Aether Kineticist readied action to use projectile in flight as unattended object for TK Blast [PFS]

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

A local PFS player is looking to build an Aether Kineticist and plans to use him in a peculiar way. He wants to ready an action when fighting archers and other enemies with ranged weapons to use their missile as the unattended object for his Telekinetic Blast.

I am looking to get a definitive ruling, or at the very least a general consensus, about if this would be a legal use of the power.

I personally see it as a reasonable use because the missile in flight would no longer be attended and therefor qualify for use in the Telekinetic Blast. Additionally, the rules for Kineticist to ready actions to counter spells with her blasts.
On the other hand, this emulates the Deflect Arrows and Catch Arrows feats, so I can see it being ruled that this would be an overstep of the ability.

So, would it be a reasonable use of a readied action with a Aether Kineticist's TK Blast to snatch a missile in flight as the unattended object required for the blast and thereby negating a single attack?

To negate *one* of an archers attacks I don't feel it's out of the question, but I would rule that because of the speed of the arrow you'd need to decide who's defense to whom you're going to come. If you watch carefully for the arrow that never comes after the paladin, you'd miss the one that just pincushioned the rogue. After all, deflect arrows doesn't cover the whole party.

Scarab Sages

No. The power you're looking for is Telekinetic Deflection, and it is available at 16th level.

I'd say strict RAW it's legal, but the intention is probably no. Expect eventual errata.

This brings up another exploit. The arrows in a quiver probably don't qualify as "attended". So, you could use the "net" option to pull all of the arrows out of someone's quiver and then move them far away.

Any item carried by a person is "attended", even if it's in another container.

I would force them to pick one enemy archer in particular. As part of a readied action, the Kineticist creates a wall with strands of Aether as the archer draws back, resulting with the arrow being caught or blocked by the wall.

The biggest problem that could arise from this concern the properties of Aether itself. I don't remember any text declaring if the substance is actually visible or invisible.

GM Lamplighter wrote:
Any item carried by a person is "attended", even if it's in another container.


This is the only official source I know on the subject:
"attended (held, worn, grasped, or the like)"

To me that implies the object must be "tethered" to you in some way. But arrows in a quiver are just standing there in the open.

Dark Archive

By RAW you can ready any standard action, but also by RAW arrows don't have a travel time so I'm not sure if it would ever be considered unattended. If you use common sense then arrows do have travel time, and therefore should at some point be considered unattended objects in flight. So if you allow a mix of RAW and common sense then I would say as long as the arrow is in range of the blast during the entirety of the flight it should be okay. Expect table variance though unless you get a PFS official/other official answer.

Pathfinder Reference Document wrote:
An item attended by a character (being grasped, touched, or worn)

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