out? Not even close.
Of course the premise of a contagious virus complicates things a bit.
So, are there any zombie apocalypse films set in Europe (apart from Shaun of the Dead)?

Chief Cook and Bottlewasher |

Turin the Mad |

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Turin the Mad |

Looks like the PeRsons In Charge of iSolating the protagonists from the 'infected' are as unpleasantly ruthless as expected afterall.
2 episodes left and Our Heroes are in the middle of Chow-town Central on days 9-10. Looks like the PRICS have been rounding up test subjects since early on.
What makes it so bad for the protagonists is that the PRICS are following the stereotypical gov't mantras:
what you don't know won't let you out of our control; and
we are in charge

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Yeah, I was disappointed to see....
Hey, though! They've also made sure to include the cliché one good guy soldier in love with one of our heroes. I found myself wondering if Ophelia was getting it on with him because she liked him, or just to get medicine for her mother.
And the mysterious new "doctor" who's probably conducting experiments on infected people to try and find a cure. Maybe they're letting the sick folk die, just to study the zombies under controlled circumstances. Plus, it seems like maybe "infected" is the term they're going to go with. Boy, won't that suck when they learn everyone is already infected.
Nick the Druggie - seriously? Stealing morphine drip from an old dude, just so you can get high? You're a piece of s!@$ and you very much deserve to be eaten.
Mom, yeah, you deserve to be eaten as well, just for going outside the perimeter unarmed.
Dad, you deserve to be eaten, just because you're living in denial.
SJW Dad-son - you deserve to be eaten just because you're an annoying little s$&!head.
Daniel Salazar - even though you're the clichéd "refugee from a South American country who lost loved ones to the evil government there so it makes you the perfect one to warn your fellow protagonists against the EVIL soldiers" you're still awesome and the only one who had killed a walker with style.
Daughter - still pining away for your boyfriend. But now you're in to self-tattooing. And you're still a hottie. You should get to live.
Two episodes to go, and I'm thinking I'd rather see the show go away. I'll at least watch until the end, though.

Turin the Mad |

I'm thinking the mysterious doctor is the wife of the CDC PRIC at the end of TWD season 1 in Atlanta. So we know she gets shot in the noodle.
Ophelia's facial expression made it very clear she's attempting to seduce the good-hearted soldier to score medication for her ma.
Nick I agree is chow-pouncing bait. Sadly, that's pretty accurate for many addicts regardless of substance. However, since the good doctor seems to have recognized the addiction, she may have elected to separate out the junkie from the populace for "vaccination experimentation", or simply to deliberately infect to see if the "flu cures drug addiction".
Mom's got some spunk, but she's yet to grow the spine necessary to escape the inevitable overrunning of the fences alive. Getting hammered is not going to help things when those fences are overrun next episode.
Dad is a SPFR desperately clinging to hope - as most people probably would - that the PRICS know what they're doing and will overcome the "infection" so everyone can return to their suburban utopia. However, I think there's a final realization, especially at the end when he sees and hears the massacre in the reflecting house on the hill across the way, that no one is returning to paradise.
SJW Dad-son has some gumption, but hasn't grown the necessary spine either.
Salazar, sadly, will probably be killed by the soldiers when he goes ape in attempting to protect his wife. Or his zombie-wife will eat him first, then he'll zombie-ape all over some soldiers and/or deliver a timely nibble on the doctor (thus preceding her trip to Atlanta).
Daughter, while hawt enough to justify keeping around purely on looks alongside Ophelia, is in the same boat. Both are probably kibble.
The Commandant is chock full of clues. He's inured (or already in PTSD land) to the horror of what's going on and seems to want to just get things over with so he can go back to the driving range. He and his entire command are kibble when they run out of ammunition. They'll take a huge swath of the LA Horde Chapter down, but we all know about the migration groupings. With only 12 boxed meals in the local region, there's gonna be some large 'herds' shambling all over them in a hurry.
As things presently stand, I expect at most two survivors, if they're not all eaten at the end.

GM Niles |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

RE: The military's treatment in the plot
I said out loud to my wife "This makes 0 sense" when the military (especially the 2nd LT "Commander") seems disengaged at best and outright hostile at worst to the populace of the little suburb.
IIRC they are supposed to be National Guard troops, well that would mean that they are natives to the state(and probably the area) that they are "policing". As a member of the Louisiana National Guard, I have to tell you that is not even a little how I envision Guardsmen reacting in that situation so early in a crisis. They would be far more worried about their own families and I would expect to see more connections between them and the people they are helping. A point of reference to me would be hurricane duty (during Hurricane Katrina for example) we enforced a curfew, we "*arrested" people for noncompliance or other issues (looting), but we were never outright hostile to the populace, especially because most of the guys I served with were FROM THE CITY. So that was their home, those were their neighbors, they were profoundly impacted by the events and much more sympathetic to the public.
Also, the fact that the writers/producers picked a 2nd LT as the commander makes me dubious that they did much research into how the Guard or even the Army works...that would be a Captain's billet if not a Major or LtCol.
Anyways, while the military's actions might seem kosher to the general watching public, those things stuck out to me. Honestly though, TWD has some pretty smart fans. Why with this series they seem to be dumbing things down is baffling to me.
*arrested is the wrong word, more like detained until the civil authorities could be summoned, we did not have arrest powers.
I think they are taking this time to show you how different people are reacting to the situation. I have no doubt we are going to see some deaths, but I believe they will be used sparingly and some will probably occur off screen. (I don't think they are going to kill kids on screen... but Liza is probably a goner next episode.)

Turin the Mad |

I agree with you on the portrayal vs. actual, especially for Guards and Reservists.
I couldn't make out the "Commandant's" rank on the big HD TV - time for an eye exam.
The actions I don't *think* seem "kosher", just "expected trope"-type of depiction rather than what is more accurate for Guards.
Having said all of that ...
There's a very real chance in a multi-state pandemic that the troopers are not local. The immediate area Guards/Reservists may well have already become 'infected'. What shows up on day, what 3? 4? may be out-of-area infantry that have already been through a lot and are now mentally in 'FNG' territory, especially towards civilians.
It seems that plenty of the polizei split after a certain point fairly early on, as depicted with the one officer loading cases of bottled water into the trunk of his cruiser.

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After seeing the doc take away some folks Im thinking the troops were moved around purposely so they dont have attachment to the communities they are "protecting". They dont want soliders refusing orders to round folks up and separate families when the time comes to do so.
Its the best I can come up with but yeah they seem to be making the soldiers look like a bag of dicks. Just add it to a long list of characters who I dont care about. This show is severely lacking of people to care about.

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I figured that the military is more acting without orders, and probably also the ones blocking the communications.
It doesn't make a great deal of sense, as it's only been a few days in the show, but we have not actually seen that Lt communicate with anyone higher up, he didn't even bother to read most of the information on the paper except the specific things that support or ease localized military control, and every action seems to indicate he makes all decisions on his own on the spot, not after consulting his bosses. Not enough info, but that's the vibe I'm getting. Or could just be that the writers are really that bad.
But I pretty much agree, I don't bother to learn the character's names, and I'm not sure I'll make it to the end of the series.

Turin the Mad |

I'll make it to the end (only 2 episodes left) just to see the carnage unfold.
I think that the military elements we're seeing have been attached to the CDC/FEMA peeps that are running the show where the protagonists are. Since the CO seems to be a brevet/field promotion from 2nd Lt to Captain, he's probably running on orders received early-ish on and - given the implied loss of communications - may be extrapolating from a combination of a " Wanna Be the Colonel in Apocalypse Now " and " Someone else is in charge, alleviating me of the responsibility of resolving a situation for which I am ill-prepared for but unwilling to admit it ".
I agree that the writers/producers really should have consulted with someone on this kind of scenario. Whether or not there was anyone in a position to offer such a consultation that either could - certain scenario plans are not widely distributed for entertainment purposes and/or could be classified - or would is another matter.
My suspicion is that the NPCs (FEMA/CDC/military) are running the proverbial "A-7 scenario, thanks, we'll take it from here", one that is proving ill-suited to the specific disaster.
Didn't the communications guy that Ophelia was seducing say something about their unit being in the dark?

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I'm just hoping they don't go the route of finally trying to explain the why of the Walkers. Between the doctor and military taking people away and this character entry from Wikipedia....
"Strand, a smart and sophisticated man with a mysterious past."
And that they set this show nearer to the beginning of things, I'm wondering if that's the intention. It would suck, in my opinion.

Turin the Mad |

I'm just hoping they don't go the route of finally trying to explain the why of the Walkers. Between the doctor and military taking people away and this character entry from Wikipedia....
"Strand, a smart and sophisticated man with a mysterious past."
And that they set this show nearer to the beginning of things, I'm wondering if that's the intention. It would suck, in my opinion.
They could float several theories just before Strand gets eaten alive and wriggling. " We don't know " IIRC has cropped up at least once so far.

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I think I remember reading an interview with Robert Kirkman where he indicated that the primary cause of the outbreak will always be a mystery. Kinda like Aroden's death. He knows, but it'll never be revealed.
I recall this as well. I just hope Kirkman has that written into an ironclad contract, or else some Hollywood pinhead producer could very well decide to solve the mystery.

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I'll make it to the end (only 2 episodes left) just to see the carnage unfold.
I think that the military elements we're seeing have been attached to the CDC/FEMA peeps that are running the show where the protagonists are. Since the CO seems to be a brevet/field promotion from 2nd Lt to Captain, he's probably running on orders received early-ish on and - given the implied loss of communications - may be extrapolating from a combination of a " Wanna Be the Colonel in Apocalypse Now " and " Someone else is in charge, alleviating me of the responsibility of resolving a situation for which I am ill-prepared for but unwilling to admit it ".
I agree that the writers/producers really should have consulted with someone on this kind of scenario. Whether or not there was anyone in a position to offer such a consultation that either could - certain scenario plans are not widely distributed for entertainment purposes and/or could be classified - or would is another matter.
My suspicion is that the NPCs (FEMA/CDC/military) are running the proverbial "A-7 scenario, thanks, we'll take it from here", one that is proving ill-suited to the specific disaster.
Didn't the communications guy that Ophelia was seducing say something about their unit being in the dark?
Thing is, though, that the military does have access to a lot more means of long and short range communication with itself than is generally available, and it's also generally designed to be able to work when the normal communications go down, including when there is no power grid or the like. It just seems far to implausible to me.
It does, however, remind me a lot of Jericho, when the military finally rolls in, only to find out that they are not actually the military, just a bunch of people trying to get free food and supplies. Outside of the incredibly short time line, and it does seem that at least some of the lower enlisted do know what they are doing, (possibly trained security personnel?), seems to make a lot more sense than the other. In my opinion.

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Well, that was interesting....
So, a quick check at IMDB shows the dude in the cage with Nick was the "mysterious" Strand. Seems like kind of an a#%@@~+ to me. Hopefully, he and Nick will get eaten.
I had a feeling Daniel was going to have been one of the "bad guys" from his home country. I still think he's one of the better character's of the show, though.
Travis, my boy...you are so not prepared for this world. At least your ex- is willing to do what's necessary. In fact, she's quickly moving to the top of my favorite characters.
Travis's son is still a little dickweed. Alicia's still a hottie though, and I think she's got potential to be a survivor.
Druggie's mom...I think if she had been with the soldiers, she would have had the stones to pull that trigger. However, she probably also wouldn't have stayed in the hummer later on. She'd have followed them, then run into some walkers and gotten chomped on.
I'm guessing there's a lot of Walkers in that stadium. I keep wondering if Daniel's plan is to release them. Good plan, Daniel. You go right ahead and release those Horde members.
Looks like the s!$%'s going to hit the fan next Sunday.

Damon Griffin |

Well, that was interesting....
** spoiler omitted **
You may well be right about Daniel's plan, but it seems like a colossally stupid idea. Yeah, maybe several thousand walkers will keep the military busy and/or kill them...but then the civilians the military was going to "humanely" deal with have most of those same walkers to handle.

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I actually like the show....even the fact that the pacing is slow.
There are very few movies or shows that actually depict the end of the world in a satisfactory fashion. Granted - it isn't perfect, and maybe LA is just too big of a city to really convey during a zombie apocalypse without an explosive budget so they are doing it on the cheap - and it shows.
I also love the opening credits/jump scare and how most of them (a few so far) do a good job of sending up that end of the world feeling for the show.
From the hoodie wearing jokers rioting in downtown LA (their stupidity hastening the toppling of civilization) to Mr. Strand pulling a Lecter on Doug and causing his death with a few choice word about his wife to then asking who Nick who he was.
Just pure, distilled apocalyptic vibe, it's a nice change from TWD.

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You may well be right about Daniel's plan, but it seems like a colossally stupid idea. Yeah, maybe several thousand walkers will keep the military busy and/or kill them...but then the civilians the military was going to "humanely" deal with have most of those same walkers to handle.
Indeed, a very foolish plan. Unless you're cheering for the Walkers.

GM Niles |

I was kinda confused. Is the Arena inside the fence?? Or did Daniel leave the fence to investigate the soldier's claim?
I thought this episode did a much better job of portraying the soldiers' points of view.
I didn't get the whole "I'm gonna torment this guy until they take him away" angle of the guy in the cage. I guess that's the Strand fellow you guys are talking about. Why do that? What was his purpose there?

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I didn't get the whole "I'm gonna torment this guy until they take him away" angle of the guy in the cage. I guess that's the Strand fellow you guys are talking about. Why do that? What was his purpose there?
Because he could? Or, just to prove a point?
IDK why he was incarcerated - maybe besides placing "at risk" people (those that may die, or cause others to die - or general problem makers) maybe he did something to warrant the military's attention?
But I believe he does have a purpose in the show - as the upcoming BBEG. He will lead all the loons and misfits out from certain death and more than likely they will show their loyalty and end up following him.
Just a guess,but I think they are setting up the bad guy for season 2, also some drama on recovering Nick from the "other side".

Samnell |

I was kinda confused. Is the Arena inside the fence?? Or did Daniel leave the fence to investigate the soldier's claim?
If it's inside the fence, they really ought to have told us. If it's outside, they really ought to have shown Daniel sneaking out. That's true even if the point is that security isn't really that great. I think we're meant to take it as outside the fence but nearby. A ten second scene could have resolved all the ambiguity.
I didn't get the whole "I'm gonna torment this guy until they take him away" angle of the guy in the cage. I guess that's the Strand fellow you guys are talking about. Why do that? What was his purpose there?
The implication I got from them taking the guy having a breakdown was that the soldiers would take anybody who seemed like they might disrupt order in the safe zones as well as medical evacuees. Hence we see Griselda in a field hospital and Nick in a cage. Breakdown Guy might cause a scene that would undermine confidence in the soldiers before they could massacre everyone. Nick's got presumed criminal skills and might do stuff for drugs, as we know he did. The Man of Wealth and Taste pings seriously on my antisocial personality disorder radar. I imagine he did for the soldiers too. If nothing else, he's much more skeptical than average of the official account.

Cthulhudrew |

I was kinda confused. Is the Arena inside the fence?? Or did Daniel leave the fence to investigate the soldier's claim? --*
I'm pretty sure it would have to be outside the safe zone, given the geography. Then again, the "arena" that was filmed at isn't even in LA, so it's entirely possible that this is some sort of fictional arena that exists within the boundaries of the FTWD universe and doesn't actually correspond to any real world location.

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Fear the Walking Dead showrunner says the finale will be the deadliest episode yet
Some interesting tidbits. The article seems to indicate that the show has, in fact, been renewed for a second season. I don't recall seeing that news, but I'm cool with it. More zombie on human action!!

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fear the Walking Dead showrunner says the finale will be the deadliest episode yet
Some interesting tidbits. The article seems to indicate that the show has, in fact, been renewed for a second season. I don't recall seeing that news, but I'm cool with it. More zombie on human action!!
I would love to watch an episode with you doing a voice over play by play. Preferably if you were pretending it was soccer and you were a Spanish announcer.
"Oh, it looks like the meatbag is firing his gun...he's running low on ammo...now he's using it as a club, a bad sign. What's this? Walker on the left sees his opportunity...and bite! BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE! BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE! "

Turin the Mad |

When I first saw the dude playing Strand, I almost thought he might be Idris Elba's brother, or something. I gotta admit, however, although it looks like Strand is complete douche, I'm looking forward seeing him take out a few Walkers. I'm betting he'd be pretty good at it.
At this moment, Strand is my favorite character.

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Aberzombie wrote:When I first saw the dude playing Strand, I almost thought he might be Idris Elba's brother, or something. I gotta admit, however, although it looks like Strand is complete douche, I'm looking forward seeing him take out a few Walkers. I'm betting he'd be pretty good at it.At this moment, Strand is my favorite character.
Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I like him. He's so far shown he's got what it takes to survive without extreme luck, unlike every other character on the show. Except maybe Daniel.

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

RE: The military's treatment in the plot
I said out loud to my wife "This makes 0 sense" when the military (especially the 2nd LT "Commander") seems disengaged at best and outright hostile at worst to the populace of the little suburb.
I said the same thing to my wife. I also called BS on the butter-bar being in charge. But maybe he was just in charge of the 20 or so guys guarding that one post. Seemed like he had a bigger sphere of influence, though.